RATINGS: 1170   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.07/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 330   ABV: 11%
Once upon a time it was the most award winning Pizza Port beer of all time. Now it has found a new home at The Lost Abbey. A massive brown ale base that is made from four fermentable sugars including Malted Barley, Raisins, Candi Sugar and Sour Cherries, this beer is fully fermented before being placed in Bourbon barrels where the beer ages for one year with the Sour Cherries and the wild Brettanomyces yeast that we inoculate the barrels with. One of the most complex and unique beers we make each year.

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explosivedog (8095) - New York, New York, USA - OCT 10, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 10, 2021 Snallygaster. Pours dark brown. Funk, biscuit, blackberry, prune, malt vinegar, red grape, little earthy. Medium body. Very nice.

ElDesmadre (6779) - Jaworze, POLAND - SEP 15, 2020
UPDATED: SEP 15, 2020 Bottle. Lots of cherries and vanilla oak, cork, blackcurrant, light cocoa. Very sour and very tannic taste, which renders the complexity partly void. Good but not groundbreaking.

Svesse (12015) - Hässelby, SWEDEN - AUG 2, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 2, 2020 (Bottle) Deep dark ruby colour (port wine) with brief bubbly head. Fruity, sourish nose with balsamic vinegar, cherries, prunes, chocolate, vanilla, oak wood and red grapes. Fruity, tart taste with notes of sour cherries, balsamic vinegar, red apples, vanilla, oak wood, red fruit, nuts, chocolate and a dry and tart finish. Alcohol completely overshadowed by tartness and cherries. Medium body, dry. Excellent beer with a generous tartness and lots of sour fruit and wood. Like Rodenbach on steroids. Impressive beer.

GRM (6280) - Aylmer, Quebec, CANADA - MAY 19, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 19, 2020 Sample, brown bottle, gift from a stranger, during Dark Lord Day, trip to Dark Lord Day with Luc Bourbonnière, savoured on May 18, 2019; eye: dirty brown, cloudy, no effervescence, no head, no lacing; nose: acidity, bitterness, musk, wild yeasts, fig, red wine, light tannin; acidity, bitterness, musk, wild yeasts, fig, red wine, light tannin, light astringency, vinous finale with presence of fig, full-bodied, below average carbonation, mildly sweet, slick texture; overall: quite good

Échantillon, bouteille brune, cadeau d'un étranger, durant Dark Lord Day, voyage à Dark Lord Day avec Luc Bourbonnière, savourée le 18 mai 2019; œil : brun sale, trouble, pas d'effervescence, pas de mousse, pas de dentelle; nez : acidité, aigreur, musc, levures sauvages, figue, vin rouge, léger tanin; bouche : acidité, aigreur, musc, levures sauvages, figue, vin rouge, léger tanin, légère astringence, finale vineuse avec présence de figue, corsée, carbonatation sous la moyenne, moyennement sucrée, texture coulante; en résumé : bien bon

mR_fr0g (23876) - Hertfordshire, ENGLAND - MAR 8, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 8, 2020 Keg at the Beavertown Extravaganza, day two, 09/09/2017. A rich reddy mahogany brown coloured pour with a beige head. Aroma is some spicy vinegar, raisin, red berries, tart. Flavour is composed of rich cakey malts, spicy tart notes, dried fruits. Palate is ssemi sweet and tart, prickly carbonation. Good shit.

tightslice (2689) - Austin, Texas, USA - NOV 27, 2019
UPDATED: NOV 27, 2019 On tap at Liquid Gold in SF, CA with W Seyffer. Aroma is cherry, balsamic vinegar, spicy funk (like dry aged beef and wood), horse hooves. Taste is tart and funky natural cherries, wood, sweet vinegar, more of that spiced out animal funk. Can still taste this one months later...supreme!

rafael52 (3404) - Łódź, POLAND - OCT 21, 2019
UPDATED: OCT 21, 2019 Zapach nie jest jakiś bardzo intensywny, wyraźne aromaty ciemnych, suszonych owoców, wiśni, wyraźne aromaty dzikich drożdży. W smaku średnia pełnia, lekka słodycz, wyraźne nuty ciemnych, suszonych owoców, wiśni, lekkie nuty słodowe, miodowe, wyraźne nuty dzikich drożdży, trochę cierpkości, lekka kwaśność. Alkohol niewyczuwalny zarówno w zapachu jak i w smaku.

CraftBeerNick (6534) - Wokingham, Berkshire, ENGLAND - SEP 8, 2019
UPDATED: SEP 8, 2019 Bottle from DeBierkonig, Amsterdam, in the garden with Dad, 8th September 19. Pours a dirty brown red colour. Aroma is tart fruit, barrel, wood and bourbon, some cherry. Taste is tart cherry, bourbon, vanilla, wood, vinous, slight sweet, but overall acidic and tart, almost too much. Pretty good and complex, but I have better beers in this category at this ABV

ALIBALI (4265) - Kiel, GERMANY - AUG 14, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 14, 2019 FlandererVinegarAttack, creamy SourDarkBerryTwist & a lovely ForestJamSession👌🏽 2018ner Fassware.STONE Berlin.

ineedbeer (3410) - California, USA - AUG 14, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 14, 2019 Poured from a 375 ml bottle from what I believe is 2014. Aroma is a balanced blend of dark fruits and malt notes. Rich, dark caramel and toffee with lighter chocolate and toast notes. Loads of cherry, plum, raisin and prunes. Light alcohol notes and faint bourbon and oak. Pours brown with a small, thin, tan head that recedes quickly and disappears. No lacing and small legs. Flavor is rather acidic but only moderately sharp with lots of dark fruit notes. Loads of cherries and raisins with lighter cassis, plum and prune notes. Medium caramel and toffee notes with lighter chocolate and toast. Light oak and bourbon with a bit of alcohol in the finish. Mouthfeel is medium full bodied with medium low carbonation. Low, but present astringency and low, but present alcohol warmth. Overall, an alright beer but these higher abv dark sours aren't really my thing.

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