New Belgium Lips of Faith - Imperial Berliner Style Weisse

RATINGS: 149   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.24/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 210   ABV: 7%
Based on a centuries-old German style of Berlinerweiss, this Imperial version opens with lemon, citrus and delicate floral tones. The beer is naturally sour from a lactic fermentation and a dash of Brettanomyces. Berlinerweiss pours slightly hazy with a pleasantly dry finish. ABV 7.5% Hops/Spicing: Target hops, Brettanomyces

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bottleforager (3211) - Gray, Maine, USA - OCT 11, 2014
Bottle thanks to Niels ! Pours a medium golden color with a finger of white foam. Nose is tart lemon, cereal malt and some honey sweetness and beeswax. Palate is a bit disjointed... weird ale like backbone with bits of tart lemon, copper pennies and earwax. Strange lemon drops try to save the beer but I think its past its prime or just never really worked very well. Fun to try either way !

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - OCT 2, 2014
"i’m going to go out on a limb with a comparison here, but this is what i got out of the slightly soured massive amounts of wheat in this beer...wendy’s french fries. i tried to get past it but really couldn’t. this beer was ok, but not worth the price. New Glarus and Hottenroth blow it out of the water! pretty simple, yet not as delicate as a berliner weisse usually is. no point to making an imperial BW."

GH734uKzl (702) - Georgia, USA - AUG 23, 2013
This is not a Berliner Weisse. It is a lemon fruit beer. It was pretty damn good. Again, not a Berliner Weisse. Pours slightly hazy bright yellow with white head. Scent is sweet and lemony. The bitterness you would expect from a Berliner Weisse is overwhelmed by the malts needed to up the ABV. Bubbly, Honestly seemed a bit more like white wine than beer at times. I liked it and would order again. Draft - Brick Store Pub - Decatur, GA

Errl (2442) - Plano, Texas, USA - AUG 16, 2013
UPDATED: AUG 19, 2013 Bottle..pour is gold with no head..Nose is tart, socks, Funk, lemon, spice..Taste is funk, lemon, spice, oak..

wutangfinancial (207) - CA to VA, California, USA - JUL 28, 2013
Pours a clear light golden color. Nose is sweet, malty, corny, and a little bit of fruit syrup. The palate is medium weight, with flavors of apple, grain, sugar, with very little tartness. Strange for the style and medium dry.

Gription79 (2892) - Bountiful, Utah, USA - APR 28, 2013
Poured from a 22 ounce bomber.
Aroma: lemon, citrus, dusty, soft sweet malts, stale malts
Appearance: pours a cloudy golden with a quickly dissipating white head
Taste: stale malts, worty, lemon, dusty, slight apple, berries
Palate: thick, chewy, oily
Overall: why is there an Imperial Berliner Weisse? this style should be light and refreshing, I do not need this again

5000 (7050) - Hardened Liver, Washington, USA - APR 28, 2013
Bottle:   Straw colored, a bit hazy, thin sudsy white head, sparce lacing.   Sort of that sour and tart grassy nose.   Smells like the familiar Berliner style.   It sorta ends there.   Somewhat wheat up front, not as dry or tart on the backside.   I guess to be fair it is "Imperial" as its a bit heavier than most.   It does hide its 7.8% very well tho.   I just wished it were drier in the back, and a little less mealy.   Average body and mouthfeel.   Its a little tart on the backside, but its quick.   As it warms, it does become a bit drier.   Can’t say that I have had an Imperial version of the style that often, or at all.   I will say its decent, but I prefer the lighter, crisper, cleaner, drier, and more tart versions.

jcnielsen (3414) - Huntsville, AL, USA - APR 12, 2013
Bottle. Thanks to adnielsen for sending. Pours a golden color with white head. Lemon, tart aromas and flavors. Pretty nice berliner weisse.

arrogantb (1402) - Denver, Colorado, USA - NOV 3, 2012
22oz bottle $8. This was a light orange color, pretty much yellow in fact. The smell was odd, wheat and maybe its hinting that it might be sour but I can’t tell cause my sinuses have been fucking with me this year. The flavor had a bit of grain, some wheat, a hint of lactic acid which briefly reminded me of Eric’s Ale but this was nowhere near as good. Serving type: bottle Reviewed on: 08-04-2010 03:28:08

GarrettB (2381) - San Diego, California, USA - OCT 21, 2012
August 29th, 2010 - The capricious hand of the Lips of Faith deities has chosen the new style of adoration - the tart and tangy Berlinerweiss. New Belgium’s crafty hand has produced an evasive but no less tasty take on this light and airy brew. Golden body and head wreathed in white, it looks like so many other German beers, but the aroma distinguishes itself with the high acidity scent of white grapes and even little bit of sweet grape fruit tartness. Alcohol lashes out too, and draws me to a sip. Sour but restrained, feisty but lawful, this beer is ready to burst at the seams with tartness, but keeps its cool. A cheery blend of lemon, orange and apple cider tones gives this beer is sweet personality, dulcet and radiant. Then suddenly it faints - the flavor drops off very suddenly, leaving little to no aftertaste. The absence is unexpected and momentarily jarring, and leaves a hole where juicy, sweet beer should be. The only remedy is another sip, and before you know it you’re left with little but a tongue craving more and an empty bottle. The flavor experience is tragically short, but what time the drinker gets with the beer is wonderful.

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