Le Trou du Diable / Dieu du Ciel! La Divine Comédie



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RATINGS: 70   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.69/5   EST. CALORIES: 162   ABV: 5.4%
White Pilsner with Mosaic hops. See also http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/dieu-du-ciel--trou-du-diable-la-divine-comedie/271709/. collaboration

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HogTownHarry (8952) - Toronto (Harbourfront), Ontario, CANADA - JUL 15, 2017
June 11, 2014 - at Mondiale 2014 - on draught. We agreed that the tagline for this beer is; "POW! - right in the balls with hops!" Murky pale orange-gold with a solid white head. Aroma is peach/pear, spicy a little sweet. Taste starts with that, then bam! - waves of grassy pils bitterness - light alcohol. Full bodied, chewy, airy and lively mouthfeel - long long bitter somewhat astringent finish; some grapefruit character in the aftertaste. Wow. All pils should be like this - I might drink them!

sulawang (1712) - - APR 16, 2017
Visual: (Their own bottle for their brewery, raised lettering and devil on the bottom, odd size 600ml). (Cellared for 2 years). Pours cloudy orange-yellow with a smallish dissipating 1cm head, thin ringed retention with a spotty island, sporadic singular streams.

Nose: peachy wheat malt, hints of banana (lvl-5)-pungency

Attack: crisp, dry hoppy fruity malt impression

Mid-palate: biting bitter hops, (lvl-2-sweetness), peach-mango notes, fruity barley-wheat malt blend

Finish: prickly rye malt, lingering prominent dry hopped bitterness

Summary: Overall quite quenching straight out of the bottle, but the hopped bitterness becomes a bit harsh as it warms. All around good quality texture, flavour, and composition.

RhetoricalAns (939) - Red Deer, Alberta, CANADA - DEC 14, 2016
Hazy lighter golden pour, tall fluffy white head, lots of lacing. Big aroma, floral, grainy malt, slight funkiness. Taste is medium sweet leading to a medium bitter, very dry finish. Flavour is more floral and yeast centric. Very nice.

Saeglopur (3713) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - DEC 4, 2016
375 ml bottle from Saveur Bière.
Golden, hazy body, with a big, stable, fluffy, rocky, strongly lacing, white head.
Fresh aroma of flowers, minty herbs, citrus, lemongrass, bread, some candy.
Tastes similar, also very fresh and crisp, with some more pine and a pleasant dryness.
Medium, slick mouthfeel, with a fizzy carbonation.
Finishes dry, bitter, crisp, floral, fresh herbal, piney, a bit bready, a bit yeasty.

Tasty! Very crisp, fresh and really perfectly balanced. Diverse hoppy notes, dry, but also pretty easy. The fresh floral and herbal notes are just lovely. World-class Pils without a doubt, a modern interpretation, while not forgetting about the typical character of this style.

jgb9348 (9218) - Arlington (Pentagon City), Virginia, USA - NOV 25, 2016
Very hazy golden and light hay coloured body with a nice, six centimetre tall pure white head. Aroma of grass, hay, bananas, yeast, grain, citrus, sugars, funk and way more grassy elements - very nice. Light to Medium-bodied; Assertive grassy and floral flavours up front with a big herbal and perfumey hop characteristic, along with some subdued sweetness and a bit of lager yeast and earthy flavours like bread and dirt. Aftertaste is very dry and very flavourful with the grass and perfume the strongest, some fresh hop flavours, a bit of citrus and sugars and finishing with some dry oak and yeast flavours. Overall, a very nice, robust beer that shows a lot of complexity and a smooth, yet pungent finish - great for the style and very complex compared to most pilsners! Great to sample this one and well worth searching out for and saving room in your suitcase for it! I sampled this tall Canadian styled 600 mL bottle purchased from Marche des Saveurs du Quebec in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on 18-September-2016 for CA$6,99 sampled at home in Upstate (New Paltz), New York on 25-November-2016.

Renobob (2062) - Besançon, FRANCE - NOV 18, 2016
Bue en bouteille de 375ml. Blonde dorée, belle mousse blanche. Nez houblonné typé IPA. Palais plus doux, malté. Houblons présent. Citron, orange. Finale sèche avec levures. Bel équilibre général.

Metalchopz (5735) - Cantley, Quebec, CANADA - SEP 30, 2016
Pours a hazy golden-yellow colour with a warm cap, good retention and foamy lacing. Aromas of grassy hops, Belgian Ale yeast, spices and citrus. Flavours are citrusy with the zest of this one, creating some nice dryness that gets stronger as it lingers. This is quite a delicious brew that reminds more of a Saison, as hoppier than a Pils, or a Witbier.

cmacklin (3166) - Lethbridge, Alberta, CANADA - SEP 5, 2016
600ml bottle. Pours a cloudy pale yellow with a huge, frothy, long lasting, white head that leaves plenty of lacing. Sweet aroma of wheat malt, mango, lemon and yeast. Sweet flavour of tropical fruit, wheat malt, lemon, yeast and grass with a dry, bitter, hoppy finish. Light body with an oily texture and soft carbonation. An excellent, world class pilsner.

Stoned99 (2439) - Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, Quebec, CANADA - AUG 20, 2016
600ml bottle. Aroma: lots of wheat mixed done herbs and citrus. App: hazy golden, medium white head, great lacing. Taste and palate: medium body, crisp, dry, medium carbonation, medium bitter finish. Overall: good beer. I’ve had it in the past, just didn’t take the time to rate it. Quite hoppy for a pils but I know it was intentional. Pairs well with my 3 hot dogs I’ve just had. Good amount of citrus.

pumpkinhead2 (948) - Longueuil, Quebec, CANADA - AUG 13, 2016
Bière jaune paille tirant un peu vers l’orangée, parfaitement voilée, magnifique effervescence belle, soutenue et uniforme, et surmontée d’un col blanc bien large, très dense, très mousseux, et qui se réduit tout doucement en laissant une belle dentelle sur les parois du verre. Arômes principalement houblonné d’un houblon particulièrement fruité, beaucoup de fruits tropicaux (ananas, fruit de la passion, cantaloup, mangue…), avec un peu d’agrume (citron et orange), d’abricot, de pêche et de conifère. Effluves également maltés de pain frais, blé (assez évident!) et sucre brut, avec encore un peu de fruits du verger (pomme et poire), de la banane (esters) et quelques phénols épicés (clou de girofle et poivre…). Nez très agréable et très intéressant, belle complexité et bonne intensité. En bouche, pétillement moyen sur la langue, onctuosité moyenne au palais, on retrouve un peu le velouté typique des bières de blé. Au goût, entrée maltée de pain frais, blé, léger sucres pâles (sucre brut et miel), abondant fruits du verger (pêche, pomme, poire…), suivi de la domination d’un houblon certes bien fruité (fruits tropicaux surtout, agrumes également…) mais aussi bien plus résineux que ce que le nez laissait présager. On note davantage en arrière-plan un peu d’esters fruités (banane) et de phénols épicés (clou de girofle, poivre…). Finale à l’amertume relativement élevée. Très bon goût, bonne intégration des différentes saveurs entre elles, complexité adéquate, intensité élevée en bouche. Très bonne bière!

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