Mikkeller 重黑 Heavy Black

Formerly brewed at De Proefbrouwerij

Style: Stout - Imperial
Copenhagen, Denmark
Serve in Snifter


on tap


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RATINGS: 41   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.74/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 933   ABV: 31.1%
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Habanero (5843) - Tranbjerg, DENMARK - FEB 5, 2021
UPDATED: FEB 5, 2021 Small handbottled. Pours pitch black with no head. Aroma of dark roasted malt, tar, strong alcohol, chocolate, whiskey notes, a bit peated and dark fruits. Very sweet taste that ends up being slightly more dry and somewhat bitter. Full bodied, oily to syrupy texture and flat carbonated. A very strong and heavy Stout. 🌟🌟🌟⭐️

fiulijn (27110) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - SEP 9, 2011
Cask at Mikkeller Bar, Copenhagen
Black color, flat and oily,, but at least there are nice legs.
The aroma is not only alcoholic; there is also roasted malts, chocolate, vanilla, leather, raisins; the alcohol becomes a bit too strong, with a shade of dusty roasted malts that I don’t fancy to much, but all the rest is very nice.
Thick mouthfeel, the texture is almost oily; it’s a devilish mixture of flavors: whiskey, chocolate, leather, some cookies, coffee, roasted nuts, dust, light liquorice; the strong sweetness allows to blend together all these flavors; the alcohol is only apparent. Just a pleasure, sip after sip.
It would be difficult to measure the ending bitterness; the final is a powerful mix of chocolate, whiskey, leather; and here the alcohol warmth coming, comforting the mouth and the soul...

The speakers play The Cult - The Rain...

oh6gdx (26483) - Vasa, FINLAND - MAY 17, 2011
Draught@Mikkeller Bar (during the opening days). Pitch black colour, no head. Aroma is alcohol, smoked wet wood, some liquorice, mild vanillaish and dark dry fruity notes. Flavour is rather much the same in a quite nice balance. Slight alcoholic burn in the finish. Smoked wet wood is also staying for quite a while in the aftertaste. Balanced and rather nice for being this strong.

kappldav123 (8132) - Nordhausen, GERMANY - OCT 7, 2010
Small handbottled sample, very big thanks to yespr for this one! Looks great in the glass, deep black, oily, no head. Intense fiery aroma. Starts very, very strong but not the alcohol is dominating, but the intense malty notes. Burns more and more, finish very warming and fiery. Intense strong malty notes in the aftertaste. Very nice experience!

bierkoning (18836) - La Tropica/Doarp, NETHERLANDS - SEP 28, 2010
Hand bottled. Intensely dark. Loads of malt, licorice, soy sauce, pipe tobacco in the aroma. Viscous, thick. Soy sauce, roast, ash and licorice in the flavor. Alcoholic off course, yet the alcohol is hidden by the intense sweetness. Very interesting brew.

Vaiz (4459) - Den Haag, NETHERLANDS - SEP 26, 2010
Bottle shared by someone at the 2nd BBF @ De Molen. Wow, very vicious aroma. Feels like engine oil. Heavily peated flavor, salty and coffee, ash and burnt beer. Still amazing, for this high ABV, this is awesome. Intense.

anders37 (31023) - Malmö, SWEDEN - SEP 17, 2010
Cask @ Mikkeller Bar, Copenhagen. Pours a black color with no head. Has a roasted malty licorice aroma with hints of wood and some hints of smoke. Roasted sweetish malty chocolate and licorice flavor. Has a roasted malty warming licorice finish with woody hints.

Bov (14983) - Bienne, SWITZERLAND - SEP 17, 2010
courtesy of fiulijn (hand-bottled) - hazy and very dark brown colour with no foam; heavy roasted coffeeish aroma with notes of licorice, nuts and chocolate; some rum analogies; hugely thick and oily, no carbonation; full-bodied, very bitter with a long chocolatey almondy and rum-like finish; strong alcohol presence

gunnfryd (19047) - Kristiansand, NORWAY - SEP 15, 2010
On tap at Mikkeller bar. Black colour with no head. Aroma is alcohol, coffee, licorice. Flavour is alcohol, coffee, roasted malt, syrup, hop. Too much alcohol in my opinion.

yngwie (20302) - Kristiansand, NORWAY - AUG 6, 2010
On tap at Mikkeller. An oily pour gives a black beer without any head. The aroma is dominated by a brandy-like alcohol sting, but there’s also a lot of coffee-like roastyness. Alcohol, roasted malts and some vanilla in the mouth, lots of coffee. Full-bodied, warming as hell, and woody. Lasting finish with loads of vanilla. And alcohol of course. Tasteful, but way, way, way to alcoholic. 100506

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