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RATINGS: 9   MEAN: 4.01/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.69/5   SEASONAL: Series   EST. CALORIES: 270   ABV: 9%
Brewer's Best Series - No. 1 Brunch, where two worlds collide. Early enough for breakfast, yet late enough for a brew. Inspired by our classic oatmeal stout, this beer is drizzled with real maple syrup and topped with vanilla and cinnamon. It's time to get some friends together and meet up for a Brewers' Brunch.

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tricksta_p (10176) - Steenwijk, NETHERLANDS - MAR 6, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 6, 2021 Can from Mr. Hop. Aroma is roasted malt, maple syrup, vanilla, cinnamon, caramel, fudge, toffee, sugar, some chocolate, touch of marshmallow and cookies. Flavour is sweet with a decent bitterness. Long sugary aftertaste, medium to full body, light booze in the finish. Tasty, lots of maple and vanilla, bit too sugary for my taste.

superspak (9600) - Greensboro, North Carolina, USA - DEC 23, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 23, 2020 16 ounce can into tulip glass, canned on 1/31/2020. Pours opaque dark brown/black color 2 finger fairly dense and fluffy tan head with fantastic retention, that reduces to a nice cap that lasts. Thick foamy lacing clings on the glass, with a moderate amount of streaming carbonation. Fantastic appearance. Aromas of big milk/dark chocolate, cocoa, coffee, caramel, maple syrup, toffee, vanilla, cinnamon, roasted nuts, toasted biscuit, and dark/brown bread/crust; with lighter notes of licorice, raisin, fig, date, smoke, char, herbal, wood, grass, pepper, and yeast/roast/toasted earthiness. Damn nice aromas with great balance and complexity of dark/roast/bready malts, cinnamon, maple, vanilla, and light earthy hop/fruity yeast notes; with big strength. Taste of big milk/dark chocolate, cocoa, coffee, caramel, maple syrup, toffee, vanilla, cinnamon, roasted nuts, toasted biscuit, and dark/brown bread/crust; with lighter notes of licorice, raisin, fig, date, smoke, char, herbal, wood, grass, pepper, and yeast/roast/toasted earthiness. Mild herbal, woody, grassy, peppery, roast, charred bitterness; and cinnamon spiciness on the finish. Lingering notes of milk/dark chocolate, cocoa, coffee, caramel, maple syrup, toffee, vanilla, cinnamon, nuts, biscuit, dark/brown bread/crust, dark fruit, smoke, char, herbal, wood, grass, pepper, and yeast/roast/toasted earthiness on the finish for a while. Awesome complexity, robustness, and balance of dark/roast/bready malts, cinnamon, maple, vanilla, and light earthy hop/fruity yeast flavors; with an awesome roast/hop bitter/sweet balance; and no cloying/acrid/astringent flavors after the finish. Lightly increasing dryness from lingering bitter/spiciness. Medium carbonation and fairly full body; with very smooth, creamy/silky/velvety/bready, and lightly sticky/chalky mouthfeel that is great. Minimal warming alcohol for 9%, or lingering cinnamon heat after the finish. Overall this is an awesome flavors imperial oatmeal stout. All around awesome complexity, robustness, and balance of dark/roast/bready malts, cinnamon, maple, vanilla, and light earthy hop/fruity yeast flavors; very smooth and dangerously easy to drink for the ABV, with the mildly bitter/drying finish; great soft/silky feel. Awesome balanced rich malts, cinnamon, maple, and vanilla flavors; with solid earthy hops and restrained fruity yeast. Not overly sweet/heavy from lingering dryness. A really enjoyable offering, and impressive spot on base style example as expected of the brewery. Amazingly balanced, and not overwhelming on any aspect.

Dogbrick (17956) - Columbus, Ohio, USA - OCT 3, 2020
UPDATED: OCT 3, 2020 Black pour with some brown around the edges, and a medium tan head that recedes gradually to a dense film. Sticky patches of lace. Roast malt, coffee, maple and cinnamon aroma. Medium to full body with flavors of roasted coffee, sweet maple, cinnamon and chocolate malt. The finish is sweet with a maple cinnamon mocha aftertaste. Good beer all around.

Stuu666 (24521) - Edinburgh, SCOTLAND - JUL 19, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 19, 2020 Can at home. Pours black, nose is maple syrup, roasted, coffee, spice, taste is similar, sweet, cloying.

shrubber85 (13675) - Greenville, Indiana, USA - JUL 11, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 11, 2020 Vanilla, cinnamon, bready malt, and light grass aroma - smells like french toast. Dark brown with minimal head. Moderately sweet vanilla, cinnamon, toasted bread malt, and mildly bitter grass flavor. Good body - very nice.

chucklemation (2764) - Royal Oak, Michigan, USA - APR 17, 2020
UPDATED: APR 17, 2020 Pours a jet black with a tan foam head. Aroma is molasses, roast, chocolate, cinnamon, and light maple. Flavor is dark fruits, maple, chocolate, chalky roast, and some cinnamon. Very well done.

flatmatt (2080) - Northville, Michigan, USA - APR 1, 2020
UPDATED: APR 1, 2020 16 oz can. Pours black with a tan head. Dark chocolate cinnamon aroma, coffee, leading into strong sweet maple. Flavor is quite a nice mix with cinnamon, cocoa, vanilla, coffee, and maple. Quite a tasty one.

JStax (10651) - Devola/Marietta, Ohio, USA - MAR 17, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 17, 2020 Pint can poured into a tulip glass. The beer is thicker black with a khaki head of foam. Sweet and roasty maple syrup character. Maple cream horn donut taste. Bigger body and medium carbonation. Delicious.

willisread (6518) - Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA - MAR 6, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 6, 2020 Can from Holiday Market. Pours a dark brown with a full finger of chestnut colored head that lingers, then dissipates. Cinnamon forward nose with baker's chocolate, and light vanilla. A touch boozy and a bit thin after pouring. As it warms up the body thickens up a bit with more cinnamon, cocoa powder and warming booze. Finishes quicker and thinner than the body lets on. Not bad, but not that exciting either.

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