Odell Mountain Standard Double Black IPA

RATINGS: 328   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.81/5   SEASONAL: Winter   IBU: 56   EST. CALORIES: 243   ABV: 8.1%
As winter sets in we embrace the darkness with this Black IPA—released as Daylight Savings falls back to MST. We brew it with hops handpicked on Colorado’s Western Slope. The assertive American hop profile and roasted malt character balance perfectly with just a touch of bitterness. Go ahead. Give in to the dark side.

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AWISLguy (5965) - Wisconsin, USA - JUN 16, 2018
UPDATED: JUN 17, 2018 Welcome to Wisconsin Odell! 16oz can from Discount Liquor in Waukesha. No can date. Pours a very dark brown with a beige head leaving a lot of coats of lace coming down the glass. Aroma has big chocolate and roasted malts, some caramel and a touch of black malts, with some pine and some citrus. Taste is of black patent malts, caramel, some dark chocolate, pine, and some grapefruit. Smooth and blended well, there is little alcohol presence, and the body is medium or a bit more. Finishes pretty well blended between bitter and sweet, slightly leaning to the bitter black malt side. Loving that grapefruit / black malt bitterness combination against the smooth sweet malts. This is a solid example of style mixing those sweet malts and the tangy hops fairly well. 14.6

fonefan (69306) - VestJylland, DENMARK - MAR 30, 2018

Bottle 12fl.oz. @ The Shnoodlepip, London.

[ As Odell Mountain Standard Double Black India Pale Ale ].
ABV: 9.5%. Clear dark brown colour with a average, frothy, good lacing, mostly lasting, off-white head. Aroma is moderate malty, roasted, light burnt, moderate hoppy, pine, wood. Flavor is moderate to light heavy sweet and moderate bitter with a long duration, wood, roasted, dark malt, pine, fruity hops. Body is medium, texture is oily, carbonation is soft. [20160809]

Hammy78 (991) - Dundas, Ontario, CANADA - MAR 30, 2018
Score from my hot wife one her visit from Texas. Pours a dark dark brown black with a tinge of red with a head that dies to a thick ring . Nose is sweet caramel, toffee, booze, vanilla, sugar. Tastes sweet, vanilla, caramel, touch of bitter. Not unlike an old ale, has a little booze bite. This is fantastic, although doesn't seem very black IPA like to me.

zoucrew102 (4959) - - JAN 20, 2018
Can. Roasted malt aroma with notes of chocolate, citrus and pine resiny hops. Pours black with a large tan head that has excellent retention and good lacing. Starts with roasted malt and some chocolate malt as well as a rich, full body. Finishes dry, but quite smooth with citrus hop flavors as well as a little bit of pine resiny hop bitterness. Excellent black ipa.

wombat23 (4235) - Austin, Texas, USA - JAN 10, 2018
12 oz. can. Pours black with a beige head. Aroma and flavors of citrus, roasted malt, pine, chocolate notes. Very tasty.

Andrew196 (2455) - Katy, Texas, USA - DEC 26, 2017
Lovely pour, perfect, black with a frothy light beige head... Thick and lasting head. Nose is earth, coffee and florals. Thin-medium feel, slight bite. Very interesting palate for this one, earth, coffee, licorice, more florals, then some spearmint. Outstanding version of this style.

GTAEgeek (4660) - Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA - DEC 17, 2017
On tap at Brewer's Republic. Pours black, with a medium, frothy, tan head. Caramel and milk chocolate, with some pine tar, and rye. Sweet and syrupy, with a nice, smooth bitterness. Medium to heavy body, with a syrupy, thick feeling. This is a delicious black IPA.

elbernays (1834) - Dublin, IRELAND - DEC 8, 2017
Can from Baggott St wines. Pours black with reddish hue with tan head. 8.1% version. Pine, earth, black berry, hints of leather. Flavour is charcoal earth, sweet blackberry jam with an ashen wood finish. Sweet dark fruit finish. Smooth and cream mouthfeel. A classy black ipa.

balloonbuffoon (1125) - - DEC 6, 2017
12floz can, BBD: 02.16.2018, $1.75 unit cost. The ABV indicated on the can is 8.1%, and "double" is not part of name. It's just "Mountain Standard Black IPA." Poured into a pint glass, where it appears a dark brown color with a large sugary hop invoking head. Smells like green stems, mmm...green. Chewy, moderate bitterness, and latent sweetness are this beer's markings. It's like drinking liquid bark, leaves, and brown sugar. It's fair, but it doesn't elevate my opinion of the style

drpimento (6063) - La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA - DEC 2, 2017
UPDATED: JUL 30, 2018 Very good black double IPA. Aroma is Hap's roast dark malt. Had a very long lasting frothy Light tan head and lots of sticky lace. Flavor is like nose, balanced and easy drinking. Great finish and smooth body.

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