Brewed by Kinnegar Brewing
Style: Porter - Flavored
Letterkenny, Ireland
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RATINGS: 76   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.58/5   EST. CALORIES: 144   ABV: 4.8%
Our long Irish winter tempts many a shivering soul to dream of distant lands. Those who can’t realise the dream will enjoy our second Kinnegar Special. Yannaroddy, a 4.8% Coconut Porter, infuses the long dark winter nights with a touch of the tropics. Available year round.

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Zarrach76 (492) - Saint-Laurent-Du-Pont, FRANCE - APR 12, 2021
UPDATED: APR 12, 2021 Belle versée toute brune avec une très généreuse mousse beige à bulles fines et multiples, bien crémeuse et vallonnée. Nez très lacté, bien porté sur la coco comme stipulé, légèrement vanillé, avec du caramel fin façon bonbon gourmand, chocolat blanc, lait d'amande, maltose. C'est doux et extrêmement gourmand ! En bouche, texture très soyeuse et onctueuse, beaucoup de corps, alcool très simple et à peine remarquable, carbonatation faible, amertume très légère, peu de sucres. Gustativement, on est sur le cacao, la coco, le moka, le bois, la crème épaisse... Il y a un côté Milk Stout dans ce Porter. En arrière plan, quelques notes végétales très éparses, de la céréale blonde. Le final est comme l'attaque, toute en douceur et en rondeur, sur les malts, la coco et le côté chocolaté. La longueur est assez courte, l'alcool ne contribue en aucun cas à faire durer les saveurs (4.8% vous me direz...). Gustativement ce n'est pas un Porter renversant, mais c'est la texture vraiment onctueuse qui donne le 'sel' si je puis dire de cette bière. Sur quelques gorgées, l'amertume avec une très légère astringence fait son apparition et donne un caractère cacao maigre aux flaveurs. Un bon petit Porter parfumé et cajoleur qui se boit tout seul... Canette 44cl, Boissons du Monde, Saint-Égrève.

PowY (3777) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - MAR 14, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 14, 2021 3.3.2021: 440 ml can at home, 4.8% ABV, canned 17.9.2020, bought at qbeer. Pours a very dark brown with a tan colored head. Aroma of roasted malt, burnt notes, burnt wood, burnt chocolate, acidic cold coffee grounds, some nuts along some dark fruity notes. Light to medium body with a soft carbonation, a light sweetness and a light to medium roasty bitterness. The flavor is pretty roasty and lightly burnt with a light fruity touch in the beginning which is soon overpowered by the roastiness - burnt wood, dark chocolate, cold coffee. Finishes with dark chocolate, a light to medium roasty bitterness, a very light roasty acidity and light burnt notes. A nice roasty Porter. Aroma: 7 Appearance: 4 Taste: 7 Palate: 3 Overall: 13

tricksta_p (10176) - Steenwijk, NETHERLANDS - JAN 9, 2021
UPDATED: JAN 9, 2021 Can from BiervanEijk, Frederiksoord. Aroma is roasted malt with chocolate, some coffee and caramel. Flavour is moderate sweet and bitter, body is medium. That rabbit on the can art must have crushed all the coconuts under the tires of his tractor, because I'm not picking up any.

jmgreenuk (16022) - Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA - DEC 4, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 4, 2020 440ml can at Paus Craft Beer Bar, Kuala Lumpur. Poured a clear dark brown colour with a lasting frothy light tan head, The aroma is roasty malt, big toffee caramel, light smoky ashtray. The flavour is moderate sweet, with a smooth, rich, slightly oily, light liqourice, chocolate, coffee, sweet caramel fudge palate. Medium bodied with soft carbonation.

Borresteijn (10025) - Heerhugowaard, NETHERLANDS - SEP 11, 2020
UPDATED: SEP 15, 2020 44cl Blik bij Scrapyard. Chocolade, rozijntjes, hint van koffie, iets fruitig. Is wat aan de dunne kant, maar dat kan ook komen doordat we deze aan het eind van een avond met een paar kneiters hadden. Prima bier om je avond mee te starten.

bierkoning (18836) - La Tropica/Doarp, NETHERLANDS - MAY 30, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 30, 2020 Can. Deep dark brown color. Coffee, milk chocolate and caramel in the aroma. A bit watery, but pleasant flavor with caramel, milk chocolate and raisin. Sweet.

Gangstergafje (2697) - Capelle aan den IJssel, NETHERLANDS - MAY 12, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 12, 2020 12-05-2020; can home (bought somewhere in Rotterdam, The Netherlands). The beer looks very decent. It has the perfect Porter look. The beer has a very dark brown colour, with a dark chestnut glow, witha tint or red. The beer is very dark. On top some brown foam is formed. Foam retention is low and hardly any foam is left after some time. The aroma of the beer is nice. The malts give the beer some nice bready notes, but also some roast and toast. The roasted malt also gives some nice chocolate touches, some caramel and some coffee in the back. The added coconut isn't very apparent, but in the back it gives a slight tropical touch. Could be stronger. The hops are nice and herbal, with an earthy touch. They go well with the malt roast. The taste of the beer is good. Sweet malts with some bitter hops and roast. The toast gives some savoury notes. The result is a well balanced beer. The palate of the beer is good. Medium body, slightly slick texture and medium carbonation. The beer has something dry in it, causing that slick feeling. The finish is nice and has some very good roasted and toasted malt aromas, with some chocolate and caramel. This is quite pleasant. Nice one, but the aromas and flavour could have been a bit more intense, to make it perfect.

Lowenbrau (5703) - Asturias, SPAIN - MAY 9, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 9, 2020 44cl can @home. 08-05-2020. Quarantine. Courtesy of Merce. Gracies! BBD: 11-2019 In short: nice porter. Pours black with nice tan head, fast vanishing, some lacing. Coffee, roasty, cocoa nose. Medium body, soft carbonation, oily texture. Taste follows the nose, starts sweet chocolate, finishes some bitter and little dry. Smooth. Ok.

caribou43 (2456) - Lausanne, SWITZERLAND - MAR 25, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 25, 2020 I have bought this bottle, at bootlegger, Paris. Drinking and enjoying it, at home, at Epalinges, yesterday, for the meal. In my point of view, it is a robust and aromatic porter, almost a stout in the taste. The first sip announces a good nectar and it is. The body is black and opaque, average carbonation, thin white and brown foam. The taste has solid notes of roasted malt, coffee, dark chocolate, cacao, subtle hop at the final, well balanced.

MelvinKalksma (4743) - NETHERLANDS - JAN 22, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 22, 2020 Opaque black beer with a medium/large beige/brown head. Slight/medium aroma; taste starts medium sweet and ends slightly bitter and dry. Vanilla, coconut, chocolate and roasted malts. A lot of carbo at first. 6/5/7/4

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