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RATINGS: 663   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.14/5   EST. CALORIES: 159   ABV: 5.3%
Das Krombacher unter den Weizen. Krombacher Weizen wird mit ausgewählter, obergäriger, frischer Hefe und Fellsquellwasser gebraut. Daher ist Krombacher Weizen ein besonders spritziger und vollmundig fruchtiger Genüss für alle Weizenbier-kenner.

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Wolfbass (1376) - Firenze, ITALY - NOV 27, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 27, 2021 Sicuramente questo stile di birra classicamente teutonico, non è per certo tra i miei preferiti, e questa non aiuta assolutamente a farmelo garbare, anzi...

edward78 (838) - West Wickham, Kent, ENGLAND - NOV 4, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 4, 2021 Bottle online from Beers Of Europe. Pours a hazy orange colour with a huge thick creamy white head. Nice looking beer. Very faint aromas of bananas and cloves. Taste is again very faint with hardly any notes coming through. A slightly metallic bitterness on the finish which is unusual for the style. Thinnish body with aggressive carbonation . Looks great but ultimately a very disappointing beer.

alex_leit (13033) - Minsk, BELARUS - OCT 16, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 16, 2021 Can 500 ml. Dark yellow colour, hazy, white foam. Aroma: banana, wheat, a bit cloves. Taste: banana, wheat, yeast, drinkable.

labeerinthum (5897) - Milano, ITALY - AUG 2, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 2, 2021 Lattina. Il gusto al naso è indirizzato verso il frumento. L'olfatto viene stimolato in maniera elevata e l'esistenza olfattiva è apprezzabile. Il cappello di schiuma resiste abbastanza. La grandezza delle bollicine è medio-fine. Il liquido è di aspetto opalescente. Il colore è aranciato. Il corpo è pieno. L'amaro è contenuto. La forza gustativa è elevata e la permanenza è buona. Il gusto è piacevole. Le sensazioni boccali finali risultano di pronta beva. Il retrogusto è di decente intensità. Al gusto vengono donati toni di miele, pane, frumento, fieno bagnato, cereali, erbaceo, agrumi e banana.

maciejgmaciej (2562) - POLAND - MAY 31, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 7, 2021 Bardzo dobry, bardzo solidny weizen, banany, goździki, orzeźwiające i pijalne

FROTHINGSLOSH (11821) - GREENSBURG, Pennsylvania, USA - MAY 25, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 25, 2021 Cloudy golden color with a large foamy orange white head. Lightly bitter and citric with clove, bubblegum, and bread. Long finish. Medium body.

didierlewallon (362) - ponferrada, SPAIN - MAY 10, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 10, 2021 Cerveza de color ámbar dorado bastante turbio con una cabeza de espuma muy abundante, densa y duradera de color blanco hueso. Aroma a malta ligeramente tostada, trigo, notas cítricas y a especias. Sabor a trigo con un toque picante y notas frutales. Muy refrescante y afrutado. Cuerpo entre medio y ligero. Final con un toque amargo muy ligero. Una cerveza de sabor agradable y refrescante.

Shain (304) - ISRAEL - MAY 2, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 2, 2021 Bottle, 330ml. Pours cloudy light copper with a tall, thick and dense light beige head. Mouth feel is classic weizen - creamy, foamy, starchy, a bit watery. Body is medium. Carbonation is strong but thin. Taste is lightly sweet, with mellow acidity, mild but noticable bitterness. Flavors of ripe banana, clove, toasted biscuit, honey, yeast fermentation, suspended yeast, wheat malt, amber malt, lemon, cooked hops - cooked vegetables, strawberry/bubblegum. Pretty nice. Darker malt profile than average. More notable hops than average, tough it's not of great quality. Very drinkable, but not at all an easy drinking light summer beer.

hrabren (5491) - Zagreb, CROATIA - JAN 31, 2021
UPDATED: JAN 31, 2021 0.5 l can from a local Tommy supermarket, Zagreb. Hazy orange, small off-white head. Banana candy aroma, a bit fake, citrus and stone fruit appear, caramel, malts. Sweet, balanced, fruity and malty. A bit candy-like, otherwise not bad. Thin, soft texture, light finish. Not bad for the price.

TrappistPupil38 (284) - - DEC 16, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 16, 2020 W aromacie banan, pszenica. W smaku kwaśne (nawet dość bardzo jak na weizena), bananowe, trochę goździka. Możliwe, że trochę siarki, ale bardzo delikatnie. mocno gazowane, całkiem ładna piana. Barwa złota, mocna i wyrazista, mętna.Piwo jest ok.

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