RATINGS: 218   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.35/5   SEASONAL: Spring   IBU: 38   EST. CALORIES: 180   ABV: 6%
Seasonal Release Series. Spring forward with this refreshing seasonal ale. Notes of toasted malt up front with a bright and crisp Northwest hop finish. It’s a session beer that everyone can enjoy.

Like many Ninkasi beers, this is an ale more than a specific style, though we put it in the Northwest Pale category. A light toasted malt flavor is more reminiscent of a British Pale, but the hops are bright and very Northwest. Flavorful and easy to drink!

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Drake (18900) - Appleton, Wisconsin, USA - AUG 21, 2016
12 ounce bottle from Beer Run, 3/6/16. Hazy amber, thin off-white head, fair retention. Aroma of toasted malts and citrus. The taste is citrus, tropical fruit, toasted malts. Medium bodied.

donandres (879) - Seattle, Washington, USA - JUL 13, 2016
12 ounce bottle to wine glass Appearance: light amber, golden orange color, hazy, cloudy, small off white foam Aroma: pleasant aroma, not hoppy, more on grains Taste: slightly bitter Palate: long bitter aftertaste Overall: Very good beer. ok to repeat, look for Drank: July 13, 2016

SudsMcDuff (8592) - .....Manchester United.........., Texas, USA - JUN 25, 2016
small sample from hands .. . mild gold, clear .. medium head, lacing .. . mild mouth, easy going .. lawn chair style beer, citrus and flowers .. nice but small .. . . the pain in spain caused by a cane in your brain

Bif (2972) - St. Charles, Missouri, USA - JUN 10, 2016
Bottle. Pours a golden color with a thick head and bits of lacing. Aroma of light fruits, pine and malt in the background. Taste of citrus, bit of pine and malt sweetness and grain. Nice bitterness, and a clean finish. Medium body, crisp and refreshing. Nice beer but a tad fruity.

drjay44 (4629) - Salida, Colorado, USA - JUN 8, 2016
12 oz. bottle. Pours a medium thick, well retained, tiny bubbled, off white head, with extensive lacing, over a slightly hazy gold (SRM 5) body.......nose is light pine, resin, slight citrus, mild toasted malts......taste is lightly sweet, with light floral notes, mild malts, light hop bitterness, with light pine, resin, slight citrus......mouth feel, light body, no alcohol, high carbonation. This is a quite light APA in both hop and malt aromas and flavors. The bitterness is low, making for an easy drinking beer, that really misses the style. BJCP 6/3/12/4/5

UXO (1896) - CANADA - MAY 28, 2016
Appearance: clear medium gold with one fat finger of rocky off-white head, good retention and moderate lacing. (4/5) Aroma: oranges and lemons, tropical fruit, pale malt, pine. (7/10) Taste: moderate-low sweet, moderate bitter. (6/10) Medium-light body, moderate carbonation, lingering bitter finish. (3/5) Smells pretty good, doesn’t taste quite as good. It’s one of those APAs that doesn’t really have the body or malt profile to support the hops, so it comes across as a little sharp and thin. It’s still OK, but nowhere near as good as e.g. their Maiden the Shade. At least it doesn’t suddenly drop off to a watery, thin finish the way some APAs do. (13/20)

argo0 (14125) - Washington DC, USA - MAY 24, 2016
12oz bottle. Small white head atop lightly hazed light amber body. Aroma is moderately sweet, orange/lemon, some bread, grapefruit. Taste is moderately sweet, lemon, some pine/grapefruit, light bread. Effervescent light-medium body.

obguthr (10432) - Staunton, Virginia, USA - MAY 9, 2016
Marigold and lemongrass nose, a little catty. Cloudy amber, fine floaties, medium head, nice lace. Orange and marigold, hints of honey. Medium body, moderate carbonation.

culchiem (5725) - IRELAND - APR 22, 2016
Bottle. Orange gold with a medium head. Fruity pils, grain and sugar. Very easy drinker

jkwalking05 (4743) - Arlington, Texas, USA - APR 15, 2016
12 oz bottle. Golden orange with a decent sized white head. Aroma is of grain, clementines, light florals, and grass. Taste is of ruby grapefruit, bitter florals, and grass. Bright and lively flavors.

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