RATINGS: 46   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.25/5   EST. CALORIES: 135   ABV: 4.5%
Keg, 330ml can;
The first of this series is a Raspberry & Peach Berliner Weisse mimicking the classic Bellini cocktail. It has a delicate and clean body, a beautiful peachy pink/orange colour from the fruit additions, bright carbonation and a refreshing sour tang.

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imdownthepub (22082) - Banbury, Oxfordshire, ENGLAND - APR 11, 2020
UPDATED: APR 11, 2020 Canned, 330ml from B&M Bargains, Banbury, Oxon. Hazy yellow gold with white head. Surprisingly thin beer from this brewery, thin fruity notes, a touch of acidic sourness maybe. Quite weak and watery. Not great.

fonefan (69306) - VestJylland, DENMARK - APR 29, 2018

Can 330ml. @ The Shnoodlepip, London.

[ As Magic Rock Bellini Vice ].
Clear medium red orange colour with a small to average, frothy, fair lacing, mostly lasting to diminishing, off-white head. Aroma is light to moderate malty, wheat, moderate yeasty, fruity, peach, raspberry, light tart. Flavor is moderate sweet and light acidic with a average to long duration, sweet malt, tart, tart fruit - tart berry. Body is medium, texture is oily to watery, carbonation is soft. [20170812]

anders37 (31023) - Malmö, SWEDEN - DEC 25, 2017
Draft @ LCBF 2017. Pours a yellow color with a small white head. Has a fruity weak sour raspberry aroma. Fruity weak sour raspberry and peach flavor. Has a fruity weak sour raspberry peach finish.

apickles (705) - North Yorkshire, ENGLAND - DEC 22, 2017
Can in North Bar Social in Otley. Pours dark orange and hazy with no head. Nose is a little fruity but not much of anything. Taste is a touch sour with quite a lot of wheat but a touch bland for Magic Rock.

hrabren (5491) - Zagreb, CROATIA - DEC 21, 2017
On tap at Craft Room, Opatovina, Zagreb. Summer of 2017. Shared with Višnja 666 and Pilot Goran. Murky orange, small off-white head. Fruity, sour fruit, acidity and malts.Light sourness, also malts. Medium body, moderate carbonation, nicely rounded finish. Good one!

josanguapo (4767) - SPAIN - NOV 4, 2017
From Zombier. Can. In Teku glass. With caña lomo. Watching Stranger Things 2x01-02. Raspberries add more sourness to already sour brew,making it hard to finish and not providing enough fruityness to compensate.Hard to finish. Didnt find any of the peach though

melush (11220) - SPAIN - OCT 6, 2017
33cl Can @ Zombier, Malaga, Spain Hazy amber colour with a thin white head. Aroma is raspberry, tart, peach. Taste follows the aroma. Medium to light body, average carbonation.

The_Osprey (10582) - WALES - SEP 5, 2017
July 2017 - Tasting at One Canada Square. Can thanks to Dave. As 'Magic Rock Bellini Vice', 4.5%. Amber orange, still, translucent, foamy white head leaves dotted lacing. Aroma is peachy, dark fruits, malty. Body is frothy with soft carbonation. Taste is bready sugars, sodawater and peach. OK but a little thin and sweet for me maybe. (6-4-5-4-13=3.2)

kajser27 (2993) - Zagreb, CROATIA - AUG 30, 2017
Hazy, amber-reddish colored, small+ white head. Aroma is of tart raspberry, lactic acid, very light peach. Taste is medium-light sweet, some malt, fruity aroma, raspberry, bit of peach, some lacto, medium tartness, dry crisp finish. Light+ bodied, soft carbonation, watery thin. (on tap, Garden Brewery, Zagreb)

Trolleo (6614) - Manchester, Greater Manchester, ENGLAND - AUG 30, 2017
Tarty, sour, burning my nose hair, lots of raspberry, not as much peach. Cloudy golden to orange color with small sized white head. Medium to heavy sour, tart, raspberry. Thin body, extremely watery, lively carbonation. Not bad. //tap at Opatovina 2017

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