Brewed by Nuevo Mundo Cerverceria
Style: Porter
Lima, Peru


on tap


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RATINGS: 16   MEAN: 3.23/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.17/5   IBU: 25   EST. CALORIES: 183   ABV: 6.1%
Estilo: Brown porter
Alcohol: 6.1%
Color: Oscura / SRM: 25
Descripción: Tostada, intensa en sabores de cacao y café. Tiene la fuerza de los Andes con su carácter amable y honesto.

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Tide (8501) - Helsinki, FINLAND - NOV 12, 2018
UPDATED: NOV 12, 2018 Bottle at Nuevo Mundo Cusco. Dark brown color, beige head. Bitter taste with roasted malts, nuts, coffee, cacao, a bit of dark fruits and toast. Bitter finish with roasted malts, coffee, cacao, nuts, toast and a bit of dark fruits. Very nice porter.

Ratman197 (22138) - Denver, Colorado, USA - AUG 25, 2018
Bottle poured a hazy reddish amber with a small lasting amber head. Aromas of toffee, dried fruit and light tobacco. Palate was medium bodied and smooth with a dry finish. Flavors of toffee, dried fruit and spice with a smooth dry lingering spiced toffee finish.

kanaclane (1097) - - AUG 9, 2018
Nez: Chocolat, fruits secs Bouche: Chocolat, noisette, onctueuse, vanille Un American Porter, onctueux, qui est très porté sur des notes de chocolat noir et de noisette avec des notes de vanille dans le final.

MartinT (10698) - Montreal, Quebec, CANADA - FEB 1, 2018
My Bottom Line:
Fruity tobacco moves into roastiness and peppery hoppiness for a lean Porter.

Further Personal Perceptions:
-A veil of foam covers the reddish brown.
-Malts aren’t all that satisfying for a Porter.
-Slender body and effervescence help drinkability, but don’t really work for my tastes in Porter.
-This would make a good Brown Ale though.

On tap at their bar in Cusco.

tomandoaltura (360) - - NOV 11, 2017
Apariencia : marrón semitranslúcido (25 SRM aprox.); cabeza color beige intenso; buena retención; buen encaje Aroma: chocolate de leche y café; lúpulos herbales muy tenues Boca: fresco ingreso; café de cafetera italiana de tostado intenso; amargor medio (25 IBU aprox.); final seco; cuerpo ligero-medio; buena carbonatación.

blankboy (9237) - Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - SEP 1, 2016
[Bottle (330ml)] Pours a very dark brown with an average size long-lasting frothy tan head. Aroma of lightly toasted caramel malt, nuts, light hops, lactose, a bit of chocolate and some earthiness. Malty, toasty and fruity flavour, a bit sweet, with notes of coffee and a decent amount of hops. Light to moderate bitter finish. Light to average bodied. Not a bad Porter, decent.

Lubiere (19735) - Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA - JUL 28, 2016
A reddish copper porter with a thin mocha head. In aroma, sweet fruity caramel malt with light chocolate notes, light vanilla, OK. In mouth, a sweet fruity malt with light chocolate notes, grassy hops, light mineral notes, light metallic notes, so-so. On tap at brewery.

LBarouf (141) - Ontario, CANADA - JUN 12, 2016
330ml Bottle from ChocoMuseo in Lima: Pours in a very dark robe masking the effervescence and tops with a nice thick cream/tan color neck that lasts the whole time you drink it. Strong chocolate aroma (ethically harvested chocolate from a COOP they tell me) with hints of coffee and earthy notes. Medium sweet taste with a full round body, creamy texture and abrupt finish. Overall a nice chocolate porter worth discovering. Well balanced. Recommended!

MohaBeer (301) - Lima, PERU - MAY 4, 2016
Marrón con notas rojizas, espuma regular poca adherencia. Diacetilo, malta maltoso caramelo moderado, lúpulo terroso moderado bajo, notas tostadas, toffee, caramelo suave, ligeras notas a café. En boca malta maltoso tostado moderado, lúpulo de amargor moderado sin astringencia, lúpulo terroso moderado bajo, acidéz cítrica, ésteres a café, tostados, diacetilo con untuosidad. Final maltoso-ácido prolongado sin astringencia. Cuerpo medio, buena carbonatación.

Sevenlee (1845) - Central Coast, NSW, AUSTRALIA - JAN 27, 2016
Pours black with a small brown head. Aroma is malt, roasty, chocolate, coffee and some earthy notes. Taste is medium sweet leading to a roasty finish.

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