Brewed by Sleeman Breweries (Sapporo)
Style: Pale Ale - English
Guelph, Canada
Serve in English pint


on tap


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RATINGS: 247   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.58/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 159   ABV: 5.3%
Bottle: Filtered.
Exported as Sleeman IPA 46*
Brewed with Canadian 2 row malt, English caramel malt, and Golding hops. "A distinctive ale of golden amber colour, this India Pale Ale is characterized by a malty sweetness at the beginning of the palate and finishes with a hoppy, slight bitterness at the end."

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Beese (12774) - Tooting, London, Greater London, ENGLAND - APR 25, 2020
UPDATED: APR 25, 2020 12oz bottle at Bottleworks, Seattle, WA on 07/09/2008. Thought this was a pretty decent IPA; crisp and quite bitter with a zesty lemon nose.

ManVsBeer (16147) - Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, ENGLAND - MAY 10, 2018
Keg @ Maple Leaf, Covent Garden. Full bodied, heavy India Pale Ale texture but one that is full of flavour.

rodenbach99 (4842) - Longueuil, Quebec, CANADA - JUN 3, 2017
Bouteille. Une robe dorée très foncée avec une mousse épaisse. Un nez peu odorant avec du malt et une touche de houblon. Une bouche commerciale, sucrée, n’a d’India Pale Ale que le nom.

pumpkinhead2 (948) - Longueuil, Quebec, CANADA - DEC 15, 2016
Bière orangée tirant un peu vers le jaune, bien limpide, bonne effervescence, et surmontée d’un col beige plutôt étroit et moyennement dense, mais assez persistant. Arômes de pain légèrement grillé, grain, céréale sucrée, accompagné d’un houblon plutôt floral et d’effluves d’alcool et de caoutchouc. On note aussi, par moment, une certaine odeur de malt fumé à tendance boisé, ainsi qu’un petit fruité (baies, framboise…). Mais somme toute, on a affaire à un nez peu intéressant et peu complexe, intensité adéquate cependant. En bouche, pétillement assez élevé sur la langue, onctuosité moyenne au palais. Au goût, entrée maltée de pain grillé, grain, céréale sucrée, maïs, sirop de maïs… avec présence possible de diacétyle (maïs soufflé). Aussi, saveurs de houblon floral, d’alcool mal intégré et de caoutchouc, accompagnées de nuances de fumée et de boisé. Finale à l’amertume légère mais tout de assez bien sentie, mais bière cependant surtout sucrée, équilibre quand même intéressant. Il s’agit définitivement plus d’une «English Pale Ale» qu’une IPA. Goût correct, complexité en bouche moyenne, intensité adéquate. Bière correcte, mais sans plus…

TomTron (503) - South Carolina, USA - AUG 1, 2016
Clear golden pour with a sudsy head that doesn’t stay. Grassy aromas. Flavor isn’t much in the way of hops, or really anything that would warrant the label of an IPA. An easy drinker on a hot day, but forgettable and boring.

samzim (444) - Ontario, CANADA - JUL 5, 2016
Faint aroma of citrus and grass. Clear gold colour. Mild bitter front with a spectral grapefruit flavour; finishes clean and malty. Med-light body with lively carbonation. Pleasant enough, but very ambiguous on whether this actually drinks like an IPA.

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - SEP 1, 2015
this was the biggest let down of the mix six, though expectations were low. This resembles not even the weakest of English IPAs (though I see it’s classed as an English pale here, the bottle says India), Weak hops, weak feel - this is crap, unfortunately.

Jamesthebrit (422) - Atlanta, Georgia, USA - AUG 1, 2015
Absolute garbage! So so malty. Little hops. Maybe enough hops to call it an Amber. But dear god not an ipa. It has the skunky rice cheap beer taste. No no no no no. Alright guys.... Had a milestone when I hit a perfect score. This is my legit perfectly bad score. It’s not an ipa which knocks it down big. Then even of it were a pale ale or a light or an Amber there are so many off flavors. It tastes like how my dogs piss smells. It’s just nothing is good about it other than the fact that there is some alcohol in there.

anders37 (31023) - Malmö, SWEDEN - DEC 28, 2014
Draft @ Maple Leaf, Covent Garden WC2. Pours a golden pale amber color with a small white head. Has a fruity malty weak hoppy aroma. Fruity malty weak hoppy flavor. Has a fruity malty weak hoppy caramel finish.

ads135 (7114) - Omaha, Nebraska, USA - OCT 13, 2014
Light and watery, a touch of corn with very little hop character. Not a ton of carbonation.

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