RATINGS: 17   MEAN: 3.12/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.09/5   IBU: 25   EST. CALORIES: 258   ABV: 8.6%
Only the guv’nor need apply. This triple blonde bitter combines some of the ultimate heavy hitters in beer brewing flavour with iconic Marshall tone to tantalise your taste buds. An extraordinary brew that pours a deep golden colour. Jim’s Treble makes use of a raft of new hop varieties to create a flavour that’s both unashamedly bold and intensely satisfying. Balanced out with oats and wheat, leaving you with notes of punchy citrus and warming spice. It’s not for the faint hearted. It’s a strong, blonde triple with as much character and inspiration as the iconic Jim Marshall. It’s as rock ‘n’ roll as it gets.

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Psytron (5142) - Turku, FINLAND - DEC 24, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 24, 2021 Smell of yeast, pepper, marzipan. Clear golden colour, white head. Aroma of floral hops, overripe fruit, green apple, sweet malt. Interesting combo of flavours. Sweet, lightly sour. Lively carbon. Odd, but pleasant.

omhper (33492) - Tyresö, SWEDEN - AUG 16, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 16, 2021 Sample, thanks oh6gdx! Hazy pale amber, rich firm head. Leafy marzipan aroma. Mid sweet with medium to full body and rounded mouthfeel. Fruity with some bread and marzipan. Floral, leafy hops, some syrup and apples. Warming mid bitter finish

fonefan (69306) - VestJylland, DENMARK - JUL 3, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 12, 2021
Bottle 330ml. @ [ Petalax 🇫🇮 Virtual Tasting ] - fonefan & Brugmansia House. 🏡 💻👀

[ As Marshall Rock 'N' Roll Craft Beer Jim's Treble ].
ABV: 8.6%. ✅ Clear medium orange yellow colour with a small to average, frothy - fizzy and open, fair lacing, mostly diminishing, white head. Aroma is moderate malty, sweet malt, fruity malt, pale malt, moderate to heavy yeasty, fruity yeast, tripel yeast, rich. Flavor is moderate sweet with a long duration, pale malt, fruity malt, fruity yeast, candy, tripel yeast - belgian yeast. Body is medium, texture is oily to watery, carbonation is soft. [20210703]

allmyvinyl (15436) - Edinburgh, SCOTLAND - APR 20, 2021
UPDATED: APR 20, 2021 Bottle from Beers of Europe. Pours clear golden with no real head. Aromas of citrus and brown bread. Taste is sweet and boozy, light fruit. Decent body.

SHIG (10003) - Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, ENGLAND - MAR 20, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 20, 2021 Sample thanks to Grumbo: Poured an orange translucent with a white head. Aroma is bubblegum, fruity, malty. Taste is fruity, malty, very flavorful and lingers.

Grumbo (14439) - Ipswich, Suffolk, ENGLAND - FEB 10, 2021
UPDATED: FEB 10, 2021 10/2/2021. Bottle from Beers of Europe. Pours dark gold with a large foamy/creamy off-white head. Aroma of caramel, grain, sweet malt, sweet fruits, touch of veg, yeast and metal filings. Very sweet, minimal bitterness. Creamy texture, decent body it, with average carbonation. Sweet and tacky finish. Not bad but didn't hit the high notes for me.

Grzesiek79 (6445) - Radom, POLAND - JUL 31, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 31, 2020 No to bym zaspiewal dla Jim'a jak Lenny Kravirz. 'Let’s Rock Rulles' Co za moda na muzyczne piwa, Iron Maiden, Kiss, Motorhead i nawet nawiazanie do wzmacniaczy, Etykieta i przeslanie jest OK, piwo raczej srednie ku dobremu, Piana spora srednio trwala, klarowna zlotawo-jaskrawa barwa. W smaku zdecydowanie slodowe, alko w miare ukryte, ale sie jakos wychyla, za malo gestosci jak na Tripel. Ale przy dzwiekach Rockowej muzyki z glosnikow Marschala mozna sie nieco podelektowac...ale bardziej jednak muzyka niz tym piwe. RIP Jim, Pozdrow innego Jima... Jima Hendrixa, o ile jest z Toba.

RichardGretton (5318) - Leicestershire, ENGLAND - JUL 22, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 22, 2020 Bottle. Bronze coloured beer with a strong white head. The aroma is yeasty with some hops and maltiness, and the flavour is gently malty with a good degree of bitterness and a gently yeasty finish. Overall a nice beer.

Beerhunter111 (36080) - Beerland, GERMANY - JUL 1, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 1, 2020 33cl bottle. A clear golden beer with a off-white head. Aroma of strong pale malt, rotten fruits, typical belgian yeast, citrus hops. Taste of strong pale malt, ripe fruits, yellow fruits, belgian yeast.

corkyrory66 (5311) - BELGIUM - JUN 25, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 25, 2020 Triple de 8,6 % abv, dédiée aux amplis Marshall … on l'aura deviné !! Bel effort de marketing pour l'étiquette (bien qu'il suffisait de copier ..). Cette bière est brassée par William Bros en Ecosse, soit à plus de 600 kms de Milton Keynes ... Mon exemplaire était à 17 mois avant sa date. Couleur doré à la feuille d'or, à la clarté limpide. Bulles fines, en colonnes droites, vives. Mousse blanc cassé, crémeuse, stable à 4 mm. Arômes de colle à bois, pvc, pomme cuite, cuir tanné. 1ère bouche très souple, sur un ensemble pomme/poire/margarine. Arrière-bouche qui ne donne que peu d'intérêt, douce sans plus. 2ème bouche à la belle texture, mais aux notes plastifiées affreuses ... Arrière-bouche qui n'a rien à voir avec une triple .. Longueur qui sent bon la colle à bois, le vinyle chaud, et même .. oh joie .. le plexi en fusion (ceci se passe à 160° C) Jambes fines, serrées, groupées. Levure très faible. Alcool largement sous son niveau, il fait de la figuration ... Finale nulle, à peu de chose près .. CONCLUSION : une triple sur le papier .. et même au goût de papier !! Comme hommage à Jim Marshall, on ne pouvait pas pire … C'était plutôt un hommage à Jim Marshmallow !! (2/4/2/4/2) (music pairing : Artymus Pyledriver, groupe sudiste, qui fait honneur pour sa part, et largement, à Jim Marshall .. )

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