Mountain Goat Double Hightail Ale

Formerly brewed at Mountain Goat Beer (Asahi)
Style: Strong Ale - English
Richmond, Australia


on tap


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RATINGS: 22   MEAN: 3.5/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.42/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 204   ABV: 6.8%
We first brewed this to commemorate our 10th birthday in Oct’ 07, so, now that we’re 11 and a quarter years old, we’d thought we’d bring it back. The idea was to make a Hightail, but with the volume turned up. A more intense Hightail experience. It’s rich, full and malty. There’s strong but balanced bitterness and it comes in at 6.8% alc/vol.

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sneaks2210 (46) - New York, USA - JUL 25, 2012
Pours dark amber with a nice foamy off-white head. The aroma is quite nice with floral hops and dark fruits (raisins & plums) up front, and a sweet maltiness in the background. The sweet malts come through in the taste with a good amount of caramel, brown sugar and molasses. A hop bitterness and a touch of alcohol is present in the finish. Medium bodied with easy drinkability. Nothing spectacular, but very solid.

Jade (438) - AUSTRALIA - MAY 20, 2012
Darkish brown with minimal head. Nutty, roasted aroma. Pleasant. Highly bitter and oaky - nice.

TheJestersBeer (2431) - SWEDEN - FEB 28, 2012
Bottled. Pours a clear, deep amber, beihe head. The aroma is fairly focused on malt, lots of caramel, fudge, lightly roasted, marzipan, almonds, strawberries (!). Dry, medium body and bitterness. Malty taste, caramel, yeast, hops, marzipan, nuts. Feels like a lighter Barley Wine type of thing. (2012-02-28)

beersearcher (2382) - Glendale, California, USA - SEP 11, 2011
Very strong. Barleywine aspects to it. Malt forward with a medium amount of bitterness to it.

marcus (12679) - Sacramento, California, USA - SEP 2, 2011
Bottle from BevMo, Arden. Pours dark brown with an attractive tan head and a toffee and treacle aroma. There is a hearty treacle flavor with some plum and a hint of chocolate that stays on the palate.

snuffla (184) - - JUL 14, 2011
Peachy hop notes with a toffee backbone and a little hint of something alcoholic on the nose, maybe a smidge of speyside malt. Biscuit gives way to some big liquorice flavours to taste and some more poached peach to finish. Maybe a little bit thin for the alcohol, but a nice brisk more-ish-ness that keeps you sipping.

bluebetty (1021) - AUSTRALIA - APR 26, 2011
Bottle. Pours a dark amber with decent cream coloured head. Big sweet malty aromas of caramel and light toffee. Some resiny hops coming through in support. Flavours are overall quite sweet with the hop bitterness only kicking in on the finish. Medium mouthfeel. Slightly out of balance but a nice beer all the same.

bmeup (685) - Ormeau, AUSTRALIA - APR 23, 2011
Hazy amber brown. Thin head that disappears. Sweet, lots of caramel,toffee and sweet raisins. Slightly roasted flavours of toffee and caramel malts in heaps. Bitterness is there but overpowered by sweetness.

Stew41 (2523) - Melbourne, AUSTRALIA - FEB 5, 2011
2010 Edition. Not as souped up (vs. the standard) as the label would have you believe but still a very solid beer. Plenty of pretty sweet malt character (coffee and toffee) and a decent hop firmness in the back palate. Very accessible to many palates and indeed a good intro to upmarket craft beer.

maneliquor (3513) - Perth, AUSTRALIA - JAN 29, 2011
Pours a deep burnt copper colour with a small off white head. Quickly dissapears and leaves some very good lacing. Nice nose on it. A mix of floral hops, grapefruit, and a nice roasted caramel malt backdrop. Has a good mouthfeel. Floral hops with a big toffee flavour throughout. Has a fairly nice malt backbone. Pretty decent overrall, although when I have an outstanding beer i usually have a feeling of completion and this doesn’t quite do it for me. Was still fairly happy with it considering their hightail is pretty average

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