Serve in Dimpled mug, Stein


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RATINGS: 115   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.42/5   SEASONAL: Autumn   IBU: 20   EST. CALORIES: 180   ABV: 6%
Série Signature. L’Oktoberfest rousse est la deuxième bière officielle de l’Oktoberfest des québécois de mascouche (http://www.oktoberfestdesquebecois.com) Élaborée à partir de malt munich foncé de la malterie frontenac à 100% et d’une sélection de 4 houblons allemands.

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cmacklin (3166) - Lethbridge, Alberta, CANADA - JAN 21, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 21, 2020 750ml corked and caged bottle. Pours a cloudy orange-amber with a medium, foamy, short lived, beige head that laces. Aroma of toasted caramel malt, honey, nuts and herbal hops. Sweet flavour of biscuit malt, caramel, honey, orange, spice and nuts in a dry, grassy hop finish. Medium body with a slick texture and average carbonation. Tasty and easy to drink. An excellent Marzen.

piscator34 (3402) - Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA - FEB 8, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 8, 2019 Bottle. Pale orange in colour with moderate carbonation. Aromas of whole wheat bread dough, orange marmalade, mild caramel, and dried leaves. The breadiness continues on the palate, along with some mineral and floral elements. Medium bodied with a sticky/doughy finish.

dfearnley (3422) - Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA - OCT 7, 2018
Fucking corn, rice, and barley. It’s like a farmers field. Taste is hella barley, corn, and some orange.

northropfrye (4391) - Steinbach, Manitoba, CANADA - SEP 22, 2018
Orange body, off-white head, some nice lacing. Bready aroma. Taste is some autumnal spice, vanilla (hints), but quite dry. Not bad.

shawnmurphy (1798) - Plattsburgh, New York, USA - NOV 5, 2017
Caged and corked bottle purchased from brewery in Brossard, Quebec, Canada. Pours clear orange-copper with small off-white head and lacing. Aroma: damp foliage, nuts, honey. Flavor: whole grain bread, caramelized white sugar, plums, tangerines, unidentifiable spices/herbs. Mouthfeel: medium-bodied with creamy finish.

Bierdimpfe (640) - Quebec, CANADA - FEB 28, 2017
2016 Edition 6% ABV : Deep hazy dark amber color with low activity. Faint creamy beige 2 finger head, lasting around 5 minutes, with average lace and weak legs. Flavors of caramel, ginger, nutmeg, pumpkins, plums, noble grains, molasses, herbal spices. Bready toffee gingerbread feel. Lots of sweetness, yet well balanced by the bold sharp spices. Slick oily medium body with prickly and soft crispy carbonation. Medium strength finish, slightly sour, lingering herbal and leafy dry hops, dense dark malts, with red ale kinda spices. Lacks freshness, a bit dull and flat. Perfect dose of spices, and it’s quite filling. Although with the last pour of yeast it was too intense. Tasty flavors, but feels overly alcoholic at 6%. Overall very good quality craft, with a bit of tweaking this one could be excellent. Representing well the style, though probably a step too rough.

Idiosynkrasie (13823) - Bielefeld, GERMANY - NOV 5, 2016
750ml bottle. Fantastic, moderately cloudy, reddish amber colour with small to average, frothy, half-way lasting, moderately lacing, off-white to beige head. Mellow, caramel malty aroma, fruity hints of mandarine and orange. Taste is moderately sweet caramel malty, hints of rock sugar, a touch of almond, marzipan, fruity hints of mandarine and orange, red berries, some rather plain hop bitterness.

Ljus (872) - Quebec, CANADA - SEP 18, 2016
De souvenir provenant d’une dégustation non annotée.
Apparence : Brune trouble, col beige, légère dentelle.
Nez : Malt caramel, toasté, un peu de noisettes.
Goût : Mêmes côtés caramélisés et grillés qu’au nez le tout accompagné d’une belle présence de houblons herbacés et légèrement épicés.
Sensation : Effervescence moyenne, corps mince à moyen.
Bref : Rien de décoiffant, cette bière est tout de même bien réalisée intégrant très bien les saveurs du malt et des houblons allemands. Bel équilibre somme toute.

LouisP (1020) - Montréal, Quebec, CANADA - SEP 13, 2016
Une biere ambrée, avec peu d’effervescence et une fine mousse. Au nez c’est assez discret, avec une impression de caramel et de fruits confis. En bouche, la rondeur de la bière est vraiment intéressante. Le caramel et la levure de marzen sont présents, avec un petit côté épicé qui m’intéresse beaucoup. C’est un genre de bière sous-brassé au Québec mais j’aime bien le résultat final que nous offre LTM.

AleRider78 (2690) - Winchester, Ontario, CANADA - NOV 1, 2015
Pours a nice size foamy and creamy head and has a hazy amber appearance. Lacing is a bit weak. Aromas are quite malty and has a bit of earthy hops. Flavours have a bit of caramel and toffee in the mix but there’s mainly cereal malts at the forefront. Mouthfeel has a bit of an astringent and tingling feel. Not too bad. Seems like a bit of saltiness in there, a bit odd. Not too bad but not the oktoberfest kinda beer I would drink for an extended part of time. After this 750ml bottle, I’ve had plenty.

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