RATINGS: 323   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.03/5   EST. CALORIES: 144   ABV: 4.8%
Mahou's mildest taste.

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rumore (3109) - Rimini, ITALY - NOV 25, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 25, 2021 33cl can. Pours crisp blonde, with medium grained white foam. Aroma is cereal, bread. Body and carbonation are average. Taste is balanced, moderately sweet. Final is average.

zacgillbanks (7949) - Tyne & Wear, ENGLAND - AUG 17, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 17, 2021 1ltr Bottle from Eroski Supermarket, Inca, Mallorca, Spain. Pale straw coloured with a thick white head of foam. It has a toffee and grassy flavour with a malty, bitter and thin finish. Not great.

Sledutah (10025) - Utah, USA - AUG 14, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 14, 2021 Can from CR, thanks to my wife. Pours clear dark golden with a medium sized white head, good lacing. Pale malts, grains, grassy, dough. Decent

brexitgiftshop (77) - GERMANY - JUL 31, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 31, 2021 Clear gold, thin head, fresh hoppy nose. Refreshing bright, clean taste, malty/hops in balance into afterglow. Not as malty as 5 Estrellas Mahou, less boozy, more watery, little body. Quite pleasant mass Spanish pale lager to be enjoyed in Spain.

Jorn69 (5681) - Ängelholm, SWEDEN - JUL 13, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 15, 2021 Can @ Havregatan 20210713. (Thanks Örjan) Malty, grainy, grassy and sweet, light body with a watery texture. The finish is bitter.

Almogabar (803) - MARIA DE HUERVA (ZARAGOZA), SPAIN - MAY 6, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 6, 2021 Lata de cerveza de 33 cl que daban con el menú de la cena. Color amarillo cristalino, espuma blanca abundante. Sin aroma, apenas algo de cereal? En boca insípida, notas ligeramente amargas al final del trago. Muy floja.

TomHendriksen (4865) - NETHERLANDS - APR 21, 2021
UPDATED: APR 21, 2021 *Rating overgezet 2016* Het is een helder goudgeel bier met een wit schuim. Het heeft een moutige geur. De smaak is moutig en wat metaalachtig.

AndySnow (12784) - Huddinge, SWEDEN - SEP 22, 2020
UPDATED: SEP 22, 2020 How: Draught. Where: Chiringuitos del sol Punta Prima, Torrevieja Spain. Appearance: Golden colour with a white head. Aroma: Malt, grain. Body: Light to medium body, medium carbonation. Flavour: Malt, grain.

Kevnic2008 (14040) - Baden-Baden, GERMANY - JUL 30, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 30, 2020 Pours a clear golden color with a small head. Grainy aroma and flavour with grassy notes.

TrappistExports38 (219) - Košice, SLOVAKIA - FEB 29, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 2, 2021 I've been drinking this beer for a long time, so I'm just taking this here to keep it written

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