RATINGS: 11   MEAN: 2.28/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.45/5   EST. CALORIES: 129   ABV: 4.3%
Purgatory Pilsner is a Deluxe American Lager brewed with an infusion of domestic 6-row barley, corn, and a combination of Pacific Northwest hops. After a highly controlled fermentation is complete, this high-gravity brew is aged until our trained tasting team deems it suitable for cellaring and finishing. Finishing with a straw-yellow brilliant color, this malty/sweet lager is accented with a low hop aroma and slight bitterness to round the presentation. Hop variety: Galena and Mount Hood OG: 10.5 Plato IBUs: 8 Color: 2.2 SRM

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bhensonb (20185) - Woodland, California, USA - APR 30, 2011
Bottle from Vintage Cellar. Pours tarnished gold with a white head. Aroma is "crisp". Near med body. Flavor is moderately bready with a herb/veg aspect. Why?

jeremytoni (3090) - Swedesboro, New Jersey, USA - FEB 21, 2011
From a bottle poured an amber color with a fair amount of head. Light sweet malty flavor with a quick finish.

TheBeerGod (6415) - Newport News, Virginia, USA - DEC 18, 2010
Bottle. Gold bodied with a short, fizzy white head. It’s gone before you know it. Aroma is that of sweet malt, cereal grains and corn syrup. Not off-putting but nothing that makes my mouth water to have a beer. Tastes much like you imagine from the aroma - cereal grains, sweet malts, and corn syrup. Faint straw-like flavors as well. Body is light with a fizzy, bubbly carbonation. Finish is more malts and grains with the afore mentioned corn syrup. This would be a good lawnmower beer ice cold, but not much else.

obguthr (10432) - Staunton, Virginia, USA - OCT 30, 2010
Barley malt nose. Clear amber, medium head. Decidedly tart corn flavor. Stale fniish. Bleh.

jgb9348 (9218) - Arlington (Pentagon City), Virginia, USA - JUL 18, 2010
Clear golden coloured body with a nice sized and frothy white head. Aroma of lemons, malt and some very mild hops. Light-bodied; Very mild malt and cardboard flavour with some subtle metal and sweetness and a very small amount of hops. Aftertaste is super mild, only some of the malt and sugars coming through. Overall, pretty bland, but not offensive at all. I sampled this twelve ounce bottle purchased from Total Wine in Alexandria, Virginia on 15-June-2010, sampled at home in Washington on 18-July-2010.

forsides (118) - New Jersey, USA - MAY 22, 2010
clear golden, small head. slightly sweet malty aroma. slightly bitter, dry and crisp... three things that would make this beer better.

Capa (4059) - JAPAN - MAY 11, 2010
Sweet malts with some earth. Not nearly enough dry, crisp hops to really bring me back for more. It’s not bad really, it’s just not as refreshing as I like in a pilsner.

nuplastikk (8158) - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - MAR 23, 2010
12oz bottle. Filtered orange tan color. Quick-dissipating head, leaves some soapy, oily traces. Sweet, sugary malt aroma with a slight earthy hop touch. Light to medium bodied, with some orange flavors among the sweet, sugary malt tones. The malt body is smooth enough, but shows little character. The hoppy bitterness is slightly above par for a Pale Lager, redeeming it a little. Unimpressive, sub par stuff overall.

gsmitty80 (2130) - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - JAN 17, 2010
Calling this a high gravity beer is a joke. This beer was very bland and tasteless. It was smooth enough to be drinkable but nothing to be excited about. I would have much rather drank a lionshead swill bottle from this brewey...weird it was on draft at a relatively respectable beer establishment.

Drake (18900) - Appleton, Wisconsin, USA - OCT 25, 2009
12 ounce bottle from Whole Foods Market Charlottesville, VA. Pours a clear pale amber color with a thin fizzy head that dissipated very quickly. Aroma of corn and metallic grass. Taste is tart with some green apple, corn and grass. Thin-medium bodied. Meh.

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