RATINGS: 2130   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.01/5   EST. CALORIES: 153   ABV: 5.1%
Apricot flavouring A Beer Cloaked in Secrecy An ale whose mysterious and unusual palate will swirl across your tongue and ask more questions than it answers. A beer brewed clandestinely and given a name whose meaning is never revealed. Why #9? Why, indeed. A sort of dry, crisp, fruity, refreshing, not-quite pale ale. #9 is really impossible to describe because there’s never been anything else quite like it. Fermented with our 150 year old strain of top-fermenting English yeast.

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billsu (3) - - SEP 10, 2021 does not count
UPDATED: SEP 10, 2021 This beer is a favorite. It's aroma is apricot. It's appearance is on the orange side of yellow. It's taste is refreshing with a full appealing mouthfeel. I give it a 4.0 + I think the name is fabulous Magic Hat #9!

goozen (5045) - Leiden, NETHERLANDS - JUL 9, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 9, 2021 Sweet bitter and some tart, hints of apricot and peach in funky way. Old paper ratings before Ratebeer, so why not rate them in hindsight.

Jerseyislandbeer (3514) - JERSEY - JUN 19, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 19, 2021 Old rating - 355ml bottle, pours amber with a white foamy head. Aromas & tastes of apricot, berries, cereal, grain , caramel & malt. Medium body. Smooth light bitter finish

OsuStu (495) - - OCT 24, 2020
UPDATED: OCT 24, 2020 12 oz bottle. Light amber color with a bubbly white. Fruity but artificial flavor. Like berry flavored syrup. Wheat and caramel malt. Fairly effervescent to cut it. Haven't had this one in a long time. Okay but drinking one is enough.

Beese (12774) - Tooting, London, Greater London, ENGLAND - FEB 14, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 14, 2020 Keg at Great Lost Bear, Portland, ME on 22/03/2008. Decent brown ale, with cereal and grain notes.

Lupulus13 (392) - Leiden, NETHERLANDS - JAN 27, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 27, 2020 Bottle from McCafferys. Clear amber with decent head. Berry aroma. Decent raspberry but not too sweet. This is actually fairly solid despite the low reviews imho

maltyhead (62) - - DEC 20, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 20, 2019 Poured from a 12 oz can, formed a 1” head, was light honey color and had a very subtle fruity syrup aroma. The beer was smooth but with a noticeable fruity syrupy taste. A good beer but too syrupy for my liking.

czlowiekwiadro (2441) - POLAND - OCT 24, 2019
UPDATED: OCT 24, 2019 zapach intensywny, dojrzałe owoce, liście z czarnej porzeczki, lekki karmel, sporo przypieczonych słodów, trochę cytrusów i dojrzałych jasnych owoców, wszystko soczyste, ale jednocześnie dość wytrawne. kolor głebokiego złota, wpada w bursztyn, lekko opalizujący. piana biała, średnio obfita i średnio trwała. w smaku pełne, karmel, sporo słodów i spieczonego chleba, arbuz, liście z porzeczki, może jakieś jagody, sporo skór z cytrusów i żywicy, całość interesująca i świeża. goryczka umiarkowana do wysokiej, karmelowa, cytrusowa i żywiczna z owocowymi nutami. nasycenie wysokie.

BeerStein48 (1) - - SEP 18, 2019 does not count
UPDATED: SEP 18, 2019 Magic Hat is losing for me. Back in the day it was great company. today it more about the money and less about the beer.

GregMooreNH (6520) - Bedford, New Hampshire, USA - SEP 13, 2019
UPDATED: SEP 13, 2019 Pours clear amber with a two finger, white head. Aroma is strawberry and hops. Taste is strawberry, moving to hops. Finish is strawberry.

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