RATINGS: 76   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.87/5   IBU: 8   EST. CALORIES: 180   ABV: 6%
Sour blonde gueuze continuing our tradition of spontaneous fermentations. Aged on oak a blend of 1, 2, and 3 year old beers. Complex citrus and horsey notes, fruity and farm aromas. Added as a separate entry as the previous R&D Gueze was an unbended single batch.

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Aminatchime (317) - BELGIUM - DEC 19, 2017
Patel geel met kleine witte schuimkraag. Geur is abrikoos en paardenstal. Smaak is zurig, lactisch, fruit en abrikozen toetsen.

alexsdad06 (16451) - West Chester, Ohio, USA - DEC 17, 2017
Sample from a bottle shared by drsordr. Pours a hazy golden color with a small off white head. The aroma and flavor have tart citrus and white grapes, floral, wild funk, some oak, mild white wine character, satisfying fruity finish.

drsordr (3984) - Loveland, Ohio, USA - DEC 1, 2017
Bottle shared by co-worker pour lightly hazy avg gold with moderate white head. Nose floral, light tart, light fruit, pleasing on the nose. Taste light tart, citrus, grape, hint of oak, light Chardonnay character. Light fruity finish. I'm not a huge fan of the style but this one is nice.

jbruner (8524) - Lakewood, California, USA - NOV 7, 2017
Pours a hazy golden yellow from the bottle with fluffy white head that dissipates to leave light lace. Aroma of musty barn yard funk, light cirrus and hay. Taste has some nice lactic acidity with huge funky brett notes, horse and barn, hay and band aid. Wow, really good.

90 (1011) - BELGIUM - SEP 30, 2017
Thanks to David Selle for sharing. Aroma is so fruity! Taste is fruit, some sourness, wild last, pineapple and peach. Palate is a tad soapy in a nice way. Interesting stuff.

GRM (6280) - Aylmer, Quebec, CANADA - AUG 2, 2017
Bottle, 500 ml, brewed on 2011.12.14, bottled in 2014, savoured on December 9 2016 ; eye: golden, hazy, no effervescence, no head, no lacing; nose: acidity, sourness, green apple; mouth: acidity, sourness, green apple, acidic finale with presence of green apple, medium body, average carbonation, slick texture; overall: correct

Bouteille, 500 ml, brass�e le 2011.12.14, embouteill�e en 2014, savour�e le 9 d�cembre 2016; �il : dor�e, voil�e, pas d�effervescence, pas de mousse, pas de dentelle; nez : acidit�, aigreur, pomme verte; bouche : acidit�, aigreur, pomme verte, finale acide avec pr�sence de pomme verte, corps moyen, carbonatation moyenne, texture coulante; en r�sum� : correct

koleminer20 (4594) - Wayne, Michigan, USA - APR 29, 2017
From notes. Enjoyed at Doug’s house for the Whale Tasting and Poker Night, almost 18 months in planning. 500 mL bottle. The pour is a slightly cloudy golden yellow with a thin white head that leaves a little lace as it falls. The aroma is surprisingly lactic. There is a heavy citrus, both fruit flesh and zest with a nice sourness and a hint of oakiness. The flavor is much of the same. There is a light funkiness to it with the citrus about it and a light gueuze character. It’s not too complex, but it’s slightly prevalent. The sourness is nice, but I think it’s a little more funky than I would like. The mouth feel is light and clean with a softer carbonation and a lingeringly funky citrus on the back end. This is pretty good, but just needs a touch of work.

Sammy (17445) - Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - MAR 23, 2017
Seems to have mellowed with times, that makes it a smooth drinker. A good spotferm with tastes farmhouse - geuze characteristics. Cheers to whoever sent me this gem. Good carbonation, still.

Thorpe429 (5032) - , Illinois, USA - JAN 30, 2017
At Zwanze Day 2014 at West Lakeview Liquors. Moderately acidic, good funk. Looking forward to where this beer heads over the years.

jcnielsen (3414) - Huntsville, AL, USA - JAN 5, 2017
Bottle at Christmas, thanks to adnielsen. Pours a golden color with white head. Funky, cheese, sour aromas. Sour, funky, acidic flavors. I think I like the 2015 better.

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