RATINGS: 207   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.14/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 222   ABV: 7.4%
Juicy is inspired by our love for New Zealand - the adventures had therein, and the journeys grown from without. Our love for the landscape, the agriculture, and the spirited reflection of its inhabitants Long ago led to the vision of what lies before you. After many months of conditioning with our resident microflora in barrels that formerly held our Mimosa, the beer that we have referred to as Juicy is now ready to be enjoyed. Ingredients: American and European malts, American and New Zealand hops, Yeast, Brettanomyces, and our well water.

B1, November 2012
B2, January 2015
B3, December 2016
375ML all batches

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Samtzu (1644) - Palmerston North, NEW ZEALAND - JAN 2, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 2, 2022 375ml bottle. Pours a dark gold almost copper with strong off white head. Huge nose full of apricot and pear with hints of sweetness and zest. Medium body with luscious white fruits, tropical fruits, zest, sweetness, and hidden depths of floral and earthy tang. Restrained wine notes with slight acidity. Absolutely delicious.

Alengrin (9649) - Gent, BELGIUM - AUG 20, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 20, 2021 Sour ale by Hill Farmstead with New Zealand (and American) hops, tasted at Wild in Groningen. Snow white, uneven-bubbled and irregular, opening head on a clear orange-hued golden blonde beer. Aroma of fresh dill, herb cheese, stale sweat, oxidized apple slices, dry biscuit or rusk, damp hay. Crisp onset, moderately sharpish fizz, dry and fruity, minerally, notes of dried apricot, crabapple and unripe pear; smooth, slick body, dry-peanutty and bread-crusty malt profile, rusk and crackers, with this mildly sour edge and, growing stronger in the end, funky Brett 'sweatiness'; old hay and dill aspects arise from the hops, with a soft underlying herbal bitterness. Dill, herb cheese, dry nuts: this is quite a distinct sour and a lovely Hill Farmstead creation by all means.

Defreni (4870) - Husum, DENMARK - OCT 25, 2020
UPDATED: OCT 25, 2020 Fad. Orange helt diset øl. Markant anderledes end de andre Hill øl der har været på. Duften er berettet men med noget tropisk islæt. Smagen er som navnet antyder juicy, men ikke som neipa. En juicy saison. Fremragende øl

Boutip (8358) - Gatineau, Quebec, CANADA - AUG 26, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 26, 2020 Bottle: Poured a hazy deep orangey/amber color ale with a medium size foamy head with light retention and some lacing. Aroma of funky yeast notes with some vinous notes of Sauvignon and some oak presence is also detectable. Taste is also a mix of funky yeast notes with some vinous notes with clear Sauvignon notes, some oak and light tartness with no acidic notes. Body is quite full with good carbonation. Very enjoyable sour with nice wine barrel-aging notes.

beer-yum (3530) - Wellington, NEW ZEALAND - MAR 15, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 15, 2020 Laid back aroma in an amber copper pour. Funky flavor profile is both complex and subtle - and eminently delicious.

DraftWhisperer85 (357) - Tongerlo, BELGIUM - FEB 29, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 29, 2020 instant happiness!! na een zware stout van Toppling Goliath Assassin bracht die bier iets ongelofelijk fris. Super soepel, citrus, verfijnd zuurtje echt een topper!

Tide (8501) - Helsinki, FINLAND - AUG 11, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 11, 2019 Bottle from a friend. Hazy amber color, white head. Sour taste with citrus, fruits, yeast, brett, earthy notes, grapes and tart. Sour finish with citrus, ripe fruits, brett, oak, earthy notes and tart. Excellent sour ale.

tiong (13617) - Espoo, FINLAND - AUG 11, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 11, 2019 375ml bottle, batch 4 bottled Dec 2017. Tart, juicy and sourish with funky bretta, farmyard and yeasty notes, oak, wood and vinous grapes, mild sourness. Pretty nice and tasty. Great stuff.

DocJitsu (2550) - Pensacola, Florida, USA - JUL 4, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 4, 2019 Pours a clear, deep golden with a tall antique white head. Mild tartness of rotting apples on the ground of the orchard in the aromas. Tart apple and faint funky flavors.

ametras (3089) - Gatineau, Quebec, CANADA - JUN 12, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 12, 2019 [2018] Clear amber with a foamy white head. Flavors are orange, apricot oak and wine with tannic and acetic notes. Medium body, moderate carbonation, oily texture.

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