RATINGS: 533   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.11/5   EST. CALORIES: 210   ABV: 7%
In Belgian brewing there are fantastic wild ales brewed with naturally occurring yeast. These beers develop over time and are ready on their own terms. Duck Duck Gooze is our homage to these effervescent and wonderfully complex sparkling beers. A blend of young and old barrel aged beers we expect this to be one of our most sought after beers year after year as it will be released in very small quantities. Available in 375 and 750ml bottles.

Batch 3 available on tap January 2016.

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RSRIZZO (2264) - Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA - NOV 21, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 21, 2021 Bottle shared by BeerandBlues2 with Headbanger. Color is a hazy golden yellow with a hint of orange. Carbonation is good with a small rocky white head. Aroma is a tart sour fruit scent. it has a lighter medium body with a crisp mouthfeel. Flavor comes on a tart base with some tropical fruit. In the aftertaste the tart hangs on leaving it with a dry finish. Overall it a nice sour brew.

Cristobal37 (2249) - Tustin, California, USA - MAR 20, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 20, 2021 Funky basement and citrus aroma some horse blanket. Tart, quite tart woody wine barrel. Long thick tart finish, malty woody notes. Fantastic guezue. Love it.

bergstaden (6306) - Røros, NORWAY - AUG 23, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 23, 2020 Golden with a small white head - Tart wood aroma - Malt body with a tart wood flavour - The tart wood flavours goes into the finish - This was real good and refreshing

vcsa (341) - - JUL 29, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 29, 2020 vintage 2013 Appearance: Pours clear orange. Small pour in order to keep the beer cool, so no description of head and lacing. 外观:橙色,清澈。为保持适饮温度每次仅倒少量酒,酒头和挂杯不作描述。 5/5 Ar Lemon, grapefruit, cranberry, raspberry, hay, bay leaf, earth, barnyard funk and vinegar, with distinct hints of lacto. 气味:柠檬、西柚、蔓越橘、树莓、干草、月桂叶、泥土、马厩味和香醋,伴随着明显的乳酸味。 Tart red forest fruits, citric fruits, vinegar and funk with quite gentle influence of oak. Edgy acidity. Lingering tart finish. 味道:酸爽的红色浆果、柠檬类水果、香醋、霉香和相当克制的桶味。尖锐的酸度。尾韵悠长而 Medium bodied, slight oily texture, soft carbonated. 口感:中等酒体,稍有油润感,杀口感柔和。 4/5 Overall: I suspect the 'red wine barrel' was pinot noir, as the tannin level was relatively low and the aroma profile was more similar to red fruits instead of black fruits. Complex but really odd, so much lactic, maybe some acetone? 从相对低的单宁含量和偏红果的风味特征出发,我猜这个所谓的“红葡萄酒桶”应该是黑皮诺

GRM (6280) - Aylmer, Quebec, CANADA - MAY 19, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 19, 2020 Sample, brown bottle, gift from a stranger, during Dark Lord Day, trip to Dark Lord Day with Luc Bourbonnière, savoured on May 18, 2019; eye: caramel, slightly veiled, ring of fawn head, no lacing; nose: acidity, fruity, bitterness, light green apple, light lemon, musk, wild yeasts; mouth: acidity, fruity, bitterness, light green apple, light lemon, musk, wild yeasts, light bitterness, semi-dry fruity finale with presence of musk, medium body, good carbonation, lightly sweet, slick texture; overall: quite good

Échantillon, bouteille brune, cadeau d'un étranger, durant Dark Lord Day, voyage à Dark Lord Day avec Luc Bourbonnière, savourée le 18 mai 2019; œil : caramel, légèrement voilée, anneau de mousse fauve, pas de dentelle; nez : acidité, fruité, aigreur, léger pomme verte, léger citron, musc, levures sauvages; bouche : acidité, fruité, aigreur, léger pomme verte, léger citron, musc, levures sauvages, légère aigreur, finale semi-sèche fruitée avec présence de musc, corps moyen, bonne carbonatation, légèrement sucrée, texture coulante; en résumé : bien bon

mR_fr0g (23876) - Hertfordshire, ENGLAND - MAR 24, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 24, 2020 Keg at the Beavertown Extravaganza, day two, 09/09/2017. A clear yellow orange coloured pour with a fine white head. Aroma is Aroma is funk lacto, melon, salty oak, some tannin, wood. Flavour is composed of tart loose citrus, tangy lacto sourness, green apple. Palate is tart and crisp, highish carbonation.

GarrettB (2381) - San Diego, California, USA - MAR 14, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 14, 2020 January 1st, 2016 - Ringing in the new year with a resoundingly good (and increasingly rare) sour from Lost Abbey. This treat is a lovely scent with a well toned sourness, and a touch of banana esters that play second fiddle. The central sourness on the tongue is also tuned to perfection, with just a slight edge twisting the salivary glands and a lovely carbonation. Each sip is its own little rollercoaster of dramatic joy followed by the post-dopamine relief in the aftertaste, cycled again with a new and fresh flavor.

rami_pl (11428) - Warsaw, POLAND - JAN 19, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 19, 2020 Rami Rami is drinking a Duck Duck Gooze (2016) by The Lost Abbey at ul. Anielewicza Owocowowe fajnie, nieco skorzane, dosc mocno kwasne, ciut octu, , pyszka acz takie strejtforuard

ChrisOfstad (5258) - Hamar, NORWAY - NOV 17, 2019
UPDATED: NOV 17, 2019 From backlog. Taster from bottle at bottleshare, Escondido, Ca. (As 2013 Vintage) Cloudy golden with little white head. Malts, cherries, yeast, fruity, sour, good!

Cybercat (10436) - Atlanta, Georgia, USA - OCT 19, 2019
UPDATED: OCT 19, 2019 Pours hazy topaz with minimum head. Aroma features tart and sour pomme and tropical feuit, plus raw malt. Flavor delivers sharply tart and slightly sweet fruit, pomme and tropical, with a fresh malt foundation. Texture yields good body, lively fizz, and a tart fruit finish. Don't duck this one!

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