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RATINGS: 7   MEAN: 3.66/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.23/5   SEASONAL: Series   IBU: 130   EST. CALORIES: 321   ABV: 10.7%
4th Anniversary Imperial IPA Dry hopped with Simcoe and Amarillo.

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tmoreau (7963) - Lombard, Illinois, USA - JAN 20, 2015
Shared bomber poured to snifters, showing a hazed, orangey gold color, with a bubbly, soft white layer of head foam, and spots & streaks of lacing. The nose was dank, with a fleeting hint of cardboard, then a touch of caramel candy sweetness, and residual pine, and citrus as orange. Medium bodied, with soft carbonation, booze & malt sweetness seemed to successfully distract the palate from the hefty hop bitterness. Questionable aroma, saved by the flavor.

VsXsV (5000) - Stockholm, SWEDEN - DEC 7, 2014
Bottle. Light hazy deep amber liquid with medium off-white head. Aroma of lemon peel, pineapple, mango, light bread, citrus, light caramel and light grain. Taste is light sweet and medium bitter with notes of pineapple, citrus and light caramel. Medium bodied with medium carbonation. A bit too much on the maltier side.

mcberko (34280) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - OCT 7, 2014
22 oz. bottle, pours a cloudy orange with a small beige head. Aroma is heavy on the caramel malts, with a big resinous hop backing, and light residual sugars. Flavour is huge on both the caramel malts and resinous hops, with just enough residual sugar and not too much to make it cloying. Great beer.

kevinator (5671) - The Colony, Texas, USA - SEP 20, 2014
Good imperial. Strong piney and citrus notes. Well balanced with a slightly sweet malt background. A little alcoholic. Nice Brandy color. Full and a little oily with adequate carbonation.

PartyFowle (954) - - SEP 15, 2014
Brewed with Amarillo and Simcoe hops at the appropriate ratio of four pounds per barrel. Bomber into an IPA glass. Bright tangerine hue, brilliant clarity. Sticky sandy tan head has great retention and leaves nice webbing. Resinous nose, tangerine, grass, a hint or herbs and pizza crust. Tropical notes emerge in the flavor -- papaya, grapefruit peel, sticky alcohol. Creamy medium body, tingly carbonation. Very smooth and drinkable, especially considering the alcohol content.

JohnnyJ (5819) - San Diego, California, USA - SEP 8, 2014
Bomber. Clear dark golden pour, with a white head. Citrus, sweet malty, bitter hops, fruity, and sweet bread. This IIPA is both sweet and bitter, I would prefer drier, but this is ok.

48FanInCali (857) - California, USA - AUG 16, 2014
UPDATED: AUG 18, 2014 Bomber. Dark malty pour with generous head ad lacing. Sweet nose with fruit and hops. Taste is very bittering hops forward. Lots of sweet malt but not enough to counter the bitterness. Chewy mouthfeel. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

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