Mikkeller SpontanCherryFrederiksdal (Chardonnay Edition)

Brewed at De Proefbrouwerij

Style: Lambic - Flavored
Copenhagen, Denmark


on tap


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RATINGS: 124   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.89/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 246   ABV: 8.2%
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achileus (3) - - JUN 6, 2021 does not count
UPDATED: JUN 6, 2021 Cherry solid beer. Loved it. If you like saison definitely take this if you come across it

PowY (3777) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - FEB 2, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 2, 2020 Bottle at home, bb. 21.08.2022. Pours a deep wine red with a pinkish white head. Aroma of lots of dark cherries, wood, some red currant, mild balsamic vinegar and some blackberries - nice smell. Medium to medium-full body with a soft carbonation, a light to medium acidity, a very light residual sweetness and a light tartness. Well balanced! The flavor is again full with loads of dark cherries, wood, leather, some acidic berries, blueberries, blackberries and black currant. Finishes dry and still with lots of cherries, wood, light vinous notes, lightly fruity, woody and tart. Excellent! Very well balanced with lovely cherry notes throughout. Aroma: 9 Appearance: 4 Taste: 8 Palate: 4 Overall: 17

angel77 (5969) - oviedo, SPAIN - MAY 24, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 26, 2019 Botella 37.5 CL de Cervezalandia tomada en Oviedo 25..05..2019 (r123). Color rojizo muy oscuro con espuma beige oscuro rojiza que desaparece al poco tiempo casi por completo. Sabores intensos afrutados del bosque con buena dosis de ácidos afrutados silvestres. Buenos toques de maderas empapadas en vinos blancos con suaves avinados al final. Cuerpo medio a intenso con bastante sabor, fino algo gaseoso. Bastante buena para repetir sin duda alguna, Refrescante, con gran sabor y buena combinación con ácidos afrutados. Cervezon.

Sebilinz (4471) - Linz, AUSTRIA - APR 12, 2019
Bottle. Dark red body with white head. Aroma is cherries cinnamon malts fruits. Taste is cherries fruits malts barrel. Aftertaste is nice balanced

Saeglopur (3713) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - APR 6, 2019
UPDATED: APR 6, 2019 375 ml bottle, bb 2022, from Beerlovers. Dark ruby body, with a small, creamy, pink head. Aroma with loads of smooth, sweet, juicy cherries, moderate wood, subtle vinous notes. Tastes lovely pretty similar, while so rich and smooth. Medium, slick mouthfeel, with a moderate carbonation. Finishes smooth, medium sweet, a bit dry, moderate sour, vinous, wooden, with loads of cherries, some cinnamon. Very tasty. So smooth, with loads of the beautiful Frederiksdal cherries. The wine barrel is pretty subtle, only a bit noticeable in the finish. Outstanding, like all Frederiksdal variants. Score: 8 / 4 / 9 / 4 / 17

Werckmeister (6298) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - APR 6, 2019
UPDATED: APR 6, 2019 0,375l bottle at home shared by Saeglopur, big thanks. BB 21/08/2022. bourdeaux / purple color, small white head. smells of cherries, marzipan, almonds, sour cherries, very nice smell. full body, light carbonation, slick mouthfeel. tastes of cherries, sour cherries, some tannins, grape notes, light wood, bit lactic, citric, spices, marzipan, nutty. finishes lightly dry and lightly sour with notes of sour cherrries, marzipan and some grape notes. very nice one, very smooth, love the notes from the wine barrel. great stuff.

AaronIPAAPA (363) - Warsaw, POLAND - OCT 13, 2018
Bardzo przyjemnie piwenio, moim zdaniem bardziej wytrawne i pestkowe od popularnego intense red'a, coś tam też tej beczki czuć, ale tak srednio moim zdaniem

dg22304 (1) - - APR 27, 2018 does not count
I was searching for something comparable to a local kettle sour no longer in season. This was suggested, the aroma is oaky and fragrant, not yeasty or boozy. The flavour doesn’t compare to the scent and the lingering after taste is delicious, fruity but not sweet, tangy and unique. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever tasted. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

jfb (8142) - Bamberg, GERMANY - DEC 26, 2017
(bottle, many thanks to beer mule #2!) murky ruby colour with a frothy pink head. aroma of fresh cherries off the vine and vanilla, with some notes of doughy malts, acetone, lemon juice and cherry pips. flavour is more of the same, lots of fresh cherry juice and pips, some pale malts, custard, gooseberries and a semi-dry finish. surprisingly light-bodied with lively carbonation.

davidezdonz (1514) - Hong Kong, HONG KONG - DEC 7, 2017
A 375ml bottle with a best before date of 21st August 2022. Poured into a 3 Fonteinen stemmed glass. It was a dark ruby purple colour with a one finger pink-purple (like beetroot) colour head that dissipated fairly quickly while leaving sparse lacing. Aromas of tart cherry, raspberry, almonds, marzipan and funk. Tastes of sweet tart cherry, almond, marzipan, oak, hints of vanilla and a lightly sour finish. Light to medium bodied with moderate carbonation. Overall very nice and balanced kriek with great sweet, sour and marzipan flavours. I can just keep drinking this.

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