Michigan Brewing Mackinac Pale Ale

RATINGS: 152   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.08/5   EST. CALORIES: 165   ABV: 5.5%
A deep golden-orange hue provides the backdrop for a well-balanced, medium bodied ale. Hop flavor and aroma are distinctly American with a spicy, citrus finish.

Editor’s note: Sold as Mackinac Summer Ale (5% ABV) in Sweden. (2008)

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Patrickctenchi (7259) - Cox’s Knob, columbus, Indiana, USA - JAN 10, 2013
Bottle: Dated 7-20-11 Pours clear amber with a tall, pillowy, off-white head. Scent is malty, sweet, light fruit. Taste is bright, citrusy, sweetly bready... Even with a bit of age on it, it’s still quite tasty.

Tessic (1979) - Brantford, Ontario, CANADA - NOV 5, 2012
This Pale Ale poured a cloudy, medium amber colour with a big, beautiful, bright white head. Very nice lacing. To the nose there are scents of citrus hops, grass and a little perfume. First sip was a little watery with stong hopp flavour and a hint of bread. Very hoppy without the harsh hop flavour. Finish is bitter with flavour of flowers and hay lingering.

Strangebrewer (1910) - Chatham, Ontario, CANADA - SEP 9, 2012
bottle. Poured clear amber with a rocky off-white head. Aroma is not overly hoppy and slightly sweet. Medium mouthfeel. Bready malt and a grassy hop flavour, finishes tart and dry.

Alextricity (509) - Michigan, USA - JUL 27, 2012
I essentially made a RateBeer account JUST to rate this beer. First of all, I am incredibly disappointed that Michigan Brewing Company has gone out of business. Anyway... I went to a local liquor store expecting to try out Sam Adams Boston Ale, but saw this, and decided to buy it. When I got home and looked it up, that’s when I found out the company’s out of business. I may have bought the last 6-pack of this at that store. In fact, I probably did. Aroma: A very mild, beer smell. I get nothing else out of this. Maybe a bit of citrus, but not much. Appearance: I think it looks great. It’s unfiltered, has a nice haze, and you can see the yeast floating around and settling at the bottom. Has a nice summer-like appearance. Taste: I’m apparently in the minority here -- I think this is an excellent tasting beer. Although I got a metallic taste out of the first couple bottles I had, the past one was incredible. A light, refreshing, perfectly sessionable beer. There isn’t anything mind blowing or unique about it, but it’s a clean, refreshing, damn tasty beer. What else can I say? Palate: Watery mouthfeel ... nothing fantastic about it, but it suits this beer well. Again, this is why I feel it’s a great session beer. Overall: I really feel like this is one of my favorite beers... which depresses me. I almost wish I never tried it. Because once I found out the brewery went out of business, I got sort of depressed. Although this isn’t a summer-only beer, summer’s what I think of when I drink this. A very, very good beer.

Digital_Aura (228) - Ontario, CANADA - JUN 6, 2012
355ml bottle in variety pack. Pours a thin wispy head - clear golden body (Lovibond 9). Nice lacing. Smells slightly sweet - candy apples. Tastes great! Sharply of grapefruit initially, then mellowing to a tart granny apple. Very refreshing and not too bitter for a pale ale. Perfect carbonation. Perfect beer!? pretty close!

rumproasts (6127) - Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA - MAY 1, 2012
golden, no head whatsoever. virtually no aroma and minimal flavor. the nicest thing i can say is at least what’s there is pleasant, just incredibly bland and watered down.

BeerSkull (1372) - SWEDEN - APR 1, 2012
Light hops and malt aroma. Quite sweet taste of hops and malt. OK, but pretty boring!

Onslow (1810) - Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA - DEC 12, 2011
Pour from a 12 oz bottle. Clear amber brew with two fingers of off white head. Aroma of light malts, some floral hops, fruit - apples, pears, something tart. Taste is rather plain - a little maltiness but mostly a dry mid to late swallow with a tart fruity / spice finish. All rather subdued. Nothing bad here and overall very tasty, but not too distinct.

arone12 (967) - Maryland, USA - NOV 19, 2011
Orange yellow color with some hops. Slight bitterness in the aroma with some apple? Maybe pear?

papsdatank (47) - Michigan, USA - JUL 31, 2011
Appearance: This beer is actually surprisingly attractive, it pours a deep copper/amber with a foamy and retaining off white head, really quite attractive. Aroma: This is where I realized the true nature of this beer, despite the beautiful pour the scent is very mediocre, slight citrus hops, nutty malts and a slight metallic scent. The taste is also remarkably mediocre, slight citrus hops, nutty malts and a slight metallic taste. The palate’s OK, medium bodied and crisp, not too bad. Overall this beer is a disappointment, it’s like a chick with a really overstuffed bra, looks amazing but once you take the bra off, they’re mediocre tits, which this beer besides the look is extremely mediocre.

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