RATINGS: 89   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.69/5   SEASONAL: Summer   EST. CALORIES: 120   ABV: 4%
Suits stride, Toes skip, Heels click staccato expedition rhythms. Labor and Workers and Shoppers alike paused to share Downtown Bubblers on Wisconsin blocks. The Bubbler Hefeweiss you hold in your hand sparkles with democratic spirit combining Wisconsin Wheat alongside European Pilsner Malt. Choice American hops partner with imported hops, even yeasts blend together in our Open Top fermenters. 100% naturally carbonated and hazy, expect this living beer to pour an exuberant effervescent gold. Bubblers beat in our hearts- it’s a Wisconsin thing. Cheers!

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Ratman197 (22138) - Denver, Colorado, USA - AUG 11, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 11, 2019 Bottle poured a hazy gold with a small lasting white head. Aromas of wheat, yeast, bubblegum, light banana and light clove. Palate was light to medium bodied and smooth with a dry finish. Flavors of wheat, yeast, banana and a hint of clove with a smooth dry finish.

Dacrza (1557) - Great Meadows, New Jersey, USA - MAY 6, 2018
DATE: May 5, 2018... OCCASION: having experienced our first Gender Reveal, I take a time out from Cinco de Mayo to refresh with a suitable warm-weather companion... GLASSWARE: Weihenstephaner weizen... pours--my goodness, the bubbles!--seriously, this is two-thirds head though I tilted with care... that head is snow white, thick and frosty... its body is sallow gold, slightly veiled and with sparse bubbles... rich bubblegum and banana, lemongrass, and light yeasty esters... singular in its suggestion--a straight-up German hefe, though it looks a bit filtered... sips thinly, with a malty backbone that allows for swift repetitions... flatter than expected, though I know this came fresh, courtesy of Jarrett's travels--thanks, friend!...clove is prominent, taking the bubblegum's challenge and holding its own... the banana is there too... this checks off all marks on the quintessential hefeweizen wish list... can't ask for much more than this from the style, though it doesn't have a spiciness that separates it from others I have had... refreshing, crisp with wheat, and finishes cleanly...

superspak (9600) - Greensboro, North Carolina, USA - MAR 30, 2018
Got in a trade with The-Adjunct-Hippie. 12 ounce bottle into weizen glass, best before 11/11/2017. Pours moderately hazy/cloudy golden yellow color with a 2-3 finger fairly dense and fuffy white head with fantastic retention, that reduces to a nice cap that lasts. Thick foamy lacing clings on the glass, with a good amount of streaming carbonation retaining the cap. Fantastic appearance. Aromas of big banana, bubblegum, clove, peppercorn, lemon, pear, apple, wheat, cracker, biscuit, herbal, grass, and yeast earthiness. Damn nice aromas with great balance and complexity of fruity/spicy yeast, pale/wheat malt, and light-moderate earthy hop notes; with great strength. Taste of big banana, bubblegum, clove, peppercorn, lemon, pear, apple, wheat, cracker, biscuit, herbal, grass, and yeast earthiness. Light-moderate peppery yeast spiciness; light herbal/grassy bitterness, and wheat tang/tartness on the finish. Lingering notes of banana, bubblegum, clove, peppercorn, lemon, pear, apple, wheat, cracker, biscuit, herbal, grass, and yeast earthiness on the finish for a good bit. Fantastic complexity, robustness, and balance of fruity/spicy yeast, pale/wheat malt, and light-moderate earthy hop flavors; with an awesome malt/bitter/spiciness balance, and zero cloying/astringent flavors after the finish. Moderate increasing dryness from spiciness and carbonation. High carbonation and light-medium body; with a very smooth, moderately crisp, creamy/bready/grainy, and fairly sticky balanced mouthfeel that is great. Zero warming alcohol as expected of 4%. Overall this is a fantastic hefeweizen! All around outstanding complexity, robustness, and balance of fruity/spicy yeast, pale/wheat malt, and light-moderate earthy hop flavors; very smooth, crisp, and refreshing to drink. Outstanding well rounded German weizen yeast complexity. Probably the most banana heavy American made example I've ever had. A highly enjoyable offering, and spot on style example.

Cybercat (10436) - Atlanta, Georgia, USA - DEC 16, 2017
Pours clear topaz with a fair eggshell head. Aroma features pomme fruit and a hint of malt. Flavor delivers fruity and malty tones. Mouthfeel presents OK body and fair fizz. Get bubbled.

RobertDale (10041) - Lansing, Kansas, USA - OCT 30, 2017
12 ounce bottle. Pours a hazy pale gold with a decent white head. Aroma of grain, yeast, malt, and fruit. Taste is grain, yeast, malt, banana, and some spice. Nice.

davidezdonz (1514) - Hong Kong, HONG KONG - OCT 13, 2017
A 12 fl oz bottle with no clear bottled on or best before date. Poured into a Reidel weizen glass. It was a hazy golden straw yellow with a nice big two finger fluffy white head that had excellent retention and left lots of lacing. Aromas are nice strong clove, banana, bubblegum and wheat. Tastes much like the aroma, wheat, clove, banana and bubblegum flavours that combine well. Crisp, light bodied with high to moderate carbonation. Overall this was so tasty. It’s been a while since my last Hefeweizen and drinking Bubbler just makes me want to go out and buy more Hefe’s.

Scipio (2133) - Palatine, Illinois, USA - OCT 8, 2017
Pours a hazy, lighter golden with a full, smooth white head. The aroma consists of wheat, yeast, spice, and banana. Slightly bubblegumish actually. The taste is mildly sweet and has some tart hints. Wheat, lemon, and banana are found on top and are balanced well. Lesser flavors found are clove, and spices. Lingering lemon aftertaste. Light medium in body, bubbly in texture, and with a plenty of fizzy carbonation. This one is good for its style, although I feel most beers in this style are very similar.

vyvvy (7753) - St. Louis, Missouri, USA - SEP 26, 2017
It press hazy yellow with a white head. The aroma has bubble gum, rich wheat, come, banana and light hops. It has a medium rich body with semi sharp carbonation. The taste has a crispness with being drier, having spicy hops and a touch of citrus. Pretty tasty. Thanks a bunch to Terminus for kindly picking this up for me on a recent trip - cheers!

Terminus (3784) - Centennial, Colorado, USA - SEP 26, 2017
Bottle Pours bright hazy orange hue with a small soapy white head with sparse lacing but very nice looking hefe. Very effervescent nose of bubblegum, pheonols, lite grains, but mostly bubblegum. Flavors are somewhat not matching the nose-some bubble gum, but has a very strong mushy graininess that is somewhat detracting compared to the other hefe's they have done. some very present sourness about mid palate with a lingering mushy grainy finish. I dont know. This is a very well done hefe compared to most out there however, it pales in comparison to the other 2 this brewery has done (dancing man and the original from over 10 years ago). This rates crazy high for the style but those retired ones from NG are way better!

johngiolas (24) - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA - SEP 10, 2017
Pours hazy pale yellow. This one feels like Dancing Man light, and as such makes for a better session beer. Belgian yeast and cloves lead, with light, nitro carbonation and mild banana at finish. Alcohol masked. Great little sister to Dancing Man.

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