RATINGS: 355   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.76/5   SEASONAL: Spring   IBU: 24   EST. CALORIES: 267   ABV: 8.9%
There is one who foretells what is coming. How the future grows darker each day. That an ancient voice soon will be calling, and good folks will be caught in its sway.

For the soothsayer brews a magnificent ale, deep and black, through the blackest of arts. He predicts its pure notes, without secrets or spice, will tempt tongues, will turn heads, will steal hearts.

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climberbob (777) - Virginia, USA - DEC 28, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 28, 2020 750 ml bottle aged for 1-2 years? Black with thin head. Aroma of raisins and toffee with some vanilla in there. Toasty malt forward with some mild bitterness up front. Similar taste with more on the toffee vanilla side of things. Hints of leather In there too. Not too sweet. Not too heavy either. Pretty good.

OsuStu (495) - - DEC 22, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 22, 2019 750 ml bottle. Near black pour with a big brown head. Aromas of raisins and prunes, clove and cinnamon, Belgian yeast, chocolate, and molasses. A little booze. Tastes of clove and other spices, cocoa, dried dark fruit, burnt sugar, molasses. Bready but kept fairly light and smooth with effervescence. Pretty enjoyable sipper.

zoucrew102 (4959) - - JUL 21, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 21, 2019 750ml corked bottle. Toffee malt aroma with notes of cocoa, Belgian yeast, clove and caramel. Pours black with one finger of mocha brown head that has excellent retention and lacing. Starts with sweet toffee, cocoa and caramel malt flavors as well as having a rich, full body and smooth mouthfeel. Finishes smooth with spicy Belgian yeast and clove flavors. Really nice Belgian dark.

hershiser2 (7469) - Charlottesville, Virginia, USA - MAY 27, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 27, 2019 About $10 bomber from WW. Drinking this one in memory of Regan. Thanks for being my cat. Pours dark brown, almost black, with an inch of tan head. Aroma is coca, raisin, light spice, chocolate. Flavor is raisin, cocoa, chocolate, caramel, light metallic notes, yeast, wheat, light glue, molasses.

AgentAle (2819) - Fort Mcmurray, Alberta, CANADA - APR 14, 2019
UPDATED: APR 14, 2019 Aroma is dark fruits , raisins and a mild spices. Taste is rich sweet malts , candy sugar and dark fruits. Great depth and balance.

George999 (690) - Colorado, USA - OCT 19, 2018
UPDATED: OCT 19, 2018 Aroma: bottle - toffee, clove and banana. As the aroma settles a light Belgium yeast. There are spice notes similar to pepper. There are a low grassy hop notes. Appearance: Dark brown in appearance with Auburn highlights, slightly opaque but light pierced the edges. The head is retained but thin about a centimeter thick and tan in color with tiny bubbles. Flavor: you a lot of the Belgian beer flavors from the yeast. The lingering flavor is raisins and toasted almonds. There's a forward flavor it's like stone fruit but I can't place what fruit. There are notes of toffee on this edge of the tongue, but it's rather light. Balance is malty and the Hops are providing a sharpness and crispness to the beer, but cannot peg which flavor. Mouthfeel: A medium body with high carbonation and medium alcohol warmth. Not creamy, and low astringency. Overall: as the beer warms the flavors are starting to blend and get a lot more pleasant but the carbonation level seems a little high for this beer. kind of needs to settle out.

mcox90 (2790) - Wilton, New Hampshire, USA - JUL 26, 2018
UPDATED: JUL 27, 2018 750 ml bottle split several ways. Probably a 4 oz. pour. Poured a deep, dark brown with a bubbly mocha head. Dark fruits and molasses on the aroma. Flavor is quite sweet with Belgians notes, molasses and candied sugar. Medium bodied and bubbly in the mouth.

BigBeer45 (1681) - Michigan, USA - MAR 9, 2018
Bottle served in a glass, this ale was dark brown in the glass, it had a tan cover, it left nice tan spots and fingers of lacing on the glass with some small sheets of bubbles, there were aromas of dark bread, dark fruit – raisin, fig and a little date, some toasted bread crust, a hint of spice with maybe a note of pumpernickel, dark fruit sweetness and faint brown sugar, the flavor followed the nose, dark fruit – raisin, date and fig, dark bread, dark malt and dark bread sweetness with dark fruit, some brownie chocolate notes, there was a little pepper spice at the finish, malt followed with dark fruit and dark bread afterwards, the mouth feel was more than medium, it was creamy and there was average to lively carbonation, this drink was a nice dark Belgian strong ale, it had less spice than your typical DBSA, I enjoyed the flavor more than the nose, a nice drink.

KevinReddirt (1138) - Midland, Texas, USA - DEC 29, 2017
An arrival from San Angelo, TX by my daughter knowing I like the Belgian end of things. Taking the cage and cork from the 750 ml bottle I pour into my New Belgium globe glass. I find a very dark, just short of black, body topped by a healthy, persistent ivory tan head. The nose is swell, plum, cane sugar and bread. I take a taste. Mostly straightforward with a plum and grain opening going on with biscuit and more bitterness than expected. Thick in the mouth. Ommegang is one of my favorites as a brewery, this is just less than anticipated. But that is why we try them, is it not?

gripweed57 (5605) - Hamilton Square, New Jersey, USA - NOV 11, 2017
On tap at The Mint in Bethlehem, PA. Opaque dark brown with a brief tan head. Rich chocolate malt nose. Flavor is rich and silky roasted malt, cocoa and dark coffee. Bittersweet chocolate and cardamom notes in finish. Sip it slow and contemplate your soul patch.

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