Witte Klavervier
Formerly brewed at Scheldebrouwerij

Style: Porter
Zwolle, Netherlands


on tap


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RATINGS: 61   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.42/5   SEASONAL: Special   IBU: 30   EST. CALORIES: 225   ABV: 7.5%
Batch #1: 528 bottles, Filled on bourbon barrel George Dickel. Batch #2: 528 bottles, Filled on bourbon barrel George Dickel. Batch #3: 432 bottles, Satin Wood barrel. Batch #4: 504 bottles, Buffalo Trace barrel.

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mariuspoenari (3297) - The Hague, NETHERLANDS - DEC 6, 2016
Bottle shared thanks to deanso. Hazy dark caramel with a thin tan head. Notes of rum, spices, caramel, toffee, dried fruit. Medium body, high carbonation and a roasty sweet finish.

gunnfryd (19047) - Kristiansand, NORWAY - SEP 22, 2015
Fonefan 100415. Amber colour with a beige head. Flavour is vanilla, bourbon, malt, caramel, dried fruits. Full body. Nice beer.

Beersiveknown (5380) - NORTHERN IRELAND - MAY 8, 2015
Bottle at home from a trade
367,batch 4
bourbon, vanilla, rotten wood, sweet, vanilla, fruity, sweet, too much wood and base beer to thin.

fonefan (69306) - VestJylland, DENMARK - APR 15, 2015

Bottle 330ml.

[ As Klavervier Barrel Aged Poorter ].
[ Batch #4 Bottle 71/504 ]. Clear medium to dark amber color with a small to average, frothy, good lacing, mostly lasting to diminishing, off-white to light beige head. Aroma is moderate malty, caramel, candy, dark malt, light laber larver - bourbon. Flavor is moderate to heavy sweet with a long duration, caramel, laber larver, bourbon, wood, sweet malt. Body is medium, texture is oily to watery, carbonation is soft, finish feel is light alcoholic. [20150410]

Rasmus40 (30538) - Beder, Aarhus, DENMARK - APR 10, 2015
Bottle @ fonefan tasting. Hazy amber with an off-white head and lots of floaties. Aroma is sweet, malty, heavy caramel, dried fruit and light bourbon. Flavor is quite sweet and moderate bitter. Sweet and moderate bitter finish. 100415

teorn88 (7715) - MACAU - DEC 28, 2014
Backlog rating. 33cl bottle at the Chriso’s May tasting, London. It pours a dark brown color with a small off-white head. Aroma is weet, boozy and roasty, with notes of toasted bread, sweet sugary malts, ripe melon. Taste is more toasted malts, vanilla, lactose, leather, dark chocolate, earth. Light to medium bodied with soft carbonation. Overall, decent

Camons (19132) - Hasselager, DENMARK - DEC 24, 2014
Bottle @ Home. Batch #2, bottle 155. Pours very dark amber with a at first huge tan head, but settling to a thin layer of foam. Aroma of malts, dark chocolate, some dark fruits, wood, vanilla, bourbon. Flavor is light sweet, malty, chocolate, fruits, raisin, plums, oak, vanilla, bourbon, some alcohol. Thin body, lively carbonation, light sweet finish with some alcohol. Somewhat thin, and feels a little higher in alcohol than the 7,5% ABV, but still quite nice. 241214

DwarfeD (3498) - Amersfoort, NETHERLANDS - OCT 23, 2014
33cl bottle; batch #4, bottle 313. Dark brown with a small somewhat tan head. Medium to full body with low carbonation. Pretty sweet with a slightly bitter finish. Chocolate, brown sugar, caramel, vanilla, booze, dark fruits and spices. Wow, this is a great tasty BA brew!

caesar (7642) - Bunnik, NETHERLANDS - AUG 19, 2014
Bottled from Speciaalbierpakket.nl, batch #4 bottle 324/504, BB 6 2015, large sample, served in a tulip glass. Almost clear copper color with lots of debris floating around, short to medium light brown head. Aroma of vanilla, custard, biscuit, cookie, caramel, slight roast, bourbon. Quite sweet in taste, slight bitterness, slight licorice spiciness. Alcohol hardly noticeable, just a slight burn in the back. BA is very much in the aroma, but doesnt overpower the flavor too much, which is a bit thin, but still quite good. Soft carbonation, bit thin bodied as mentioned. Very nice stuff!

Theydon_Bois (33079) - Hazlemere, the lower Xhitlerns, Buckinghamshire, ENGLAND - AUG 17, 2014
Bottle split at Mother Arch during RBESG ’14, day 2, thanks to Leighton (via Rene) 08/08/14 bottle #364. Hazed chestnut brown with a moderate tan covering, a few floaties are evident! Nose is caramel, light roast, decent BA twang, earthy oak, light cocoa rub. Taste comprises caramel, toffee, light spice, barelly effect, mellow dark fruits, toasted marshmallows. Medium bodied, fine carbonation, smooth on the palate, semi drying close. Decent mellow BA affair.

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