RATINGS: 443   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.81/5   SEASONAL: Summer   IBU: 13   EST. CALORIES: 135   ABV: 4.5%
Our take on the classic summer wheat beer...it’s a light, crisp ale for mowing lawns, hitting lazy fly balls and communing with nature. Glowing like brilliant rays of golden sun, its malty sweetness finishes tart and crisp. Hocus Pocus is best appreciated with a wedge of orange. Offered as a sacrifice to cloudless days.

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jrodooo5 (2411) - DOVER, Delaware, USA - FEB 6, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 6, 2019 Pours pale gold w/ a foamy white head & spotty lacing. The aroma is very faint spice. The taste is also faint w/ a fair amount of spicyness in the finish. Not bad on the mouthfeel but overall completely uninteresting!

puboflyons (4654) - Allenstown, New Hampshire, USA - DEC 29, 2018
UPDATED: DEC 29, 2018 From the 12 fl. oz. can with a cut off date stamp. But it is 2018. The pour is light yellow and slightly hazy with a fizzy white head that fades. The aroma emits notes of wheat, brush, lemon, and a hint of citrus. The mouthfeel is light. The taste is bright, toasty, and clean with a crispy, refreshing finish.

pdog555 (1419) - Connecticut, USA - NOV 30, 2018
UPDATED: NOV 30, 2018 Pours cloudy golden with a thick white head. Aroma of hops. Tastes like a wheat ale with some mild hop notes on the back of the tongue. Palate is devoid of anything but slight cereal and hop smatterings. Plain, well crafted.

Johnsense (2252) - - OCT 5, 2018
Pale gold pour, smaller puffy white head. Wheat, lemon, orange peel, caramel sweetness in the aroma and taste. Lighter body. Refreshing enough in warmer weather.

JFGrind (2309) - Glenside, Pennsylvania, USA - SEP 13, 2018
Magic Hat elevates a Wheat Ale above mega brew tastes. Must be Hocus Pocus.

Dacrza (1557) - Great Meadows, New Jersey, USA - MAY 17, 2017
DATE: May 17, 2017... OCCASION: inspired by the school band’s spring performance and the early spring heat, time to add some wheat to the evening of Celts/Cavs Game 1... pours an active, bubbling golden body with a thick white head that clumps and clusters resiliently... lacing is appreciable... honey, wheat yeast, hints of lemon, and buttery biscuit malts that tug at the senses in its variety--earthy, slightly too malty... oily, light-bodied and easily drinkable... maybe it’d be better on a lawnmower, as suggested... lemon, hay, some biscuit, a hint of the honey, lime (?) and apple make for a fruity, malty flavor profile... fitting for the evening heat, but not the kind of beer I’d reach for when quenching a thirst... many other weisses, wheat, weizens and pilsners to enjoy...

Sirmixsomewhat (266) - Paoli, Pennsylvania, USA - DEC 10, 2015
Hocus Pocus isn’t really outstanding, but it’s not offensive either. It’s worth drinking. Or maybe it isn’t. Do whatever you want with it, I’m not your dad.

aumentm (451) - North Carolina, USA - APR 24, 2015
This is a nice wheat beer that brings a lot to the party. Light beer with nice aroma and easy to take down.

MadIndian (2743) - Levittown, Pennsylvania, USA - APR 22, 2015
Bottle from SJ. Brew was a bit thin for my taste. Some wheat notes. Caramel malts, hop and lemon. Ehhh. It was okay.

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - OCT 5, 2014
"yet another non-descript entry into the american wheat catergory. average across the board...non-offensive...not complex or intruiging. pretty much what i expected

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