RATINGS: 319   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.36/5   EST. CALORIES: 240   ABV: 8%
Originally brewed for Whole Foods. Belgian yeasts are legendary for the fruity flavor and floral bouquet they give beer. Hundreds are used by Belgian brewers and each is unique. Cru d’Or, a Belgian Style Abbey Ale is an homage to this magic ingredient and the result is a world class beer that is lush and profoundly aromatic with a warming finish. Being organic, Cru d’Or is brewed with the same reverence for pure ingredients as the Abbey and Farmhouse Belgian ales of the past. Delicious.

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slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - OCT 18, 2014
"there was something different about this one that i can’t put a finger on that makes it stand out a little from the plethora of abbeys out there. thoroughly enjoyable, complex beer."

BOSSbrewer (2705) - Arkansas, USA - AUG 23, 2013
Got this in Kansas City. Pours a golden dark color. A bit boozy with strong alcohol notes. Too pricy for the quality of the beer.

daad (115) - SWEDEN - FEB 12, 2013
Pleasant aroma, taste and palate, but I’m not thrilled. [short review due to it coming from my backlog]

superspak (9600) - Greensboro, North Carolina, USA - DEC 19, 2012
12 ounce bottle into tulip glass, no bottle dating. Pours very hazy dark reddish brown color with a 1 finger fairly dense khaki head with good retention, that reduces to a thin lace that lingers. Spotty wisps of foamy lacing cling on the glass. Aromas of raisin, prune, caramel, toffee, toast, chocolate, dark bread, earth, and light yeast spiciness. Nice aromas with good balance and decent strength. Taste of raisin, prune, toffee, caramel, toast, chocolate, earth, bread, and light yeast spiciness. Lingering notes of dark fruit, toffee, caramel, toast, chocolate, bread, and yeast earthiness on the finish for a bit. Very nice balance and complexity of flavors; nicely robust with zero cloying flavors on the finish. Light-medium carbonation and medium bodied; with a creamy and slick mouthfeel that is nice. Alcohol is very well hidden with only a slight warming noticed after the finish. Overall this is a very good Belgian dark ale. Nice complexity, balance, and robustness of flavors; and very smooth to sip on. A nicely enjoyable offering.

MadIndian (2743) - Levittown, Pennsylvania, USA - DEC 13, 2012
Bottle. Interesting brew. Seemed like a lot going on. Some moleasses, dark fruit esters, chocolate, some floral aromas and bread. The blend was off, but not horrile.

Lubiere (19735) - Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA - SEP 22, 2012
A hazed brown ale with a thin brown head. In aroma, light candy sugar with notes of dark fruits, plum and mineral water. In mouth, a sweet molassey malt with notes of burned sugar, orange peels, a bit boring...

FURLYSURIOUS (263) - Orono, Minnesota, USA - JUL 15, 2012
Huge thanks to match1112 for this treat. Not sure what the vintage is but he told me that the beer has a few years on it. Poured from 12oz bottle to Duvel over-sized tulip glass: Pours a hazy caramel brown with a finger or two of tannish head that receeds to one side of the glass, no real collar but still a slight bit of lacing. Big toffee and dates on the nose. Some mushy cherries and red grapes. Very smooth and no detectable oxidation or booze presence. Those bright fruits have settled down quite a bit. Some figs, a very slight cardboard taste that lingers - just barely noticeable. Pretty dry finish. It seems as though the beer has lost nearly all its carbonation. Just enough to produce a short-lived head. Never thought I’d get the chance to try this beer - thanks very much Matt!

GT (10001) - San Diego, California, USA - JAN 21, 2012
355mL thanks to brainlair. Clear, deep ruby with a larger yellowish head with good retention. No lace really. Very malty, heavier nose with barleywine toffee and caramel nose. Surprisingly similar to Old Stock. Taste is watery, void, pretty bland. Palate is soapy, empty. Very odd.

flatmatt (2080) - Northville, Michigan, USA - SEP 25, 2011
12 oz bottle. Pours amber with an off-white head. Candied fruit aroma, berry, cherry, banana, and bubble gum. Flavor immediately reminds me of cotton candy, sugary with banana, berry, caramel, toffee, raisin. Actually unique and quite nice.

beernovice39 (3269) - Idaho, USA - JUL 10, 2010
Bottle pours a muddy red/brown with a tiny tan head and lacing. Scent is malts, caramel and fruit, dates? Taste is sweet and tart with no bitterness, dry finish.

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