RATINGS: 141   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.28/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 348   ABV: 11.6%
On this 10-year mark, Midnight Sun Brewing Company proudly releases its 1000th batch of beer - a larger-than-life Belgian-style Barley Wine (if such a style exists) simply called M - in commemoration of the enduring spirit that founded and sustains this little brewery in the extreme Northwest. Making M required a massive grain bill - seven seductive malts - boosted by strength-inducing Belgian candi sugar. Once original gravity hit 37 Plato, a frenzied fermentation ensued: four completely fabulous yeast strains, two of Belgian origin, transformed this sweet concoction into all that is beer. But not just any beer. A beer of madcap magnitude - 11.6% ABV. Character and complexity increased exponentialy while M meddled and mellowed for several months in all-American bourbon oak barrels. Blending the aged beer before bottling ascertained smoothness. M is mesmerizing, pouring dark and silky. Caramel and spice waft up from the glass; bourbon, molasses, leather and vanilla follow. The first taste proffers tobacco, burnt sugar and raisin with a sublime port-like finish, but bourbon - smooth, sensuous, brooding bourdon - is ever-present. The finish, a bit edgy like an American take on barley wine, provides the necessary leap toward overall balance. M is a precious gift to ourselves as well as you, seekers of beer-that-is-beyond-beer adventures... We are but mere mortals in the presence of M.

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djd07 (26246) - Houston, Texas, USA - NOV 9, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 9, 2021 25K Rating. Bottle thanks to Matt. Pours a dark brown with small beige head that lasts. The aroma is belgian yeast, dark fruit, oak, caramel. Slick body, candi sugar, caramel, vanilla, yeast, cherry cola, oak, held up very well, enjoyed this.

JorisPPattyn (12750) - Wilrijk, BELGIUM - JUL 22, 2018
No head, pouring viscously to deep dark purplish brown beer. Dark, partly roasted nuts, cognac, winebarrels, biscuit, immensely complex. Sweet raisins on brandy, boerejongens , portwined, nuts (hazel-, wal-,..), and overripe banana, faint vanilla. Fusels and esters. Sugar beginning to caramelize. Sticky, full-bodied, despite its age (13 yrs), still very well-carbonated. Superbly aged, absolutely mindblowing brew.

ebone1988 (2504) - Dearborn, Michigan, USA - JUN 24, 2018
Bottle shared at the #walezbro tasting. Aroma is bourbon, raisins, caramel, fudge, smooth, amazing. Appearance is dark brown, brown head, nice carb.  Taste is raisins, bourbon, barrel, balanced, caramel, smooth, outrageous. Mouthfeel is medium to heavy body, light carbonation, awesome complex raisin bourbon aftertaste. Overall, incredible how this has held up. Awesome.

fonefan (69306) - VestJylland, DENMARK - MAR 27, 2017

Bottle 22fl.oz. shared at [ A Day To Sink All Sea Shepards tasting. ], Brussels, Belgium.

[ As Midnight Sun M ].
Clear dark red brown color with a small, fizzy, virtually none lacing, fully diminishing, light brown head. Aroma is light heavy malty, sweet malt, caramel, riped fruit, dark fruit, prune, raisin, plum, tobacco, light vanilla - bourbon - wood. Flavor is moderate to heavy sweet with a long long duration, sweet malt, prune, dark fruit, alcohol - bourbon - vanilla. Wow that is nice :) Body is medium, texture is oily, carbonation is soft, finish feel is light alcoholic. [20160917]

ctipping (3902) - Florida, USA - FEB 13, 2017
650 mL bottle. Originally reviewed 5/18/2014. Dark body. Nearly black. Small khaki head. Nose is sherry and a bit of cardboard oxidation. Sweet brown sugar and caramel. Mild dark roasted malts. Tastes sweet. Sherry flavored oxidation. Caramel. Some roasted malts. Dates. Not any barrel, really. Lots of raisin fruitiness. Thick bodied. Sweet, but not overly so. Alcohol is still prevalent. Well, I’m underwhelmed. It’s really good, but it’s not earth-shattering.

rouhlas (5549) - Thessaloniki, GREECE - SEP 21, 2016
650 ml bottle shared at the original Chez Moeder Lambic’s cellar. Hazy copper brown color with beige brown head. Malty aroma, caramel, chocolate, nutty, hazelnuts, vanilla, dark dried fruits, raisins, wood, alcohol. Sweet and light bitter taste like aroma. Medium to full oily silky body with soft carbonation. Great!

77ships (14200) - Antwerpen, BELGIUM - SEP 18, 2016
Extreme & manifold thanks to kermis!!! 650 ml. bottle sampled. 2005 Vintage presumably. Nose carries clear oxidation over a sweet base of caramel syrup, toffee, thick malts & sugar. While unfavorable oxidation, thinned by age is clear in the nose, I found none in the taste which is extremely sublime. Taste is insane richness, thick toffee malts, sweet vanilla, almond, sweet walnut syrup, warming perfect sugar syrup, warming, soft carbonation, faint fruits leading into an almost chocolate-like finish. Really builds supreme complexity. I expected it to be past its point & just hype but this turned out to be amazingly supreme. Too bad that they don’t know how to remake it.

kraddel (10779) - Antwerp, BELGIUM - SEP 17, 2016
@ A day to sink all seasheppards. Thnx for sharing, everyone !! Pours unclear, dark brown. No real head. Smell is intense, sweet, caramelized malts. taste is intense, dark malts, sweet, some vanilla, some bourbon, some oak. Very silky MF. Dark fruits, full-on intensity ! sticky aftertaste. Low ( perfect) carbo. The beers keeps evolving during drinking, and Always make you crave for more. insane how good this has held up. The best one of the mega-tasting, so it seems !!!

kermis (18395) - Amsterdam-ish, NETHERLANDS - SEP 17, 2016
Bottle shared at A Day To Sink All Sea Shepards tasting. Fairly clear dark reddish brown with a ring tan head. Aroma of big caramel, toffee, floral notes coming out, rich malt, fruity notes developing, butterscotch, vinous notes and raisins. Flavour is heavy sweet. Full bodied with soft carbonation. Beautiful stuff, so complex building and developing with each sip. Superb and lives up to the hype.

vtafro (7453) - Wayne, New Jersey, USA - JUN 5, 2015
Bottle. Brown pour with tan head. Sweet dark fruit, spice, chocolate, candy and caramel aromas. Tootsie roll perhaps, chocolate, roasted, candy, caramel, vanilla and a bunch of sweetness.

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