RATINGS: 67   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.08/5   SEASONAL: Winter   IBU: 20   EST. CALORIES: 150   ABV: 5%
Seasonal Release Series. Marking the return of the World’s Fair after World War II, Expo 58 in Brussels brought inspiration, innovation and pleasure to the people of Belgium. With all the flavor, finesse, smoothness, and subtle clove esters of Belgian-style ales, this beer is our way of emerging from winter’s cold occupation.

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jgb9348 (9218) - Arlington (Pentagon City), Virginia, USA - NOV 20, 2017
Slightly hazy golden coloured body with a peach and copper glow and a thinnish, pure white head that fades relatively quickly. Aroma of dry malts, biscuits, grain, a touch of rye, some milder sugars with honey, apples and a little metallic funk noticeable at the very end. Light-bodied; Sharp lager-like yeast and malt at first with a biscuity bite and a lot of grain noticeable throughout with some apples, pears and coriander seed showing strongly at first but fades to more of a sweet fruity finish with more of the lager like yeast and biscuity bite. Aftertaste shows some noticeable hops that are relatively low in alpha acids and show some metallic and spice notes along with a dry finish of herbs and a relatively strong yeast flavour towards the end. Overall, a decent more-lager-flavour-than-ale beer with some mellow hops, a good deal of malt and yeast characteristics with a perceived grainy flavour along with some mellow hop flavours throughout make this nice to sample, but definitely not worthwhile unlike you like a drier IPL (this tasted more like a lager to me than any Ale) or are in love with Ninkasi's beers. I sampled this stubby twelve ounce bottle purchased from Perfect Pour in Elk Ridge, Maryland on 24-February-2016 for US$3,39 sampled at home in Washington on 20-November-2017.

UXO (1896) - CANADA - FEB 20, 2017
Appearance: slightly hazy pale straw with one fat finger of pillowy white head, good retention and minimal lacing. (3/5) Aroma: pale crackery malt, lime, clove, grassy hay. (6/10) Taste: moderate sweet, moderate-low bitter, light spice. (6/10) Palate: medium-light body, lively carbonation, dry lightly spicy finish. (3/5) Well, I went into this with zero expectations, so I can’t say I’m disappointed. And, initially, I thought this was going to be decent - but the lime and clove diminish rapidly, leaving behind a crackery pale malt that resembles a macro lager. Not a patch on a real Belgian. (12/20)

tightslice (2689) - Austin, Texas, USA - AUG 30, 2016
Bottle from BevMo! in Redwood City, CA. Aroma is grassy, light floral / hay, some skunk. Taste is light grass, then sweet grass, then bitter grass. Seemed like a cheap commercial take on a Belgian Pale.

DuffMan (10981) - the land of bitumen, beef & beer, Alberta, CANADA - JUL 13, 2016
Bottle, shared at game night. Bright clear yellow gold, average white head. Pale crackery malts, Belgian yeast esters, very dry finish-- bone dry. Better than I expected.

UncleKorm (1337) - Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA - JUL 5, 2016
Bottle poured a lightly hazed yellow hue w/ medium fizzy white diminishing head. Moderate citrus aroma. Initial flavor is light sweet w/ moderate bitter finish. Tastes are clove, grass, straw, and lime. Light bodied and lively carbonation. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

hayduke (6095) - Eureka, California, USA - JUN 26, 2016
Shared with Strykzone on Facebook Chat.. Poured yellow with a quick fading white head. Little or no lacing. Nose of grassy hops. Light in body. Flavor is like a Bud Light with Belgium yeast. Finish shows a hint of Belgium yeast. Almost skunky. Simply a dismal failure fro,m frist sip to last and some of this went down the drain. Sony I inflicted this one on Dave.

Strykzone (8457) - Wood River, Illinois, USA - JUN 26, 2016
12 ounce bottle from hayduke that we had together via facebook chat. Very clear light golden. A few bubbles rising. The head doesn’t last long. Not really a lot to look at. Aroma of Belgian yeast and candi sugar. Light fruit. First sip. Skunky as in a crappy European lager in a green bottle. Belgian yeast, herbal somethings, sugar. Throw some Belgian yeast and sugar into a Heineken . . . The metal often tasted in a "high gravity" offering. What happened here? Ninkasi is too good of a brewer to do this.

hockey9930 (462) - - JUN 15, 2016
Champagne appearance. Golden and bubbly. Aroma of hay and citrus and maybe a little pine. Light and refreshing. Strong hay/wheat flavor with light pine and citrus hop flavor, a little peppery. Fizzy and light palate.

BrewDad (5326) - Olympia, Washington, USA - MAY 23, 2016
Nice golden color sight haze with a white head. Good use of Belgian yeast this was a light easy drinking beer.

stevoj (12142) - Boise, Idaho, USA - APR 5, 2016
Bottle from Boise Co-op. Pours out a pale golden, body fairly slick and smooth. Light grainy nose, taste adds some grain sweetness, pure unfettered golden ale. Welcome, spring!

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