RATINGS: 477   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.25/5   EST. CALORIES: 210   ABV: 7%
AKA Belle Proximus, a collaborative effort between Tomme Arthur, Vinnie Cilurzo, Lorenzo Dabove, Rob Tod, Adam Avery and Sam Calagione.

In March of 2006 five guys-Adam Avery, Vinnie Cilurzo, Rob Todd, Tomme Arthur accompanied Sam Calagione and Lorenzo Dabove The Prince of Pajottenland through a tour a tour of Belgium’s finiest Gueze producers. Many of the mysteries of Lambic production were answered along the way. They vowed to return to the states to brew a sour beer celebrating their experiences. In November of 2006 the reunited at Port Brewing to brew Isabelle Proximus.

In this bottle, you’ll find the answers to many of the questions that were first posed along their journey near the river Senne. However, like the mysteries of lambic beers, there remains one lingering question that was left unresolved. we hope like us, the next time you’re on a pilgrimage to Brussels you’ll drop by the Empire Club and let us know whether you prefer Green or Orange....

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ebone1988 (2504) - Dearborn, Michigan, USA - JUN 24, 2018
Aroma is funk, oak, tart, light oxidation, awesome. Appearance is golden, white head, hazy. Taste is funk, oak, tart, barnyard, excellent. Mouthfeel is medium body, very light carbonation, funky tart sour balanced aftertaste. Overall, this is still awesome.

rxeight (3358) - Illinois, USA - MAY 19, 2018
UPDATED: MAY 19, 2018 Izzy. Huge surprise when this showed up at the pre DLD share. One of the few legends I’d never thought I’d tick. Hazy orange yellow color. Aroma of lemon, citrus and wine. Taste is mild funk, medium sour. Great balance and drinking amazing for 10 years old. Was expecting this to be a never meet your heroes moment, but this old bottle was amazing.

CMUBEERMAN (458) - - JUN 19, 2017
Around 8 bottles...and the last 3 have ranged from papery to fantastic. Scores are from almost recent bottle (xmas 2016).

ctipping (3902) - Florida, USA - JUN 17, 2017
750 mL bottle. Originally reviewed from notes on 12/10/2012. Not sure when it was originally consumed. Golden orange. Small white head and a collar of white bubbles. Smells acidic. A touch of vinegar, but otherwise more of a light fruit acidity. Like an apricot. Tastes much fruitier. Very nice acidity. Apricot fruits. White wine. A touch of vinegar sourness coming in the back, but that’s to be expected at this bottle’s age. Clean sour. Light with a nice white wine finish. Excellent and easy to drink. Retains a great deal of flavor without adjuncts, which is impressive for an American sour. Good wine flavors, but the vinegar is a minor detractor.

gephross100 (943) - Bellaire, Texas, USA - JAN 13, 2017
Bottle thanks to Craig. Pours orange with no head. Nectarine, Sweet tart chalky finish. Light sourness.

ClarkVV (9063) - Boston, Massachusetts, USA - OCT 27, 2016
Bottle drunk 10/8/16
Deep, beeswax/honey golden with a large, well-retained, white head. Good clarity.
Tons of funky blue cheese-like character in the nose, with sweat, wet hay and other various barnyard. Nice. Light brett/lacto acidity with light maltiness adding honey-graham cracker. Very deep, dark and ponderous, it is certainly very different from the bright brett character of, say, 3F, but nonetheless gives a remarkably authentic impression of a real lambic.
And so it goes in flavor, lending moderate lactic sourness softened by both malt and plentiful barrel tannin. Cheesey as all hell with tons of barnyard. New oak is apparent, making it more Americanized in that regard, but it’s not overdone. No alcohol or flaw and with a soft, tightly carbonated texture.

kermis (18395) - Amsterdam-ish, NETHERLANDS - SEP 27, 2016
Bottle shared at A Day To Sink All Sea Shepards tasting. Hazy golden orange with a ring white head. Aroma of manure, lactic notes, bretty funk, lemon, dusty cellar and citrus. Flavour is above moderate sour. Medium bodied with soft carbonation. [17-09-2016]

rouhlas (5549) - Thessaloniki, GREECE - SEP 21, 2016
750 ml bottle shared at the original Chez Moeder Lambic’s cellar. Hazy orange color with no head. Light malty aroma, yeasty, funky, barnyard, leather notes, citrusy fruity, tart lemon, stone fruits too, peach also, wood, vinous. Sweet and acidic taste, fruity like aroma, stone fruits again. Medium oily body with soft carbonation.

77ships (14200) - Antwerpen, BELGIUM - SEP 18, 2016
Extreme & manifold thanks to fux!!! The story behind this beers name is hilarious. 750 ml. bottle. Nose is big sour puckering with very bright apricot, lemon zest. Taste is huge lemon peel, zest, puckering, puckering but not vinegar, big sour, low funk with this massive glorious apricot fruit finish, fruit really lingers, some peach. So much better than expected.

knickskicks (1168) - - MAY 14, 2016
Orange pour, light off-white head that dissipates. Low carbonation. Nose is is sour apples and sour lemon, very slight oxidation, a touch of booze. Taste is acidic lemon and green apples, very sour. Not that complex and I’d prefer a fresh Beatification at this point, but this bottle held up very well.

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