RATINGS: 370   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.94/5   SEASONAL: Autumn   IBU: 25   EST. CALORIES: 162   ABV: 5.4%
Hex is a malty amber ale offering hints of toffee and caramel with its slightly smoky finish. Malt: Pale, Vienna, Crystal, Cherry Wood Smoked Malt, Rye Hops: Hallertau Yeast: German Ale Yeast

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Jabah (2479) - Fairfax, Virginia, USA - APR 26, 2018
Well....I got this on sale for $6.99 for a 6, and kinda liked the Magic Hat #9. Wanted to sample some different Oktoberfests this year, so figured couldn't go wrong with this for economy beer. That's about what it is, but I found it to be decent economy beer. Lacking some of the richer flavor for the style, a bit watery, but the malty flavor that is there is decent. Ok hops. Appearance a bit on the thin side too. Basically it is what it is, sorta worth the sale price IMO, but not much more. Gonna probably stick with Sammy though for my next Oktoberfest 12-pack

alexsdad06 (16451) - West Chester, Ohio, USA - JUL 5, 2017
12 oz bottle from backlog notes. Pours a clear copper color with a small off white head. The aroma and flavor have toasted grainy malts, some malt sweetness, a hint of smoke, paper, loses quite a bit to the finish, very bland and not worth repeating.

JPDIPSO (6618) - Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, USA - JUN 21, 2016
Dark amber/orange color with a moderate faded canvas colored head. Sweetened toasted malt and herbal to floral hops in the nose. Initial caramel evaporates quite quickly and dries out to toasted malt with actually rather bitter and acidic hops. Seems quite fizzy and light in feel. A little return of sweeter malts in the linger. Somewhat quenching. A hot fall day type brew? 5/10

oldrtybastrd (5002) - Fort Walton Beach, Florida, USA - APR 14, 2016
Pours a medium golden amber color. Aromas of roast malts, caramel, and some hops. Flavors of sweet malt, wheat bread and some nice hopping

GreatDane1632 (1177) - North Dakota, USA - AUG 16, 2015
Rated based on notes taken 27 Oct 2012 -- Not much notes. It was disappointing if I recall correctly.

aumentm (451) - North Carolina, USA - APR 24, 2015
This octoberfest beer is amazing and it is going to be the opposite of what you think, Dark in color and ready to rise above the crowd.

Lemke10 (1009) - Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA - APR 14, 2015
This pours a clear, amber color with a slight head. The aroma is malty with a touch of spice. The taste is fairly thin, light and easy drinking. There is a sweet, malty flavor as expected with this brew. Pretty decent, much better than the rating would suggest.

Darkmagus82 (2303) - - AUG 19, 2014
Transfer from BA review on 12-22-12- Poured from bottle into pint glass Appearance- Pours a lightly hazed orange amber color with a fizzy white head. The head has a moderate level of retention fading to leave a moderate amount of lacing. Smell- The aroma is quite light overall but consists of a light roasted malt and some toffee sweetness. Mixed with these aromas are some lighter notes of a citrus and herbal hop smell. Taste – The taste begins with a bready and sweeter caramel flavor up front. A light roasted malt flavor comes to the tongue soon after. With it is a light lemon and orange citrus hop flavor. A light earthy hop flavor comes to the tongue and in the end, when mixed with the rest of the flavors, leaves a lightly roasted and semi-sweet and hoped flavor to finish out the taste. Mouthfeel – The body of the beer is average in terms of creaminess with a carbonation level that is average to just above average. Neither are bad for the sweeter flavors of the brew with the lighter citrus and earthy hop flavors being decently complemented by the body and carbonation. Overall – Pretty easy drinking overall. A good blend of roast, sweet,and hop make it a nice beer to try and possibly try again if you agree.

generallee08 (784) - New York, USA - JUL 18, 2014
The body has a beautiful orange amber color with good clarity and some carbonation. The head on top is a creamy off white color about two fingers tall and has good retention. 2/3 the way down the glass and a thin cap is still holding on. There is not much in the way of lacing as the head just slides right down the glass. The aroma has an odd astringent sour hop note with sweet caramel, candy like maltiness. Its medium body sports a sweet caramel candy and toffee like character with some bready and lightly toasted notes in the background. This is balanced by a somewhat sour leafy/grassy bitterness from the hops. As this is Amber Ale and not a true Oktoberfest Lager the finish is slow and light hop bitterness lingers. The carbonation is well balanced and active keeping the texture lively and light.

tectactoe (3125) - Michigan, USA - JUL 15, 2014
UPDATED: AUG 29, 2014 Bottle: Tinted amber with some hints of golden-orange, a touch of cloudiness throughout & topped with a slightly creamy, light-beige head. Aroma is very mild & timid... Light liquid toffee & CaraMunich malts. Sweetness is apparent. A little metallic, with some back-end smokiness that pops through near the finish. Taste is similar, with lots of seemingly caramel & Munich malts coming through hand-in-hand with a pile of toasted, bready yeast. A small hint of campfire-esque smoke that fades quickly into a sweet-toffee & lightly astringent finish. Sharp, but it gets better with time. Overall, while this isn’t undrinkable... there isn’t much of a reason to actually drink it. Very bland.

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