Lervig / Hoppin' Frog Bourbon Barrel Aged Sippin' Into Darkness

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RATINGS: 195   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.21/5   SEASONAL: Special   IBU: 50   EST. CALORIES: 360   ABV: 12%
A sweet imperial stout straight from the creative minds of 2 of the world’s best head brewers right now. They’ve taken a rich malty imperial stout and added in Candi syrup, Lactose, Cocoa nibs and vanilla to give this quite dry stout a fresh lick of paint in a sweet facelift. The cocoa added to the roasted dark chocolate flavours and comes out on the body whilst the candi sugar and vanilla dominate the finish of this excellent beer.

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davidezdonz (1514) - Hong Kong, HONG KONG - MAY 10, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 10, 2021 A 330ml bottle with no bottled on or best before date. Poured into a snifter glass. It was dark dark brown to black in colour with a very thin brown head that disappeared almost immediately while leaving only sparse lacing. Aromas roasty, chocolate, cocoa, Horlicks malt wheat, coffee bean, vanilla, oak, bourbon. Tastes sweet, chocolate, bourbon, light roasted malt, cocoa, oak, candi sugar, molasses, lightly boozy, with notes of vanilla. Smooth, creamy, medium to full bodied, with soft carbonation. Overall, loved the aroma, and while taste may be on the verge of being too sweet for me, it was still a wonderful sipper.

djd07 (26246) - Houston, Texas, USA - APR 26, 2021
UPDATED: APR 26, 2021 On tap at MBCC Red Session. Pours black with paper thin tan head that diminishes quickly. The aroma is strong roast, wood, cocoa, bourbon, vanilla, licorice. Slick body, roasted malt, dark chocolate, licorice, wood, boozy finish, very nice.

DrSilverworm (11039) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - MAR 23, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 23, 2021 [Uploaded from backlog - tasted sometime in early 2018...] Awesome, rich chocolate fudge, nice vanilla, mil spicy. Moderate-plus sweet, but not cloying, pleasant heat. Chewy body. Satisfying, big BA stout.

Beer5000 (9502) - Kristiansand, NORWAY - MAR 2, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 2, 2020 Bottle, courtesy of Gunnfryd @ Patricks. Black body with a small, fast disappearing beige head. Quite strong aroma dominated by Bourbon, but also distinct dark, smooth roasted malt, vanilla, dry fruit and hint of coffee. Taste is sweet, soft roasted, dark malt, smooth dark chocolate, vanilla, dry fruit, wood and Bourbon with decent bitterness. Balanced body and smooth, boozy aftertaste of sweet dark malt and Bourbon.

gunnfryd (19047) - Kristiansand, NORWAY - FEB 29, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 29, 2020 Patricks 270220. Black color with a brown head. Aroma is bourbon, cocoa, alcohol. Flavor iscocos, roasted malt, chocolate, coffee, bourbon, candi sugar, lactose, cocoa, vanilla. Wow this was nice.

ResinousLiquids6 (222) - Kraków, POLAND - JAN 12, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 12, 2020 Piana bardzo mała i szybko znika. W aromacie kawa, kakao. W smaku mleczna czekolada, praliny, kawa, wanilia, beczka. Piwo gładkie, ułożone.

Nocturne (3313) - Cheshire, ENGLAND - DEC 27, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 27, 2019 Keg at Bundobust, Manchester. Black with tiny head. Powerfully bitter roasty taste. Espresso, nuts, chocolate. Barrel is subtle. Excellent.

biilz (1529) - SPAIN - NOV 11, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 28, 2020 Аромат шикарный, очень много орехов по первой, далее сладкие ноты от сахара и ванили, легкий шоколад, немного какао бобов, очень сбалансированно. Цвет темный. но мне кажется не на сто процентов, пены нету вообще не дециметра. Вкус начинается умеренно, почти не маслянисто, снова много орехов и как будто ореховой пасты вместе с сахаром, но не приторно. Далее все таки бочка себя немного показывает, вместе с ноткой алкоголя. При глотке начинается сухость, и даже першение на языке. Послевкусие не такое сильное как хотелось бы. Легкая ореховая паста, умеренная сладость. Появляются нотки шоколада, причем отчетливо вместе с бобами, но нету и намека на кислоту или горечь от него. В целом почти идеальный имперец, только подтянуть послевкусие на йоту.

ctipping (3902) - Florida, USA - OCT 9, 2019
UPDATED: OCT 9, 2019 330 mL bottle. Black body, with slight transparency. Smells of roasted malt, lactose, some bourbon. Tastes absolutely incredible. Sweet chocolate, bourbon, vanilla. Sounds like every other stout, but this is a perfect combination of flavors. It's sweet and heavy, but it tastes so good it doesn't matter. Medium heavy. Sweet, but not sluggish. It really doesn't smell that exciting, but it tastes wonderful.

mishi_d (578) - Timisoara, ROMANIA - SEP 4, 2019
UPDATED: SEP 4, 2019 Dark brown color with a thin beige head, aroma of chocolate candies with bourbon, taste of chocolate with bourbon and cofee, medium plus sweetness, full body, soft carbonation.

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