Brewed by Lahnsteiner Brauerei
Style: Bock - Doppelbock
Lahnstein, Germany


on tap


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RATINGS: 17   MEAN: 3.23/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.17/5   EST. CALORIES: 306   ABV: 10.2%
"Ist er zu stark bist du zu schwach" - so kommentiert Braumeister Henrik Rohmann den "Rohminator". Sein sattes Rotgold springt in’s Auge, seine wuchtigen Malz- und Fruchtnoten flankiert von einer dezenten Hopfenbittere in Nase und Gaumen. Ein Nippbier ersten Ranges wie geschaffen für den Genuss vor einem prasselnden Kaminfeuer.

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Ritzn (3921) - GERMANY - FEB 17, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 17, 2019 Amber. Aroma is bonbon orange slight fruitpeel very sweet. Taste is sweet and slight sour. Quite oily bonbon. Not too heavy. Drinkable. Very nice.

SinH4 (13263) - Garching bei München, Bavaria, GERMANY - FEB 16, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 16, 2019 Tap. Clear amber-ruby color with eggshell head. Aroma is raisins, caramel, booze, liqueur. Taste is raisins, caramel, prunes. Oily mouthfeel with medium carbonation. Quite heavy, but it kinda works.

jonas (12481) - Garching b. München, GERMANY - FEB 15, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 15, 2019 Tap. Amber to ruby, golden cream. Roast, honey, light dust, medium full body, dry, honey dust, a hint cereals, caramel retronasal.

Moravius (3151) - Berlin, GERMANY - DEC 20, 2018
UPDATED: DEC 21, 2018 'Lahnsteiner Rohminator', 'Charge: 01/16', Fläschchen von BierSelect.de. - Kupferrotbraun, klar; fast schaumlos. - In der Nase plump süße Fruchtigkeit (Kompott) und fast schnapsiger Fusel vor breit karamelsüßem Malz, Anklänge an Portwein. - Antrunk plump karamelmalzig und breit malzsüß. Der Alkohol spielt kräftig mit, dazu Noten von Vanille und dumpfe krautige Hopfenherbe. Milder rezent, mastig. Im Abgang derb nussige Herbe. - Nach dem vorzüglichen Ricklinger Weihnachtsbock genossen kommt mir dieses Bier fast wie die Karikatur eines Doppelbocks vor, zu plump malzig, zu süß und zu fuselig.

blackisle (4275) - Amsterdam IJburg, NETHERLANDS - NOV 17, 2018
Swing-top bottle 33cl. @home poured into a stem glass. Strong roasted mals nose; clear deep amber, thin beige head, disappears quickly; aroma roasted malts, rock candy, treacle, caramel, alcohol; taste heavy sweet and slightly bitter, roasted malts, rock candy, caramel, dried fruit, alcohol notes; sugary sweetbitter aftertaste, alcohol; full-bodied, oily texture, soft carbonation; heavy duty but not over the top thus well-made.

hauxe (3004) - Butzbach, GERMANY - NOV 4, 2017
Pours reddish brown from the bottle. Fleeting head. Aroma is smoke and caramel. Taste is sweet, full of caramel, toffee, molasses. Finishes almost ridiculously sweet with a sugary malty sweetness and an alcoholic warmth coming to the forefront. Body is medium to heavy. Reminds me of Jacob‘s Malzbier drinks but with a ton of alcohol mixed in. Then again a lot of bocks go that way, but the good ones rise to a higher level through a modicum of complexity. This one—not so much.

RW80 (3114) - Hoogeveen, NETHERLANDS - MAY 5, 2017
33 cl tottle. Apperance: A Clear medium amber o body, with no real head. Aroma is moderate to heavy malty, caramel, sweet malt, dried fruits, and some alcohol. Taste is quite with a good long duration, sweet malts, dried fruits, a bit too much alcohol. Body is medium, carbonation is soft., oily texture. Ok.

Michael27 (2439) - Berlin, GERMANY - MAY 1, 2017
Aus der Bügelflasche getrunken. Dunkles Kupferbraun im Glas mit stabilem weißem Schaum. Was für ein Körper. Ein Doppelbock der Extraklasse.

ischas (1840) - - APR 2, 2017
0,33 l Bügelflasche. Charge 01/16. Rotgoldenes Bier mit recht schwachem Schaum. Geschmack sehr intensiv, besonders nach Sahnekaramell. Fast likörige Konsistenz, ähnlich einem Portwein, vollmundig, mächtig. Ein Dessertwein zum Genießen.

Kevnic2008 (14040) - Baden-Baden, GERMANY - JAN 15, 2017
Pours a dark amber color. Malty aroma as expected with a hint of barley-wine malts as well. The flavor is slightly sweet and malty,

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