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RATINGS: 48   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.15/5   SEASONAL: Winter   EST. CALORIES: 405   ABV: 13.5%
This years vintage is a blend of time. We had a few lingering barrels from the fall of 2017. To that we added a few more from early 2019 and topped it off with some from the fall of 2019. All of the barrels we used were bourbon. The bulk of which were previously used for Heavin Hill, with some Angel’s Envy and even a couple Wild Turkey in there as well. But this years version isnt really about a big bourbon character, it’s more focused on the subtle bourbon flavors that are inherent to this beer. After the sweet punch right away subsides you will get flavours such as Dried figs, raisins, and vanilla. Then the malt gives Paragon it’s caramel, toffee, and chocolate flavours that rounds out with mild sweetness, bringing it full circle. The beer has a slight viscous texture which coats your mouth in a flavor explosion of all the forementioned tastes, while doing it’s best to hide the alcohol. Drinking reccomendations are to serve it around 7-8 °C in a snifting glass and sip it slowly allowing to warm as you go. Your mouth will discover new flavors as it does. For us this beer represents our passion for the old style and the life of a brewers work in a bottle. Please enjoy with sofistication.

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mr_h (9963) - Ayr, SCOTLAND - JAN 6, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 6, 2022 330ml (13.5%) at home on 3 Jan 2022, shared with Stuartyboy, purchased 9 Nov 2021 (bb 14 Aug 2030): lovely woody aroma, very dark brown, no head, bourbon, woody, vanilla flavour, viscous, very smooth, sweet, no alcohol burn.

adster (1158) - HUNGARY - DEC 30, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 30, 2021 A Paragon az egyik legkomolyabb barley wine volt, amelyet alkalmam adódott kipróbálni, ezért aztán nagy érdeklődéssel fordultam a főzet beszerzési helye felé, miután észleltem, hogy a Lervig sorozatban gondolkodik a sörrel kapcsolatban, így a 2018-as verzió után a következő évi, a sörös oldalak által is önálló entitásként kezelt kiadással ismerkedtem meg közelebbről. Így jöttek velem szembe a már oly jól ismert, azonban mindig örömmel fogadott hordóérlelt aromák a maguk likőrös, dohányos, alkoholban ázott faháncsos, aszalványok tarka karakterével fűszerezett jegyeivel. Az igazi szenzáció azonban íze, amely a bombasztikus súlyhoz mért vastagságú szerkezetre nehezedik. Fűszeres elemek találnak egymásra a whisky-s hangulatokkal, fügés, datolyás, mazsolás csemegekosár képe bontakozik ki, karamelles folyam árasztja el a kompozíciót, miközben minduntalan ott munkálkodnak a vaníliás, konyakmeggyes érzések is, anélkül azonban, hogy az alkohol akár csak a közelébe is tenné a lábát. Hajlok rá, hogy az efféle típust nevezzem ki a sörök királynőjének, tartok viszont tőle, hogy ezt a jelzőt korábban már odaítéltem valamely imperial stout, quadrupel, vagy old ale képviselőjének, amelyek jellemzői nem mellékesen remekül visszaköszönnek ebben az egyetlen italban is.

fugitive (2493) - Athens, GREECE - DEC 26, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 26, 2021 Bottle. Color dark brown with medium brownish head. Aroma malt, caramel, dark fruits, some wood, alcohol, sweet. Taste sweet, malt, caramel, alcohol, bourbon, wood, vanilla.

Boutip (8358) - Gatineau, Quebec, CANADA - DEC 21, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 21, 2021 Bottle: Poured a deep copper color ale with a medium size brown foamy head with some retention and lacing. Aroma of deep caramelized malt notes with some toffee and some woody bourbon notes is quite enticing. Taste is a great mix of deep caramelized malt notes with some woody bourbon notes and balanced residual sugar notes. Body is full with some good carbonation and light warming alcohol notes. Incredible barleywine with a high level of complexity and high drinkability.

TBone (24418) - Pori, FINLAND - DEC 16, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 16, 2021 Bottled 330ml (AIH147, bought from some webshop)
Dark ruby colour, small beige head. Aroma has rye bread, vanilla and bourbon. Full-bodied. Sweet front, whiskey, dark bread, sweetness, vanilla, alcohol, touch of licorice - not boozy. A bit too sweet for my liking but otherwise complex and flavoursome.

tovesa (4578) - Pirkkala, FINLAND - DEC 12, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 12, 2021 Bottle 330ml at home. Pours dark brown with thin beige head Flavor has dark malts, dried fruits, strong bourbon barrel, caramel, brown sugar. Full body, oily texture , sweet finish.

Stuu666 (24521) - Edinburgh, SCOTLAND - DEC 9, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 9, 2021 Bottle at home. Pours deep ruby brown, nose is meaty, caramel, berries, wood, toffee, vanilla, taste is similar, sweet, chewy, jammy fruit.

Vignale (6406) - Malmö, SWEDEN - OCT 22, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 22, 2021 Flaska från SB. Mahognyfärgad klar vätska utan skum. Stor söt doft. Fat, bourbon, vanilj, fudge, torkade fikon, russin. Stor kropp, rejält söt, fina fattoner på en riktig snygg bw. Himmelskt gott.

NordicV (4190) - Malmö, Sweden, SWEDEN - OCT 10, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 10, 2021 Flaska från SB. Mörbrun öl med ett mycket lätt ljusbrunt skum. Doft och smak av karamell, torkad frukt, viss kryddighet, kokos, vanilj och bourbon. Välbalanserad.

ctipping (3902) - Florida, USA - OCT 2, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 2, 2021 330 mL bottle. Deep brown with a few bubbles at the edges. Smells of leather, bourbon, brown sugar. Tastes of dark fruits, bourbon, leather, a little brown sugar, and oak. Strong bitter earthy finish. Heavy and very strong on alcohol. Surprisingly bitter and, while it is sweet, it isn't absurdly sweet.

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