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RATINGS: 9   MEAN: 3.71/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.48/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 162   ABV: 5.4%
This is our Pitch Black ale, aged on organic cherries, in Vermont Spirits bourbon barrels for 6 months. We then referment the beer with Brettanomyces and aged it for another 6 months. Fuzzy has smooth roast and oak flavors blended with subtle notes of dark chocolate and cherry pie. Crisp and dry with tart, almost sour finish.

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PapaSkeetSkeet (1319) - Providence, Rhode Island, USA - NOV 11, 2019
UPDATED: NOV 12, 2019 Sample from brewers. Black with tan, coarse head that fades to a frothy ring. Aroma is apricot/mango, a bit of lake-side funky vegetation, a touch smokey, smells like smoke on the wind on a cold January day before a snow. Body is medium-medium-light weight, oily, medium carbonation, medium-coarsness, medium-hot hotness, prickly blanket. Flavor is chewy and smokey lightly sour. bit of cherry, smoking wood (not oak?) dark-roasted something - maybe nuts? bread? not coffee. spicy green herbs and wild grasses/shrubs. bit of blackberry? red currant? Not getting much vanilla from the bourbon barrels surprisingly. This is a spectacular dark sour - love!

ads135 (7114) - Omaha, Nebraska, USA - MAR 2, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 2, 2019 Reddish brown, thin head and boozy. Vegetal, earthy, and a more than a little dark fruit. Picked up a bottle in Burlington and tried with Neil, Mary, and Winchell in 2019 in QC.

HogTownHarry (8952) - Toronto (Harbourfront), Ontario, CANADA - MAR 27, 2017
September 21, 2015 - 750ml bottle shared by sim with mes, me, Reakt, others - splendid! I was present for an acutal "mes rate"!!! Deep ruby with a lasting creamy tan head. Aroma was initially smoky with tart cherry, plenty of funk, a bit of alcohol. Taste was quite simple - solid somewhat sour cherry brew with Belgian yeast spiciness and building brett funk - pretty wild and cheeky. Such an airy mouthfeel, light bodied, finishes pretty quick and neither the sour cherry nor the funky brett really rise to dominate, it’s there, and cherries in the aftertaste, but solid and memorable. Thanks, Sim!!

PhillyCraft (11988) - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - SEP 5, 2016
Bottle from Al at Ryans. pours a purple color with light head. Notes of moth ball, oak, oude bruin, and bread. Maybe some bitter chocolate as it warms but its mostly off and old notes. Finishes slightly acidic and sharp. Bad

Huhzubendah (3781) - Washington DC, USA - JAN 18, 2016
Thanks Yanik. Hazy, near black body with a frothy cap. Interesting aroma...bourbon, oak, pine, brett, funk, balsamic, wine tannins, chocolate. Cherry and bourbon character. Medium alcohol presence. Complexity. Unique and definitely worth trying. Fun.

MesandSim (7116) - London, Greater London, ENGLAND - SEP 21, 2015
Well bugger me, a Mes rate. Shared with Harry and Morenike, the Moncada guys and my lovely wife. This is a crazy beer. All over the place but really fun and balanced. Has that deep raisin character with a bright lemony zest on top. The cherries sit really well too The brett is definitely front of stage but it’s just so well integrated, never feeling too much. Gives a good lick of dry smoke in the finish. Balanced, spritely, so easy to drink and yeah, my glass drained too quickly. Luckily, there’s a little more in the bottle. This was a kind present from the guys at Lost Nation. Thanks so much guys, it was excellent. Possibly my favourite sour from the East Coast.

Ernesto987 (6082) - Arizona, USA - JUL 6, 2015
bottle from release, great barrel aging and barrel flavors, the base is a little to roasty and thin. Lightly tart lets the cherries really shine. Tasty.

jkwood04 (5777) - Connecticut, USA - JUL 5, 2015
750ml bottle in a tulip. Pours near black with a beige head. Aroma of light Brett, cherries, dark malts, hints of dark fruits, and some light bourbon and oak. Flavor the same with a cool blend but maybe some faint notes of chemicals. Average texture. A pretty good beer still.

Reynolds314 (3472) - Connecticut, USA - JUL 5, 2015
Nice beer with a lot going on with my one complaint being the base beer is a bit too small to handle all thats going on here. Aroma is cherry, cocoa, cola, molasses, vanilla, brett. Taste is tart cherries up front with funky drying brett and a finish of mollases, vanilla, cocoa, earthy from the bourbon barrel and base beer. Kind of disjointed but still good.

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