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RATINGS: 33   MEAN: 3.8/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.71/5   EST. CALORIES: 213   ABV: 7.1%
Coolship/farmer's beer blend with sweet and sour cherries, strawberries, raspberries and black currants.

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djoeye (12317) - Tromsø, NORWAY - JAN 4, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 5, 2022 Aroma; fruit yeast, leafy stuff, malts, cherry fruit, strawberry, raspberry, blackcurrant, sherry notes. Look; no head, on veiled fairy tale red body, poff and smoke when opened. Taste; juicy berryish malts, berries of strawberries blackcurrant, acidic yeast, and a fruity finish. Feel; juicy body and alright co². Overall; not bad. [corked 375ml bottle, Lmojoh&Djoeye, T@Hamna&Bier]

lmojoh (3772) - Tromsø, NORWAY - JAN 4, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 4, 2022 Klar rød nesten uten skum. Aroma bringebær gjær cherry. Smak bringebær solbær cherry gjær humle. Syrlig frukt, god fruktmiks. Delt med DjOeye

Holmen2 (7204) - NORWAY - DEC 27, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 27, 2021 Bottle shared with Johan, Camilla and Sofie at Johan’s place 27.12.21. Fine aroma and acid taste of berries of the forest, rhubarb, aronia, tamarind and pure brett. Slightly astringent mouthfeel. Refreshing and well-balanced.

FoamForever20 (1148) - STAVANGER, NORWAY - DEC 27, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 27, 2021 Plum-red, creamy small white head. Aroma of cellar, vegetable, red fruits and plum. Wonderfully balanced sour and sweet fruity explotion.

BeardedAvenger (5128) - New Haw, Surrey, ENGLAND - NOV 16, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 16, 2021 Bottle stared by Colin at his Hazlemere tasting. Jamy and vinous. Big tart and sour. Thin. Fizzy carbonation. Last rating of the tasting as notes were getting less in-depth.

SHIG (10003) - Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, ENGLAND - NOV 14, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 14, 2021 Bottle shared by Cloin at SHIG Crashes the Bottle Share at Hazlemere: Poured a coppery with an off white head. Aroma is fruity, berry, apple. Taste is tart, strawberries, woodsy, oaky, fruity.

Theydon_Bois (33079) - Hazlemere, the lower Xhitlerns, Buckinghamshire, ENGLAND - NOV 13, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 13, 2021 Bottle, split at the Hazlemere Movember and chops tasting, picked up from an online peddler 12/11/21. Reddish to orange pour with a moderate off white covering. Nose is tarte berry fruits, lactic tangs, damp straw, barnyard tones. Taste comprises tarte berry fruits, herb light spice, funk, damp hay. Medium bodied, fine carbonation, drying close with a light acidic bimble. Decent easy drinker.

Leighton (30699) - London, Greater London, ENGLAND - NOV 12, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 12, 2021 Bottle shared in Hazlemere - thanks to Cloin. Pours rich, clear red-gold with a small, creamy white head. Lightly sweet, mellow berries, lemon, funk. Light bodied bodied with fine to average carbonation. Bright tart citrus finish. Solid.

mR_fr0g (23876) - Hertfordshire, ENGLAND - NOV 12, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 12, 2021 Bottle shared at high Wycombe tasting. Thanks to Colin for this one. A clear. Amber golden orange coloured pour with a a fine white head. Aroma is. Jammy fruits, raspberry strawberry.. Jammy.. Apricot sprit. Palate is t, tart highish carbonation. Ok. Light tart.

Beer5000 (9502) - Kristiansand, NORWAY - JUL 28, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 28, 2021 Bottle. Unclear, reddish orange body under a small, lacing off-white head. Nice fruity aroma with red berries, light funk and mild acidity. Refreshing taste of cherry, raspberries, strawberries and blackcurrant. Balancing mild acidity and some light funk. Fine body and same fruity aftertaste with the raspberries becoming more dominant.

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