Serve in Shaker, Snifter


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RATINGS: 103   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.11/5   EST. CALORIES: 369   ABV: 12.3%
Brian. A man of few, not so clever words, but high in spirit and heavy on the scale. Not necessarily the greatest boxer in history but still, in his prime, able to tumble his way up the international ladder, as he wrestled against such notably champions as Larry Holmes, Evander Holyfield, and Mike Tyson. Now, the real question is this; will he be able to knock out George? You be the judge! This time in an even stronger Bourbon Barrel Aged edition.

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BEERGEEKRF777 (61) - SAMARA, RUSSIA - NOV 16, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 16, 2021 Цве угольно-черный. Пена отсутствует. В аромате тона красного вина и бурбона, шоколад. Во вкусе крутейшие ноты бурбона, ягодная винность, горький шоколад. Просто супер плотное тело с киселеобразной текстурой. Прекрасно скрытый алкоголь. Послевкусие продолжительное: приятная жженочка, растекающаяся по небу мягкая горечь хмеля, красные ягоды и тепло от алкоголя. Мировой шедевр!)

davidezdonz (1514) - Hong Kong, HONG KONG - NOV 5, 2019
UPDATED: NOV 5, 2019 A 330ml bottle with no clear bottled on or best before date (my best guess would be 4+ years in the bottle). Poured into a snifter glass. It was black in colour with pretty much no head and only some sparse spotty lacing. Aromas roasty, dark malt, chocolate, coffee, oak, licorice, bourbon, toffee and maybe a hint of char. Tastes sweet, bourbon, licorice, toffee, roasted malts, chocolate, oak, coffee, molasses, some dark fruit, char, and a light bitterness on the finish. Creamy, full bodied, with soft carbonation. Overall a good sipper from Mikkeller. Sweetness was on the borderline for me, but it got balanced by the roast and light bitterness on the finish.

Cunningham (12125) - Halden, NORWAY - MAR 30, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 30, 2019 Black pour with a fine thick beige top. Good lacing also. Looks nice and inviting. Pleasant intensity in the aroma. Also a fine carbonation level. Pleasant mouth feeling. Balanced sweetness and fine lasting tail. Dark malt, roast, chocolate, espresso, oak and toffee in the flavor. Fine complexity. And not to much bourbon. [Bottle from Mikkeller in Copenhagen, Denmark]

fombe89 (8313) - Asturias, SPAIN - MAR 28, 2018
UPDATED: MAR 30, 2018 Botella. @El Lupulo Feroz, Oviedo 28/03/2018
Color negro opaco pequeña corona de espuma beige, aromas maltosos, notas tostadas, ligeramente ahumada, madera, licorosa cuerpo denso.

ResinousLiquids6 (222) - Kraków, POLAND - MAR 10, 2018
Backlog. Pite przed założeniem konta na Ratebeer. Ocena do uzupełnienia profilu.

Mesjasz (1735) - Lodz, POLAND - JAN 7, 2018
Butelka. W aromacie fajnie wyszła beczka, mamy też sporo kawy i kakao. Smak lekko słodki, lekko wytrawny, mała palona kontra.

Daboch (1266) - Gdansk, POLAND - OCT 15, 2017
Ciemno rubinowy porter, piana dość duża ale szybko znika. Aromat dość intensywny lekko winny, owoce, czekolada, bourbon, trochę wanilii. W smaku podobnie owoce, czekolada, posmak wanilii. Obecny w smaku i bukiecie alkohol

Mariox (735) - Warsaw, POLAND - OCT 2, 2017
W aromacie całkiem dużo estrów, ciemne owoce, bardzo fajne delikatnie nuty beczkowe w tle. W smaku dość słodkie, ale nie za dużo. Średnio ciała, ale treściwe i całkiem intensywne. Bardzo udane piwo...ciekawe

Drago7 (1181) - Warsaw, POLAND - OCT 2, 2017
Z: sliweczki, bourbon, jabłuszko czekoladowe S: sliweczki, wiśnie, przyjemne cielsko. Bourbon. Lekka palonosc. Zaokrąglająca beczka.

tomekboniek (1080) - Warsaw, POLAND - OCT 2, 2017
Butelka. Barwa czarna smolista. W aromacie śliwki, wiśnia, czekolada, praliny. W smaku doskonale ułożone, owoce, czekolada, lekko kwasne. Beczki brak.

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