RATINGS: 35   MEAN: 3.4/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.35/5   SEASONAL: Winter   IBU: 30   EST. CALORIES: 267   ABV: 8.9%
’A complex brew balancing flavors that range from fig plum raisin and dark mulch never complemented by a pleasantly warm finish.’ Technically a winter warmer, perhaps it could be described as a British barleywine but is more old ale with both British and American traits.

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Samuel214 (4202) - Örebro, SWEDEN - NOV 15, 2019
UPDATED: NOV 15, 2019 Flaska från SB, 2017. Mörk lite murrig kastanjefärgad med krämig beige krona. Torkad frukt, karamell, något nötig, bränt socker, lakritsrot, en lite rågig, syrlig ton. En gnutta ålderstecken. Helt ok.

anders37 (31023) - Malmö, SWEDEN - OCT 5, 2018
Bottle. Pours a dark amber color with a small off-white head. Has a fruity malty spicy caramel and dark fruit aroma. Fruity malty spicy caramel and dark fruit flavor. Has a sweetish malty spicy dark fruit and caramel finish.

martin00sr (9113) - Haderslev, DENMARK - MAR 17, 2018
Nearly clear dark amber, creamy light beige froth. Toffee and caramel aroma. Caramely flavour, some dried fruit, a little cardamom and nice alc warmth. Creamy mouthfeel but still, despite the wamth, a little light.

Bamsen78 (7609) - Sønderborg, DENMARK - MAR 17, 2018
Bottle @ St. Patrick's Gone Mad, Sønderborg. Pours hazy copper brown with airy light tan head. Clear aroma of caramel malt,mwith notes of yeast and dusty and fruity touches. Dusty flavour with sweetish notes of yeast and malt, and touches of hops, fruit and cardamon. Rough and dusty aftertaste. Anice one. And a fantastically valuable state tick! Good job, martin00sr!

MiP (18629) - Sønderborg, DENMARK - MAR 17, 2018
Bottle, 8.9%. Spicy, caramelly aroma. Clear chestnut colour. Stable off-white head. The flavour is spicy, has a candy-like sweetness, But also a good alcohol note and bitterness to balance. Flavourful and good.

TEJA (5075) - Stockholm, SWEDEN - JAN 26, 2018
UPDATED: JAN 26, 2018 bottle from Systembolaget Sweden. big and lastning beige head. opaque dark brown color. Mild chocolate aroma with a dry finish. dry chocolate taste with a Slim body and noticeble alkohol.

NordicV (4190) - Malmö, Sweden, SWEDEN - JAN 21, 2018
Flaska från SB. Bärnstensfärgad öl med ett smutsvitt skum. Doft och smak av torkad frukt, malt och karamell.

jbaker4844 (42) - - JAN 1, 2018
8.9% ’A complex brew balancing flavors that range from fig Plahm raisin and dark mulch never complemented by a pleasantly warm finish.’ Technically a winter warmer, perhaps it could be described as a British barleywine but is more old ale with both British and American traits. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

Franzen (972) - SWEDEN - DEC 31, 2017
Apple and caramel aroma, reminds me of the Swedish soda Pommac. A bit caramely sweet but the bitterness balance it well enough without taking too much attention.

AndySnow (12784) - Huddinge, SWEDEN - DEC 28, 2017
How: Bottle.
Where: Systembolaget.
Appearance: Amber colour with an off-white head.
Aroma: Sweet malt, caramel, some fruit.
Body: Medium body and carbonation.
Flavour: Caramel, died fruit, malt, some alcohol.

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