Brewed at Buxton Brewery

Style: Porter - Imperial Flavored
Stockholm, Sweden
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RATINGS: 147   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.16/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 345   ABV: 11.5%
Big imperial porter brewed with maple syrup, cocoa nibs, cassia cinnamon, vanilla and lactose sugar.

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rob19a (1158) - - JUN 5, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 5, 2020 17/20 maple with a bit of depth, very nice, still has that sugary sweet taste that doesn't quite work for me

superspak (9600) - Greensboro, North Carolina, USA - AUG 31, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 31, 2019 330 ml bottle into snifter, bottled in 8/2017. Pours fairly cloudy dense pitch black color with a small dense tan head with good retention, that reduces to a thin spotty lace cap that lingers. Light spotty lacing clings on the glass, with a light amount of streaming carbonation. Aromas of big milk/dark chocolate, cocoa, coffee, maple syrup, caramel, brown sugar, toffee, cinnamon, vanilla, cream, fudge, brownie/cake batter, roasted nuts, toasted biscuit, and dark bread; with lighter notes of molasses, licorice, dark fruit, smoke, char, leather, tobacco, herbal, grass, pepper, and yeast/roast/toasted earthiness. Slight booze in the aromas as it warms. Damn nice aromas with great balance and complexity of dark/black/roast/bready malts, maple syrup, cocoa, cinnamon, vanilla, lactose, and light earthy hop/fruity yeast notes; with big strength. Taste of huge milk/dark chocolate, cocoa, coffee, maple syrup, caramel, brown sugar, toffee, cinnamon, vanilla, cream, fudge, brownie/cake batter, roasted nuts, toasted biscuit, and dark bread; with lighter notes of molasses, licorice, dark fruit, smoke, char, leather, tobacco, herbal, grass, pepper, and yeast/roast/toasted earthiness. Very mild herbal, grass, roast, charred bitterness; and cinnamon spiciness on the finish. Lingering notes of milk/dark chocolate, cocoa, coffee, maple syrup, caramel, brown sugar, toffee, cinnamon, vanilla, cream, fudge, brownie/cake batter, roasted nuts, toasted biscuit, dark bread, light smoke/char, leather, tobacco, herbal, grass, pepper, and yeast/roast/toasted earthiness on the finish for a while. Amazing complexity, robustness, and balance of dark/black/roast/bready malts, maple syrup, cocoa, cinnamon, vanilla, lactose, and light earthy hop/fruity yeast flavors; with a nice roasted bitter/sweet/spiciness balance; and no cloying, acrid, astringent flavors after the finish. Lightly increasing dryness from lingering bitter/spiciness. Light-medium carbonation and extremely full body; with a very smooth, creamy/silky/velvety/slick/bready, and lightly sticky/chalky mouthfeel that is fantastic. Minimal warming alcohol for 11.5%. Overall this is an amazing imperial porter! All around amazing complexity, robustness, and balance of dark/black/roast/bready malts, maple syrup, cocoa, cinnamon, vanilla, lactose, and light earthy hop/fruity yeast flavors; very smooth and dangerously easy to sip on for the big ABV, with the minimally bitter/drying finish. Amazingly soft/silky feel. Amazing balance of super rich malts, maple syrup, vanilla, lactose, and cinnamon flavor complexity; with mild earthy hops and fruity yeast. Not overly sweet/heavy from lingering dryness. A highly enjoyable offering, and top tier quality dessert style example as expected.

Onesimus (114) - Nottinghamshire, ENGLAND - JUN 26, 2019
Gorgeous beer, super sweet and syrupy body. Small coffee coloured but short lived head. Moderate aromas

Zlotta (7579) - Hagen, GERMANY - APR 30, 2019
UPDATED: APR 30, 2019 0.33 l bottle from 'Ace Drinks', best before December 2022, cellared for over a year. Pitch black with a thin, slowly diminishing, brown layer. Intensely sweetish-malty, gently roasty aroma of praline, nougat, mocca, vanilla and hazelnut. Heavily sweet, malty, gently roasty taste of praline, nougat, mocca, vanilla, hazelnut and even a touch of coconut, followed by a medium long, gently roasty-bitter finish. Almost full-bodied, smooth and slightly creamy mouthfeel, soft carbonation. One of the sweetest beers I've ever had but there is also enough roastiness for the balance. The taste is absolutely gorgeous, it's literally a liquid praline, absolutely intriguing stuff.

bytemesis (13152) - Sunnyvale, California, USA - JAN 14, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 14, 2019 Bottle thanks to Nikos! Pours inky black, small black heat, dissipates fairly slowly with nice residual and lacing. Aroma is pancakes with cinnamon and chocolate topping. Crazy rich and decadent. Flavor is perhaps a tad sweet - diabetes in a glass more accurately, with light bitterness. Maple and cinnamon dominate, but heavy milk chocolate and vanilla as well. Full body, creamy mouthfeel, low carbonation. I cannot even imagine how many calories are in this thing. I really want to hate it for how far it is from anything resembling an actual beer, but wow is it good.

macca147 (1839) - Sydney, AUSTRALIA - DEC 26, 2018
UPDATED: DEC 26, 2018 330ml bottle, purchased from Buxton. Christmas eve 2018. Pours a jet black with a tan head. Aroma: roasted malt, milk chocolate, cocoa, brown sugar, maple, mild bourbon notes. Taste: milk chocolate, maple, brown sugar, mild oak, mild bourbon, cocoa, toasted grain, mild roasted malt flavours. Smooth consistency. Mild chocolatey sweetness followed by a boozy and maple finish. Full bodied. Very well balanced. Not sickly sweet, not overly boozy. This was exceptional. So easy to drink! Definitely the best beer from Omnipollo!

simont1 (687) - Stockholm, SWEDEN - OCT 18, 2018
UPDATED: OCT 18, 2018 Aroma of cocoa, artificial maple syrup, cinnamon. Taste of sugar, cinnamon, cocoa. Super sweet, completely undrinkable. This is just chocolate sauce with artificial maple syrup flavorings.

mR_fr0g (23876) - Hertfordshire, ENGLAND - AUG 1, 2018
Bottle shared at the Columbus tasting, 25/07/2018. Many thanks. To Tipple. An oily black brown coloured pour with a halo of tan head. Aroma is nice big maple, chocolate, , vanilla, huge, alcohol. Flavour is composed of big sweet, brown sugars, maple, praline, pancakes, oily, . Lingering brown sugars, maple pancakes. Palate is very sweet, oily, moderate carbaotnion. Nice.

Theydon_Bois (33079) - Hazlemere, the lower Xhitlerns, Buckinghamshire, ENGLAND - JUL 26, 2018
Bottle split at L6, thanks to Tipple, 25/07/18. Black with a tan cap that dissipates to a swirl. Nose is rich in maple syrup, toasted waffles, chocolate, toffee, melted brown sugar. Taste comprises toffee fudge, chocolate, syrup doused waffles, maple streak, nutty snap. Full bodied, oily feel, light warming alcohol in the close. Fun stuff but overly sweet and lacking a bit of balance to be a great.

Leighton (30699) - London, Greater London, ENGLAND - JUL 25, 2018
Bottle shared in London - cheers to Tips. Pours black-brown with a small, creamy tan head. Nice ashy roast in the nose, secondary notes of maple, cocoa. Medium sweet flavour, notes of char, baking cocoa, background maple, burnt sugar, toffee. Full bodied, oily and chewy, with fine carbonation. Warming finish, some bitter dark chocolate, more ash, maple, earth. Good stuff overall.

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