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RATINGS: 140   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.63/5   EST. CALORIES: 177   ABV: 5.9%
We’re excited to introduce our lastest beer — Jester King Bière de Miel. Named after the classic style (honey beer), Jester King Bière de Miel was brewed, fermented, and naturally conditioned with raw, Texas wildflower honey. We sought to take the classic style and impart a sense of place in the beer through wild fermentation with naturally occurring yeast and souring bacteria harvested from the Texas Hill Country.

Jester King Bière de Miel is the product of a very long, slow fermentation during which the diversity of microorganisms in the beer were allowed sufficient time to impart unique aromas and flavors. Originally brewed on December 3rd, 2013, Bière de Miel spent approximately five months in a stainless steel tank slowly fermenting and maturing. With wild fermentation at our brewery, we don’t always know when a beer will be ready. The analogy we like to use is that a farmer can’t plant her/his crops in the spring and say, “I’m going to harvest them on the third Monday in September.” Nature doesn’t behave that way. We give the microorganisms all the time they need, then they tell us when the beer is ready, not the other way around.

On brewday, we added raw, Texas wildflower honey from Good Flow Honey Co. in Austin, Texas late in the boil. After the first several weeks of fermentation, we added more honey to the beer. Finally, the beer was 100% naturally refermented in bottles, kegs, and casks using more of the raw, Texas wildflower honey. In addition to the honey, Bière de Miel was brewed with Hill Country well water, malted barley, malted wheat, and hops. It is 5.8% alcohol by volume, 3.2 pH, has a finishing gravity of 1.003, and is suitable for vegetarians but not vegans. It was bottled on April 24, 2014.

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rayaron (5840) - Kfar Saba, ISRAEL - AUG 29, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 29, 2021 Bottle sample at a tasting. Hazy yellow with white head. The aroma has notes of flowers, honey, vinegar, hay, barnyard, spices. The flavor is mild sour and mild bitter with notes of spices, flowers, honey, some alcohol, lemon, Brett. Full-bodied.

DSG (22780) - Tel Aviv, ISRAEL - JUL 11, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 11, 2021 Bottle sample at a tasting at Yoav's place. Hazy yellow, white head. Funk, earth, fruity, spicy, floral, quite dry, faint sourness, bitterish finish.

zvsn (6723) - ISRAEL - JUL 8, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 8, 2021 Bottle. Batch 6. Hazy yellow. Honey, floral, funky aromas. Sweet, honey, floral, spicy, wood, herbs, alcohol. Medium-bodied.

Garrold (9483) - Sheffield, South Yorkshire, ENGLAND - MAY 8, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 8, 2021 Bottle. Master of Malt. Label states batch 6 June 2018 bottling. Hazed, vivid gold. Thick and fairly dense, lasting, white head. Nose has bready, fruited loaf. Some lemon peel. Floral honey. Light leathery brett. Taste is a little tart, and fairly dry. Some pithy citrus bitterness. Fresh and light mouthfeel. High level of foamy carbonation. Tart and dry finish. Easy drinking, albeit a tad muted.

OldMrCrow (2965) - Seattle, Washington, USA - FEB 25, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 25, 2020 Bottle pour at The Masonry (2017 bottle in Feb 2020). Light clear pour, white head. Effervescent. Gently musty aroma, green apricot. Very dry, bretty close, lovely hints of honey with no sweetness. Lemon and apricot. Delicious saison, sipable and complex and delightful.

GRM (6280) - Aylmer, Quebec, CANADA - SEP 17, 2019
UPDATED: SEP 17, 2019 Glass, 8-ounce, drunk at Beer Revolution Craft Beer and Pizza Bar, trip to the International Population Data Linkage Network conference, savoured on September 15 2018; eye: golden, semi-hazy, no effervescence, ring of creamy off-white head, good lacing; nose: fruity, light acidity, citrusy, light wild yeasts, honey, light spices; mouth: fruity, light acidity, citrusy, light wild yeasts, honey, light spices, citrusy finale with light presence of wild yeasts, medium-light body, good carbonation, lightly bitter, slightly sweet, slick texture; overall: fine

Verre, 8 onces, en fût, bue chez Beer Revolution Craft Beer and Pizza Bar, voyage pour la conférence International Population Data Linkage Network, savourée le 16 septembre 2018; œil : dorée, semi-voilée, pas d’effervescence, anneau de mousse crémeuse blanc cassé, bonne dentelle; nez : fruité, légère acidité, citrique, léger levures sauvages, miel, léger épices; bouche : fruité, légère acidité, citrique, léger levures sauvages, miel, léger épices, finale citrique avec légère présence de levures sauvages, corps moyen-léger, bonne carbonatation, légèrement amère, très légèrement sucrée, texture coulante; en résumé : bien

Kita (3655) - Koper, SLOVENIA - AUG 29, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 29, 2019 Bottle, 0.75l, shared with Gregor. Aroma of cereals, honey, must and wild yeast. Pours cloudy pale golden color with thin quickly diminishing white head and sparkling appearance. Taste starts light sweet grainy, following is honeyish, vinous and funky, while finish is grassy bitter. Medium body, thin texture and fizzy carbonation in palate. Bee funkee...

mike_77 (11723) - Breda, NETHERLANDS - JUL 28, 2019
Straw blond with light haze. Aroma and flavour have a light floral honey note. Exceptionally dry throughout. The dryness is a bit overwhelming.

heman (2841) - TYCHY, POLAND - MAR 26, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 26, 2019 Mocno zbożowe, z tępą ziołową goryczką. Słodki miód wyraźny i w aromacie i w smaku.

ALIBALI (4265) - Kiel, GERMANY - MAR 26, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 21, 2019 Applaus!!! Was für ein fantastischer Brau- und Gärprozess BEHIND THE BEER🌈🗼⚡️...entstanden ist ein spannendes SourAle mit sympathisch schimmelmuffliger BlondeAle-Schlagseite...puff💥..massagefloral, woodhoneywild & maybe filigranfunky😊Batch4...Mikkel..twenty!?..auf jeden Fall groß🥳...AGAIN: Batch 5 ...Bottle Stuff beim zweiten STONE Birthday in Berlin...7/4/8/4/17 seifig, wity & irgendwie so ChampagnerTableBeerStyle👁🖖

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