Brewed by Nómada Brewing
Style: Sour / Wild Beer - Flavored
Sabadell (Barcelona), Spain
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RATINGS: 96   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.5/5   IBU: 26   EST. CALORIES: 201   ABV: 6.7%
Raspberry Sour Ale. De color rosado y espuma color blanco mate, en nariz es una tarta de frambuesa especiada. En boca es ácida y plena de frutos rojos con una textura muy agradable. El retrogusto juega entre el ácido y el amargo de forma sutil pidiendo otro trago. Revontulet significa aurora boreal, literalmente "fuego del zorro", en finés. Los lapones ancestrales creían que un zorro mitológico cruzaba las mesetas árticas e iluminaba el cielo con las chispas que se desprendían de su cola al chocar contra la nieve y los árboles. Cazar el zorro era el sueño secreto de los cazadores, y conseguirlo habría significado la culminación de toda una vida, riqueza y fama. Déjate envolver por la magia de Revontulet y siente como tus sentidos echan chispas.

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Foffern (2838) - Bodø, NORWAY - DEC 21, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 21, 2020 Bottle at Delicatessen, Bodø. Has a slightly hazy red colour with a small light beige head. Aroma of sweet cake, raspberries, hay, wheat, diacetyl and apricots. Flavour of concentrated raspberry candy, wheat, heather and some diacetyl. Has a slick mouth feel, medium body and a light bitterness. Pretty fruity flavour. Interesting ale but too bad with the diacetyl.

fistrin (693) - Lleida, POLAND - OCT 7, 2020
UPDATED: OCT 12, 2020 De tienda Solana. Aroma a gerds, malta, caramel... Gust semblant, toc àcid subtil.

Lowenbrau (5703) - Asturias, SPAIN - SEP 24, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 8, 2021 'Modern tick'. 2021 tick update. Original date: 24-09-2020 Keg @Cimmeria, Oviedo. Raspberry sour ale, some watery, some off aromas as well.

Bamsen78 (7609) - Sønderborg, DENMARK - SEP 5, 2020
UPDATED: SEP 5, 2020 Draught @ Fox & Hounds, Sønderborg, on Øllets Dag 2020. Pours hazy reddish amber with airy white head. Clear aroma of berries, yeast and malt, with mild touches of hops. Dry flavour of berries, with rough notes of yeast and hops and mild touches of malt. Vinous and estery aftertaste with malty hints. Decent, kot berry-aggressive like many other beers of this type I have had.

kustie (3602) - Tampere, FINLAND - JUN 25, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 25, 2020 Amber and a bit reddish color with off-white head. Aroma has caramel, malt, sour elements and berries. Taste is fruity with long sour and dry aftertaste. Flavors of berries, sour fruity notes, spices.

javiercrasher (1390) - Granada, SPAIN - MAY 24, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 24, 2020 Ligero aroma a frambuesa. Oleosa. En boca frutos rojos, pero curiosamente algo de madera y ligeramente salina. Final sutilmente ácido. No es lo refrescante que uno espera de una sour. BB 11/12/2020.

DraftDodger (5615) - Copenhagen, DENMARK - MAY 2, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 2, 2020 Copenhagen 2/5 2020. 33 cl bottle from Meny, Rotunden, Hellerup. Split panel on the label with s close-up of a Fox and a beautiful nocturnal sky. Pours unclear burgundy with a small white head. Settles as thin, flimsy layer of foam unable to cover the surface of the beer. No lacing. Aroma is medium intense with a strong fruity sweetness and a more subtle sourness. Distinct odor of sweet raspberries, elderberry and sugar. Lighter sourness peeking in. Medium strong carbonation. Thin, watery, tingling texture. A little sticky. Flavor is medium intense with a medium strong sweetness followed by a more moderate sourness. Aftertaste is a bit more sour but still with an inherent sweetness. Finish is semidry with a light touch of alcohol. More 'flavored' than sour. But a pleasant enough drink.

Defreni (4870) - Husum, DENMARK - MAR 11, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 11, 2020 Flaske. Vild duft af hindbær på denne mindre pæne øl som er lidt grumset. Duften er som sagt vild. Konen siger lidt passion. Smagen er mindre sur end forventet men frisk og lækker. God øl.

Sigmund (11541) - Tau, NORWAY - FEB 12, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 12, 2020 Sample at Vectura-messe. as Revontulet Raspberry Sour Ale. Clear orange to peach colour. Aroma of sour berries. Sour flavour, notes of sour raspberries and rowanberries. Not particularly good.

Juks (4443) - Tallinn, ESTONIA - JAN 28, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 28, 2020 330ml bottle. Pours cloudy amber colour, huge beige head, look is overcarbonated. Aroma is jammy, boiled raspberry jam, bit sugary, caramelly, slightly bretty, oaky. Taste is caramelly, fruity, ripe raspberry, oaky, bretty. Finish has some acidic and bretty notes. Medium body, high carbonation. Carbonation has problems, but overally really decent fruit sour.

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