Brewed by Caledonian Brewery (Heineken UK)
Style: Mild Ale
Edinburgh, Scotland
Serve in English pint


on tap


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RATINGS: 147   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.92/5   EST. CALORIES: 126   ABV: 4.2%
bottled, regular
Newcastle Cabbie is brewed with dark malts and noble aroma hops to create a flavour with hints of chocolate, coffee and light fruit.

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Cajun (609) - Lafayette, Louisiana, USA - JUL 14, 2016
Bottle- Pours black with soapy white head. Not much nose...but some roasted malt, coffee...and toast. Weak flavors... watery, roasted malt, nuts, coffee..meh. Not much bitter finish.

mjmoen (724) - - OCT 8, 2015
Pours a clear black color with white head. Very thin, almost sour flavor. Possible bad bottle.

ozzy70 (3090) - Omaha, Nebraska, USA - AUG 20, 2015
Bottle. Pours dark brown. Aroma of toasted grains and coffee. Taste of coffee and roasted malts. Good finish.

superspak (9600) - Greensboro, North Carolina, USA - JUL 10, 2015
12 ounce bottle into pint glass, bottled on 8/31/2014. Pours crystal clear deep reddish brown color with a 2 finger dense light khaki head with good retention, that reduces to a nice cap that lingers. Nice spotty soapy lacing clings on the glass, with a fair amount of streaming carbonation. Aromas of caramel, cocoa, coffee, brown sugar, toast, dark bread, light raisin/plum, herbal, and yeast/roasted earthiness. Nice and pleasant aromas with good balance and complexity of dark/roast/bready malt, earthy hops, and light-moderate fruity yeast notes; with solid strength. Taste of caramel, cocoa, coffee, toast, brown sugar, dark bread, light raisin/plum, herbal, and yeast/roasted earthiness. Light-moderate herbal/roasted bitterness on the finish; with lingering notes of caramel, cocoa, coffee, toast, brown sugar, dark bread, light raisin/plum, herbal, and yeast/roasted earthiness on the finish for a good bit. Nice complexity, robustness, and balance of dark/roast/bready malt, earthy hops, and light-moderate fruity yeast flavors; with a great bitterness/sweetness balance and zero cloying flavors after the finish. Medium carbonation and body; with a very smooth, fairly creamy, and slightly chalky mouthfeel that is nice. Alcohol is very well hidden with zero warming present after the finish as expected of 4.2%. Overall this is a nice English dark mild ale style. All around good robustness, complexity, and balance of dark/roast/bready malt, earthy hops, and light-moderate fruity yeast flavors; and very smooth and easy to drink. A nicely enjoyable offering.

hotstuff (5394) - Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA - MAR 14, 2015
Rated on 11-03-2013 (Bottle from Kroger’s Marketplace-Fort Wayne, IN) This beer pours a large ivory head with a long retention, transparent reddish brown body, fizzy, fast rising carbonation, and spotty amounts of lacing. The aroma is roasted malt and chocolate. The flavor is roasted malt, chocolate and a hint of coffee. The mouthfeel is smooth and this beer is light bodied. Overall, this beer lacks character, flavor and taste bland.

BassMan49 (8) - New Mexico, USA - JAN 2, 2015 does not count
This beer is just okay for me. The aroma was roasty really nothing special. I was okay to drink after I got off work a 2nd shift getting home at about 11 pm. Didn’t really make me want more than one. I probably would not buy it again.

conway (2210) - - DEC 17, 2014
Bottle. Dark ruby with a thick off white head. Aroma is cocoa and dark fruit. Taste becomes nothing but weirdly bitter dark fruit. Thin. Not enjoyable.

rondphoto (5071) - Lakeside Park, Kentucky, USA - NOV 16, 2014
bottle @ Party Town / Florence KY --- Clear brown with a tan head cover, sheets of lace. Aroma of roasted malt. Taste is surprisingly weak - light edgy malt (if that is possible) that is watery through the palate, adding light bitters on the swallow. I’ve always thought Newcastle Brown was a good go-to beer when nothing better is available, but Cabbie doesn’t come close to earning that much praise.

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - OCT 21, 2014
pretty close to as advertised in the brewer’s descripstion, but light all sorund, enough to not be too interesting. Not bad, though.

Darkmagus82 (2303) - - OCT 4, 2014
Transfer from BA review on 12-2-13- Poured from bottle into a pint glass Appearance – The beer pours a cola brown color with a huge and bubbly tan colored head of three finger height. The head has a great level of retention, very slowly fading over time and leaving a great level of streaky lace on the sides of the glass. Smell – The aroma is a mix of a light coffee smell, some roasted malt and a woody like smell. Along with these smells are some lighter notes of licorice and oak smell giving it a rather interesting aroma overall. Taste – The taste begins with a sweeter chocolate and roasted malt flavor. The flavors upfront and throughout the taste is rather light, which for the 4.2% abv session style brew is much anticipated. As the flavor advances from the start, some woody flavors as well as a bit of a cola like flavor comes to the tongue. The sweetens fades ever so slightly toward the end with the woody, chocolate and roasted flavors begins joined y a bit of a earthy flavor, to leave a rather light roasted, moderately sweetened and somewhat odd flavor to linger on the tongue. Mouthfeel –The body of the beer is on the rather thin and watery side with a carbonation level that is rather average. Overall – While it was rather light and somewhat flavorful, it just wasn’t all that smooth in my opinion. OK and a decent party session, but really nothing more.

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