RATINGS: 97   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.01/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 330   ABV: 11%
Materfamilias is Latin for ‘female head of the house.’ No other beer we make commands as much attention and devotion as she. From the brewhouse to the barrels, your Mother’s remains at the service of this exquisite imperial stout. Roasted malt brings rich flavors of chocolate and dried fruit. In the aging process, the beer’s interaction with the wood of bourbon, rye whiskey, rum, and brandy barrels dictates the composition of the final blend. Materfamilias cannot be rushed. It cannot be forced. It brooks no compromise. The result is a stout of such complexity and nuance that you, too, will recognize the authority of your Materfamilias.

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kdm1984 (1022) - Springfield, Missouri, USA - MAR 10, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 10, 2019 Served at Farmers Gastropub in Springfield, MO. Complex aroma of chocolate, coffee, raisins, brown sugar, and booze. Pours deep black with small head ring. Taste is chocolate, vinous, acidic, malty, sweet, lingering. Like a mix of impy stout with a Belgian quad. Absolutely exquisite.

jbruner (8524) - Lakewood, California, USA - FEB 16, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 16, 2019 Pours an opaque black from the bottle with thin cap of rocky tan head that leaves moderate lace. Aroma of sweet vanilla and chocolate notes, a touch of buttery caramel and roast. Taste follows, buttery in a bad way, like actually eating a caramel candy with the sweetness. Slick and sweet, booze is well hidden at least, but have had way better imperial stouts.

thegreenrooster (6180) - St.louis, Missouri, USA - JAN 27, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 27, 2019 Pour is a motor oil thick black with a medium tan head. Aroma is all oak barrel. Lots of vanilla and whisky and charred wood. Flavor is again all things barrel. Lots of burnt caramel with vanilla, roasted malt and plenty of oak woody goodness left on the tongue. Not as thick of mouthfeel as GI bourbon county stout but this has almost more barrel flavor and is half the price. Real good stuff here, it would behoove you to get a few bottles of this if you can't get it in your area.
Earlier Rating: 6/16/2018 Total Score: 4.1
Pour is a motor oil thick black with no head at all. Aroma is a real nice bourbon barrel with some cinnamon and black licorice. Flavor is a real nice bourbon with some vanilla and cocoa. I don't get much sherry, maybe a dark cherry, but I do get a huge sweet molasses from the rum. This is almost the perfect barrel aged beer. No alcohol is felt and you get a little from each barrel. Super flavorful and outstanding!

Bif (2972) - St. Charles, Missouri, USA - SEP 25, 2018
On tap. Pours a deep brown color with a tan head. Aroma roasted malt, vanilla, chocolate, dark fruit a trace of booze. taste of dark chocolate, bit of vanilla and dark fruit with roasted malt. Mild bitterness and clean finish. Full body, thick and creamy with robust character. Enjoyable sipper

douglas88 (12184) - Portland, Oregon, USA - JUL 12, 2018
12 ounce bottle. Pours a pitch black hue with a large brown head, some light gushing. A sour cocoa and bourbon nose. Sour cherries, vanilla, caramel, light roast. Very nice.

Bricktop86 (1788) - Portland, Oregon, USA - JUN 10, 2018
Pours black with a light brown head. Aroma is chocolate, raisins, whiskey, sherry and tobacco. Taste is heavy sweet and medium bitter. Palate is medium body, thin feel, soft carbonation.

Biroholik (4029) - Sosnowiec, Poland, POLAND - MAY 1, 2018
Mother's Brewing Company - 🌺MILF🌺
Imperial Stout z dodatkiem ziaren kakaowca i rodzynek leżakowany aż w 5 beczkach (!!!) po szlachetnych alkoholach - Rum, Sherry, Bourbon, Brandy i Whiskey.
Alkohol: 11% obj.
IBU: 50
Data butelkowania: 01.05.2016
Kolor: Czarny, nieprzejrzysty.
Piana: Umiarkowana o beżowej barwie i małej strukturze pęcherzyków. Gruba oponka pływa nad piwem. Po zakręceniu szklem całkiem przyzwoity lacing.
Zapach: Aromat to poezja! W pierwszej kolejności nozdrza bombardowane są intensywnymi nutami Sherry i Brandy. Masa suszonych owoców. Bukiet aromatów tworzą jabłka, śliwki, gruszki i ciemne winogrona. Po paru chwilach dołączają beczki po whisky i bourbonie dorzucając do pakiety nuty wanilii i mokrego drewna. Rodzynki doskonale komponują się z beczką po rumie. Słodycz podkręcają akcenty toffi, karmelu, fig i daktyli. Nieprawdopodobnie dużo się tutaj dzieje. Jedynie ziarna kakaowca i profil czekoladowy gdzieś zaginął w różnorodności innych składowych.
Smak: Zaraz po pierwszym łyku momentalnie musiałem powtórzyć go kolejnym, a ten następnym. Takie to dobre! Po trzecim łyku moglem coś napisać oszołomiony bogactwem i głębią smaku. Rodzynki macerowane w rumie uderzają w podniebienie. Fala kandyzowanych owoców zalewa język. Jabłka, ciemne winogrona, śliwki, morele. Mnogość owoców! Brandy i Sherry doskonale wspólpracuje ze sobą. Wcale nie gorzej jak whiskey i bourbon. Wanilia, dębina, drewno, zbutwiałe słoje, karmel, toffi, daktyle i suszone śliwki - nie sposób wyłapać wszystko naraz. Po ogrzaniu gdzieś tam mignęły te ziarna kakaowca, odrobinę kawy i gorzkiej czekolady. Procenty perfekcyjnie zamiecione pod dywan. Gęsta i oleista tektura. Pełnia wysoka i multum wrażeń przy każdym łyku.
Wysycenie: Niskie / Średnie.
Już sama nazwa tego piwa wywołuje szeroki uśmiech na mojej twarzy. W końcu kto z nas nie lubi MILF-ów?;p 5 beczek po szlachetnych alkoholach i każda z nich oddała cały swój geniusz. Dzieło wybitne, wzorowe, doniosłe, takie jakie się zapamiętuje na długo. Mała buteleczka, a zamyka w sobie tyle smakowitości.

vyvvy (7753) - St. Louis, Missouri, USA - APR 14, 2018
It pours deep brown with a tan head. The aroma of super rich with vanilla, caramel, roast and lots of barrel. It has a full body with soft carbonation. The taste has smooth roast, alcohol, caramel, light smoke, woodiness, licorice and variety of barrel flavors. Quite nice.

HopsPupil15 (1) - - APR 8, 2018 does not count
I’m not sure why so many people love this beer so much. It pours like old motor oil. The color fine but there’s so much residual sugar in this, that it can’t even hold onto a head, which kills any aroma, which is lacking in the first place. Ironacally, from a brewery that is known for over-hopping their beers, this one is markedly under-hopped. The final result is like a home-brew gone wrong. The sugars weren’t completely fermented. The bitterness and malt weren’t balanced. Aroma was virtually nonexistent. Had these issues been resolved, this could have been a great beer. As it is, it just kind of makes me sad that our local brewer is only getting positive feedback when they could do so much better.

dnstone (5952) - Saarland, GERMANY - MAR 31, 2018
Big sweet brownie batter boozy aroma. Light bodied with a boozy brownie batter flavor. Notes: on tap at No Other Pub, Mar ‘18

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