Hoppin' Frog BORIS Batch #100

Formerly brewed at Hoppin' Frog Brewery
Style: Stout - Imperial
Akron, Ohio USA
Serve in Snifter


on tap


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RATINGS: 115   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.87/5   SEASONAL: Special   IBU: 60   EST. CALORIES: 282   ABV: 9.4%
BORIS #100 was made with the finest English Pale Ale malt instead of our usual American malt, to celebrate brewing the 100th. batch of BORIS The Crusher Oatmeal-Imperial Stout. This adds a slightly sweeter and truly traditional flavor for this truly bodacious English-style Imperial Stout, our flagship beer! Made in extremely limited quantites.

Has a blue cap.

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Cunningham (12125) - Halden, NORWAY - NOV 19, 2016
My goodness what a beer. So smooth and tasty. Complete black with a fine beige head. Full body and a soft carbonation level. Balanced sweetness. Oak, chocolate, coffee and mild roast.

DocLock (11543) - Lower Pottsgrove, Pennsylvania, USA - JUN 14, 2016
Shared bomber from Craft Ale House. Poured hazy black with tan head. Nose was roasty dark malt, cacao, molasses. Tasted rich, with notes of dark malt, some molasses-sweetness, nutty notes late.

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - DEC 12, 2015
Undated, but If this was only brewed once this bottle is 3+ years old. It seems a little oxidized and a little flat. Much sweeter nose and flavor than regular Boris. Still nice, but far from elite. Tingly feel and decent body despite looking flat.

BiiruBierBeer (1101) - Phoenix, Arizona, USA - OCT 23, 2015
Smells and tastes like roasty coffee and mild dark chocolate. Medium body, light carbonation, and no foam.

Sammy (17445) - Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - SEP 26, 2015
Very solid IS. Good mouthfeel. Thick and smooth. Chocolate and lots of roast. Black with no head - because aged 3.5 years.

douglas88 (12184) - Portland, Oregon, USA - AUG 18, 2015
Bottle big thanks to Todd. I’ve wanted this for sometime. Pours a nice jet black color with a small beige grey head. The aroma is rich roast, coffee, metallic. The flavor is ashy, sweet, some age shows in light oxidation, tangy metal, dark fruit. Solid.

italianjohn (4764) - Penndel, Pennsylvania, USA - AUG 13, 2015
Bottle 2011 from Hoppin Frog Bottle shop .... Pours thick black with a thin orange head .... carbonation way down from the usual BORIS ..... no lacing .... aroma of dark chocolate, roasted, sweeter than usual BORIS for sure with a slight grain to it ... taste is sweet, dark chocolate, roasted malts, molasses ... body is thick mouthfeel is slick and oily ... finishes with a slight bitterness and dry with a nice sweet roastedness ..... if this is BORISh than the usual its still damn good!

Ughsmash (7502) - Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA - JUN 15, 2015
Many thanks to Joel! Poured deep brown with a short-lived toasted beige head. The aroma picked up sweet, roasty cocoa, biscuity malts, and a touch of treacle with light straw and herbal accents. The flavor found roasty cocoa, coffee, hearty biscuits, and molasses at the core, with some tangy notes and some peppery alcohol around.. roasty cocoa, black malt, and a kiss of molasses on the belly-warming finish. Heavier-bodied with low carbonation.. a little caught off guard by the tangy character, which could be a result of age.. overall very tasty, and I’m glad to have tried it!

charule (2306) - Chicago, Illinois, USA - DEC 27, 2014
Bottle shared thanks to artmcd8 and beermandan. Poured oily black with with no head. Aroma bananay cream light soy. Light carb med bod. Taste semi sweet banana choc.

Art (3223) - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - DEC 27, 2014
Bottle acquired thanks to beerman6686. Pours a dark black brown without any real head. Aromas of dark fruits, overripe bananas, slight alcohol. Taste is sweet and smooth. Slight alcohol burn. Little carb so medium mouthfeel.

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