RATINGS: 304   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.8/5   SEASONAL: Series   EST. CALORIES: 90   ABV: 3%
Napoleon hailed this tart beer style "the Champagne of the North." A lively and elegant masterpiece this Berliner Weisse is a kaleidoscope of fresh flavor. Barrel fermentation, Riesling grapes and Wisconsin White Wheat are bottle fermented with five proprietary yeast strains. A connoisseur’s rare jewel both spirited and subtle, enjoy your sparkling toast under summer stars.

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Bitterbill (2959) - Casper, Wyoming, USA - JUL 15, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 15, 2019 I got this bottle in a trade with joe1510. Thanks Joe! It pours a hazy light yellow gold, almost lemonade-like, with a huge and growing head of foam. The smell is hay there, with some lemon zest, sour apples, actually...lots of tartness. Inviting to say the least. The taste is..the...yum! Whoa baby, there's an awesome sourness here like in huge sour apples but once I got over the intial shock(read very pleasant), I'm picking up lemons, Saison like funk, light notes of pepper, some sweet malt, maybe honey, drifting in and out of each sip...lots going on here and I can't seem to stop sipping. This puppy is way drinkable!! Light bodied with light carbonation, it finishes on the sour side with some light spiciness. And the head retention and lacing? Superb! New Glarus brews always seem to have that trait, at least in the brews of theirs that *I* tried. Another winner here....

Ktwse (6833) - Chicago, Illinois, USA - MAY 4, 2018
Pours clear yellow with tall white head. Aroma of grass, hay, funk, barnyard, citrus. Taste is mellow tart with a light citrus finish. Light and crisp body with soft carbonation.

balloonbuffoon (1125) - - APR 13, 2018
12floz bottle, dated 2017, $3 single, pint glass. Pours with a lot of fizz, which quickly dies down leaving just the neon-ish yellow body. Aroma and flavor consists of green grapes and simple cereal grains. Sour is mere flash on the palate that is light and crisp. If all berliner weiss beers were like this, then I'd enjoy them more.

superspak (9600) - Greensboro, North Carolina, USA - APR 7, 2018
Got in a trade with The-Adjunct-Hippie. 12 ounce bottle into tulip glass, best before 10/8/2017. Pours moderately hazy/cloudy pale golden yellow color with a 1 finger fairly dense and fluffy white head with good retention, that reduces to a thin lace cap that lingers. Nice spotty soapy lacing clings on the glass, with a moderate amount of streaming carbonation retaining the cap. Aromas of lightly tart lemon, lime, peach, pear, melon, red/green apple, white grape, fruit skin, hay, straw, grass, wheat, cracker, corn, and white bread; with light oak, pepper, Lacto/Brett funk, and yeast earthiness. Very nice aromas with good balance and complexity of fruity/funky/acidic yeast, grapes, and light-moderate pale/wheat malt notes; with good strength. Taste of lightly tart lemon, lime, peach, pear, melon, red/green apple, white grape, fruit skin, hay, straw, grass, wheat, cracker, corn, and white bread; with light oak, pepper, Lacto/Brett funk, and yeast earthiness. Light-moderate fruity/lactic tartness, fruit tang, and yeast spiciness on the finish. Lingering notes of tart lemon, lime, peach, pear, melon, red/green apple, white grape, fruit skin, hay, straw, grass, wheat, cracker, corn, white bread, pepper, light funk, and yeast earthiness on the finish for a good bit. Very nice complexity, robustness, and balance of fruity/funky/acidic yeast, grapes, and light-moderate pale/wheat malt flavors; with a great malt/tart/spiciness balance, and zero puckering/astringent flavors after the finish. Moderately crisp/clean finishing. Moderate increasing dryness from tart/spiciness and carbonation. Medium-high carbonation and light-medium body; with a very smooth and moderately bready/grainy/acidic/tangy balanced mouthfeel that is great. Zero warming alcohol as expected of 3%. Overall this a very nice fruited Berliner weisse. All around nice complexity, robustness, and balance of fruity/funky/acidic yeast, grapes, and light-moderate pale/wheat malt flavors; very smooth, crisp, clean, and refreshing to drink with the modestly acidic/spicy/drying finish, never overly lactic. Very flavorful and never watery for the ABV. Kind of unique with the added Riesling grapes, but it doesn't overpower the Lacto profile. Solid pale/wheat malt backbone. A very enjoyable offering, and spot on style example.

anstei (3818) - SWITZERLAND - MAR 29, 2018
Bottle, courtesy of Koelschtrinker, many thanks! Pours almost clear yellow. Aroma is slight coriander, hay, grapes, hints of a barrel. Body is medium, strongly carbonated, some sourness, grapes, also barrel, but a bit too thin. Good, and very drinkable, also refreshing. Would drink again.

SinH4 (13263) - Garching bei München, Bavaria, GERMANY - MAR 29, 2018
Bottle, thanks Koelschtrinker! Unclear golden color with white head. Aroma is yoghurt, white wine, dough. Taste is doughy, white wine, yoghurt, a touch of the unfermented wort flavours alcohol-free beers have in the back. Not too convincing.

Silphium (3721) - Traverse City, Michigan, USA - FEB 6, 2018
Bottle. Cloudy, dirty yellow body, thick, puffy off-white head. Nose of sour mash and dust. Biting tart, sour body with hints of clove and grass.

juiceisloose (3665) - Windermere, Florida, USA - DEC 30, 2017
12 oz bottle. Pours a mostly clear, straw golden color and topped by a thick off white layer of foam that shows good retention before slowly settling to a thin film at the body below. The aroma shows notes of tart lemons, citrus zest, white wine grapes, crisp wheat, toasted bread and biscuit malts, some lactic sourness, and some grassy yeast notes. The flavor follows suit with notes of tart lemons, citrus zest, and reisling grapes upfront along with the crisp wheat and toasted bread and biscuit malts. The yeast really drys out things while adding a nice lactic tartness punch throughout. Light in body with champagne like carbonation that leads to a dry, tart white wine like finish. Really tasty, easy drinking and refreshing Berliner. Dan Carey is the master of the German beer styles.

davidezdonz (1514) - Hong Kong, HONG KONG - OCT 16, 2017
A 12 fl oz bottle with no clear bottled on or best before date. Poured into a Lost Abbey teku glass. It was a hazy straw yellow colour with a two finger white head that had decent retention and left some lacing. Lots of nice upward streaming bubbles. Aromas of lemon, wheat and citrus zest. Lightly tart and lightly funky. Tastes tart, lemon, lemon zest, white grapes and green apple with hints of wheat on the finish. Light bodied with high carbonation. Overall a nice, easy drinking Berliner Weisse with especially nice mouthfeel. A great thirst quencher on a hot day.

poisoneddwarf (4653) - Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho, USA - SEP 8, 2017
UPDATED: SEP 9, 2017 12 oz bottle from a liquor store in Superior, WI. 2017 bottle. Smells of lacto, floral, Riesling grapes. Pours nearly clear pale yellow with a good sized white head that reduces somewhat quick. Taste is very lightly tart (5/10) and a tad sweet. From the grapes, I imagine. Mouthfeel is bordering on overly foamy, but that's what they're going for, so...Very understated beer overall, but it tastes good.

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