Formerly brewed at Pivovarna Laško
Style: Pale Lager - International / Premium
Laško, Slovenia
Serve in Lager glass


on tap


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RATINGS: 359   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.25/5   EST. CALORIES: 147   ABV: 4.9%
Traditionally brewed with love since 1825. Laško Club je svetlo pivo z izraženim sladnim karakterjem in milejšo grenčico vrhunskih domorodnih ter svetovno priznanih sort hmelja. Zaradi daljšega obdobja zorenja, minimalne uporabe neslajenih vrst žita in večjega odstotka slada v osnovni sladici se uvršča v vrsto premium piva. Je pivo bogatega okusa, primerno za posebne priložnosti: večerjo s prijatelji, zaključek poslovnega sestanka... ali zabavo s prijatelji v najljubšem lokalu. S ponosom ga poimenujemo tudi: Naš najboljši!

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sparta (2832) - Pärnu, ESTONIA - SEP 20, 2020
UPDATED: SEP 20, 2020 Laško Zlatorog Club. Õlle on selline jook, et iga uus kord kui klaasi või pudeli suule tõstad, siis leiad midagi uut, sõltuvalt tuhandest-miljonist pisiasjast, mis hetke olukorda mõjutavad. Seega piirdun iga õlle juures selle tekstiga.

pityu (911) - Budapest, HUNGARY - NOV 21, 2019
UPDATED: NOV 21, 2019 Bottle - Clear golden colour, small and quickly disappearing white head. Weak grainy aromas, low hop nose. Taste is rather malty, some bread, hay, weak hop bitterness. Light body, average carbonation, dry and a bit watery finish. Average industrial european pale lager.

Tide (8501) - Helsinki, FINLAND - JUN 1, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 1, 2019 Bottle at restaurant. Golden color, white head. Bitter taste with citrus, toast, malts, hops and grass. Bitter finish with citrus, hops, malts, toast and grass. Okay bulk lager.

Goldbarren (4264) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - OCT 18, 2018
So schlecht fand ich das Bier auch nicht. Es ist ein leichtes Helles, das offenbar gerne einen fremden Geschmack annimmt, was wohl den Alu-Geschmack erklären kann. Auch wenn die Flasche optisch recht nett ist, gibt das Bier nicht allzu viel her. Ein einfaches, unkompliziertes Bier.

ccex (1960) - Lansing, Illinois, USA - JUL 5, 2018
11.2 oz bottle pours a clear golden with small white head. Aroma is slightly skunky, with hay and biscuits. Taste is almost sweet with a little hop bitterness in the finish. Body is light (but not watery) with perfect carbonation. Very enjoyable on a hot summer day. This one does everything a pale lager is supposed to do and doesn't try to do anything else.

Jow (6235) - The Hop, Massachusetts, USA - JUN 17, 2018
Bottle at Grbic a sweet Bosnian restaurant in St Louis now no Bosnian ticks but some other euro countries to be had. Including this. Pretty good lager color. Nose is light hops and yeast. Tastes of lemon, grainy and hops. Crisp after a hot hike.

mclaren14 (642) - £ód¼, POLAND - MAY 5, 2018
Aromat: mokry karton i ślad słodu Wygląd: barwa jasnozłota, piana biała, szybko opada do obrączki przy szkle, minimalny lacng Smak: wodnisty, mokry karton, ślad słodu, goryczka na skraju wyczuwalności Podniebienie: średnie nagazowanie, puste, mało pijalne

mcberko (34280) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - APR 7, 2018
On tap at Okrepčevalnica Petkovšek, pours a clear pale straw blonde with a small white head. Aroma brings straw, cereal notes and grassiness. Flavour is clean, with cereal malts, straw and herbal notes. Clean and easy, but pretty boring.

arko (10) - - APR 6, 2018
UPDATED: MAY 11, 2018 Ovaj lager je premium Zlatoroga. Malo jačeg okusa slada i hmelja. Odličan kao i Zlatorog, ako ne i bolji za moj ukus. Za ostale macro lagere iz bivše Yuge je tata.

maximalist (155) - Milano, ITALY - JAN 29, 2018
A good pale lager from Slovenia golden color, average carbonisation equilibrated flavor

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