Brewed by Manoir de Grandouet - Famille Grandval
Style: Apple Cider
Cambremer, France


on tap


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RATINGS: 27   MEAN: 3.5/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.43/5   EST. CALORIES: 135   ABV: 4.5%
Cidre AOC/AOP Pays d’Auge demi-sec – Récolte 2012

Médaille d’Argent au Concours Général Agricole de Paris 2014

Les pommes utilisées pour l’élaboration de ce cidre AOP Pays d’Auge proviennent de nos vergers installés sur des sols argilo-calcaire. Le subtil assemblage de plusieurs variétés de pommes, parmi les plus traditionnelles et typiques du Pays d’Auge, assure à ce cidre un bon équilibre entre sucre, acidité et amertume.

Après pressage, le moût obtenu, 100% pur jus, fermente lentement sous l’action des levures naturellement présentes sur les pommes. Il faut environ 3 mois de fermentation pour obtenir un cidre demi-sec (4,5° vol. d’alcool). Le cidre est alors mis en bouteille où les levures vont prolonger la fermentation pour assurer la prise de mousse. Il faut environ 3 mois après la mise en bouteille pour obtenir un cidre à la mousse fine et pétillante.

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Jow (6235) - The Hop, Massachusetts, USA - APR 17, 2021
UPDATED: APR 17, 2021 Big bottle shared with family for a celebratory toast. Dark cider. Nose is fleshy apples, sweet sugars, funky barnyard. Tastes of red apples, cheese funk, barnyard stables, brown sugar. Rust. Funky finish and rather tart. Finished sweet

Maakun (10309) - The Hague, NETHERLANDS - AUG 28, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 28, 2019 Bottle shared thanks to sjogro. Clear deep golden with bigger bubbles. Sweet apple, caramel, soft butter, spicy apple peel, dry cellar funk, woody, dry leathery notes. Almost medium sweet, light bitter and tart. Medium bodied with fizzy carbonation. Complex and tasty, but stinky on the nose but overall a nice cider! 👍🏻

sjogro (9247) - The Hague, NETHERLANDS - AUG 18, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 24, 2019 Sampled at the source, 3rd taster, tasted from a bottle pour by the host. Golden juice, bubbles. Sweet and dry apples, more traditional farm funk than the reserve. Sweet and rich and fruity. Some herbal spices. Moderate sweet and bitter. Lively fizz. Very nice. // Shared again from bottle in Maakun’s garden. Lovely.

mcberko (34280) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - JUN 4, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 4, 2019 750mL bottle, pours a hazy golden with a small white head. Aroma brings out lots of horse blanket upfront, with a lot of funk, and some sweet apples. Flavour is wonderfully deep, with loads of barnyard funk, sweet apples, and horse blanket. Has an intense classic French farmhouse funk that somehow manages to be both bone dry and quite sweet. Lovely.

SinH4 (13263) - Garching bei München, Bavaria, GERMANY - MAY 13, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 13, 2019 Bottle. Clear orange, almost rosé color with white head. Aroma is red apples, vanilla, barnyard, quite rustic. Taste is red apples, vanilla, rustic barn. Silky mouthfeel with sparkly carbonation. Good for a sweet cider!

crossovert (17015) - Chicago, Illinois, USA - MAR 3, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 3, 2019 750ml green corked and caged green bottle. Pours almost like beer, has a large head which suprisingly sticks, super carbonated, amber hazed body, Aroma is juicy, lightly medicinal and barnyardy, floral. Flavor is sweet but heavy carb which lends itself to being less sweet and cow dungy like some of these, bit too sweet, but okay.

minutemat (11726) - Shropshire, ENGLAND - DEC 5, 2017
75cl bottle (2016) from the producer. Pours clear gold, pleasant fresh apple juice on the nose. Spritzy palate with a full-flavoured medium apple fruit character, and a soft farmhouse influence. Well-rounded, fruity and flavoursome with a lovely sweetness from the distinctive regional Pays d'Auge apples used. Good Normandy cider.

sulawang (1712) - - OCT 18, 2017
Visual: (cellared for 5 years). Real cork with steel cap top. Pours deep yellow-orange with a fizzy dissipating soda head, not much other than some micro bubbles along the perimeter, occasional bubble surfacing.

Nose: rich apple juice, woody acidity, light yeasty funk (lvl-7)-pungency

Attack: soft crisp, bright fruity apple

Mid-palate: micro-tingly-fizzy, (lvl-3-sweetness), fruity tangy soft acidic, woody unfiltered apple juice

Finish: hint of alcoholic tang, mild tart, residual purity of apple flavour

Summary: Extremely natural and clean tasting apple cider with just a touch of woody funk and enough sweetness to satisfy the palate. Gold medals well deserved.

k0mpsa (3785) - Tuusula, FINLAND - OCT 16, 2015
2013 Bottle at tuulensuu, tampere. Clear golden color, some white head. Aroma has sweet apples, stables, earth notes. Nice crispy apples, sweet, stables.

skortila (6536) - Baarn, NETHERLANDS - SEP 5, 2015
From barrel @ La Cidrerie, Honfleur. Aroma has apple, some earth tones, flowers. Unsure about colour and haze since it was served in a ceramic cup. Lasting, thin head. The taste is light - moderate sweet, has apple, bit honey. Nice.

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