Kabinet 02 Kolaboracija (Caramel Stout)

Formerly brewed at Kabinet Brewery
Style: Stout - Imperial Flavored / Pastry
Nemenikuće, Sopot, Serbia
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RATINGS: 77   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.74/5   SEASONAL: Special   IBU: 40   EST. CALORIES: 300   ABV: 10%
Caramel stout aged for almost 6 months in oak barrels previously containing Arkanj brandy (Calvados) made by the Kovilj Monastery.

Aromatični karamel stout je imao čast da odležava skoro šest meseci u hrastovim buradima nagrađene Arkanj rakije (jabukove rakije) . Rezultat- pečeni kesten, opojna vanila, intenzivni karamel, pun ukus veeelike harizme. Hops: Centennial (USA), Magnum (Germany) and Saaz (Czech Republic). Extract: 21.0% Alcohol: 10.0% Bitterness: 40 IBU Color: 110 EBC

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fiulijn (27110) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - SEP 11, 2020
Bottle, courtesy of Daniele and Alberto
Black colour, almost no head. Light aroma of caramel. It has a good mix of malt, dark malt, with moderate residual sweetness, traces of caramel and of spirit.

fiery1 (4103) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - AUG 6, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 6, 2020 330ml bottle @ home on the deck. Pours an opaque dark brown colour with a thin brown head. Nose is burnt caramel, wood, and Calvados barrels. Flavour is sweet burnt caramel, woody, with a brandy character. Light bodied for the style, and a mild carbonation, and a moderate sweetness with a balanced boozy character.

beerplace (6389) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - AUG 6, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 6, 2020 330ml on Brian's deck. Appearance: dark brown with a weak beige head. Aroma: a bit metallic and humid with a lot of sweetness and calvados. Taste: very unusual, lots of apples spirit notes. Overall: interesting.

mcberko (34280) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - AUG 6, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 6, 2020 330mL bottle, pours black with a tiny brown head. Aroma is quite woody, with Calvados barrels, wood, a little oxidation, and caramel. Flavour is very sweet and boozy, with lots of sweet caramel, boozy brandy, and little woody. Not great integration -- the flavours are a bit chaotic. Very thin palate despite the richness of flavours. Overrated, but it's decent.

BataChedo (51) - Cacak, SERBIA - DEC 31, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 31, 2019 Pours very nicely with a brown whitehead. Very strong alcohol aroma with a hint of caramel and something else. Very dark beautiful apperance, dark all the way through. Very strong alcoholic apple brandy taste.

a_iskender (42) - Istanbul, TURKEY - NOV 12, 2019
UPDATED: NOV 12, 2019 Still one of my favorite dark beers, very special and different from all the other similar beers in the Balkans, hope they will continue this special limited brew.

drobimir (99) - MONTENEGRO - NOV 1, 2019
UPDATED: NOV 1, 2019 Pours black with bubbly brown head and lacing, caramel vanilla aroma, taste along the same lines, alcohol is not overwhelming, body is medium. Moreish despite alcohol content, very pleasant to sip on. 330ml bottle

RichTheVillan (10565) - Birmingham, West Midlands, ENGLAND - JUN 12, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 12, 2019 Bottle at Cotteridge Wines V Ratebeer event; dark brown pour with a creamy tan head, aroma has sweet caramel and dark fruits, taste has sweet caramel, slight roast, dark coffee, some roast.

BeardedAvenger (5128) - New Haw, Surrey, ENGLAND - JUN 11, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 11, 2019 Cotts 2019. Fruity aroma. Dark brown. Thin creamy off-white head. Rich and fruity. Bitter core and sweet edged. Medium bodied. Creamy. Average carbonation. Long finish. Decent stuff

alex_leit (13033) - Minsk, BELARUS - APR 21, 2019
UPDATED: APR 21, 2019 Bottle. Dark brown color, coffee foam. Great aroma: barrel, apples and calvados, caramel, sweet, powerful. Taste: slightly watery, caramel, wine, calvados, oak, good brew.

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